Reply To: Sons of Anarchy (Original 2019) VPX MOD


    First of all, thank you very much for this very nice table !  Great work !  :good:  

    But I also have to say that I’ve got the same issue than “multigame 1209” on my 2-screens cabinet : I can’t play until I move the mouse on my PF screen and click on it…

    Is someone able to solve this problem ?

    FYI, I had the same problem with Diablo (another table with UltraDMD), but I found a fix on VPForums. I had to delete 2 script lines:

    While UltraDMD.IsRendering = True

    It solved the problem for Diablo Pinball. I hope a script expert  will find what to do on the SOA table and that the solution is as simple as for Diablo…


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