Please help me with vanishing Full dmd>…………>&^%$#$%^&*

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  • #228362

      I have been pulling my hair out for the last 3 days trying to fix this.  I have followed major frenchys directions, twice, read @nailbuster directions, watched videos, asked on facebook, prayed, killed a hooker and finished a fifth……..

      i was running the latest popper, then i went to the beta, i have all screens properly set, all media there, when i launch a table, flip a damn coin and it will tell you if my full dmd video will play for 5 seconds after table loads, 10 secs or the entire time.  Some tables work today, some last night, then they dont…….

      I have about 200 full dmd videos playing on my 15.6 screen.  after i launch, it seems like if i time the launch with how the video is playing in popper it will keep playing while the table is loaded, but if not, it only plays 1 time and then doesnt loop back………. please help me so i can get back to building tables……



        first try this to start to eliminate stuff.

        in popper game menu… run via recording mode (which disables full screen exclusive).   Does your dmd still stay on and loop?

        if no…then

        In your launch script for virtual pinball.  Change the line where it runs vpinballx.exe.     Just put vpinballxY.exe,  it will error but thats ok.  Wait 60 seconds after launch and popper will auto-hide timeout.   Do your dmdvideos loop when vpx is not running?

        that will start the process to at least know where to start looking.




          @nailbuster I am on my 8th or so recording and yes it stays on.


            Then I went and played a regular table in popper not recording  and it turned off


              cool.  so you know the problem is when vpx runs fullscreen exclusive,  VLC player cannot loop videos.

              now you just need to figure out why.  Common things might be different hz setup between monitors/modes/vpx settings.  Like will happen if you run 30hz on your playfield by accident.

              perhaps you’re running two video cards?  and windows isn’t allowing the stuff to work between cards?

              just need to find out why your windows doesn’t like media playing while giving vpx fsx…really no popper settings will help.



                I am running the dmd screen off of my onboard graphics card but I was doing that before.  I had videos playing on my dmd before and they were fine.  I will investigate though thanks


                  I have a regular 15.6 laptop screen for dmd.  The resolution is 1280×800.  It’s set on vpx and win 10 the same.  What hz would that be though?


                  disregard, windows says 60

                  • This reply was modified 3 years, 3 months ago by Tom.

                    I am at a loss.   Tried my old dmd screen and original settings with small dmd and no full dmd… same.
                    my next course is to figure out why my DisplayPorts aren’t working on my GTX 1080.  If they were I could run all 3 screens off it…


                      I was thinking last night what has changed and it was me updating from a gtx970 to a 1070 card.  That’s the difference.  Why that card wouldn’t work well with my onboard card I can’t tell


                        I was thinking last night what has changed and it was me updating from a gtx970 to a 1070 card. That’s the difference. Why that card wouldn’t work well with my onboard card I can’t tell

                        Sometimes the on board video stuff does not like working with a video card your best bet is a shut it off in the bios


                          Prob is the 1080 DP is not working.  Gonna have it looked at but currently using hdmi for PF and dvi for BG.  If I had the use of the DisplayPort I would use it for 3rd screen.


                            Yah… onboard GPU’s tend to cause oddities with almost anything related to videos and games.

                            Simply put… you’re better off not using / enabling it if possible. Same goes for adding a second video card, or a USB based video card,etc.


                            This is an instance where having a cabinet like @BorgDog has with his Star Wars Wedgehead that uses a vertical backbox monitor that allows for everything to be displayed on one screen…and only two outputs needed. I was considering doing that years ago long before PuP or FullDMD or toppers or other front ends existed.

                            Today.. if I rebuilt my backbox… I would consider that as an option.


                              I am too far in for that one.  This issue didn’t even exist with my 970 card so I am baffled.  I had dmd movies playing for many tables that didnt have dmds


                                Did you used DP for the 970 ? If not, that is a change and it might very well be the cable quality.


                                  I am too far in for that one. This issue didn’t even exist with my 970 card so I am baffled. I had dmd movies playing for many tables that didnt have dmds

                                  I run a 1070 card and works fine with everything
                                  I can use the 5 ports on the card plus the On board but it’s all depends on the hardware
                                  I would turn off the onboard see what happens make sure your drivers are up-to-date you may have to update the bios or something
                                  Make sure you have the video card in the best slot


                                    Only 1 slot for that video card.  I updated drivers.  I also updated the bios on the card and when I did the screen lit up and worked but the computer wanted to restart and after that it wouldn’t work.  I updated the bios again and the screen worked and again the computer asks needed to restart for the update and it wouldn’t work.  I don’t think the cable is the problem


                                      at this point if i cant find a fix, my only option is to go back to pinballY.  i did like that program but its a shame because i loved popper…  not gonna dish out $200+ on a new card


                                        whats sad is that my current setup works just fine in PinballX…..sad


                                          @nailbuster. i decided to run the second test you had me do.  The reason i did is because i disabled force exclusive fullscreen in vpx and the full dmd still went away in popper.  I did this:

                                          if no…then

                                          In your launch script for virtual pinball.  Change the line where it runs vpinballx.exe.     Just put vpinballxY.exe,  it will error but thats ok.  Wait 60 seconds after launch and popper will auto-hide timeout.   Do your dmdvideos loop when vpx is not running?

                                          that will start the process to at least know where to start looking.

                                          it gave me the error and then about a min later the pf disappeared and then the dmd screen went away.  does this tell you anything.  i am reaching sir, i appreciate the help.

                                          i wouldnt mind doing a fresh install.  is there a way to save the database so i dont have to click through 800 tables again and choose the right one so the details show up?? or do you think a fresh install is not the issue


                                            Popper uses sqlite – so, a copy of the folder will also save the database. I don’t think you need to do a re-install. Just, figure out what @nailbuster already, (probably) suspects being the problem.

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