Reply To: Totem (Gottlieb 1979) Mod 1.0


    Thanks Wildman, I am going to still try and get a scan of the backglass so we can update it.  The only other change to the backglass I would like to do is make the “Gottlieb” glow purple.  I changed my bulb and it looks great.

    1.2 is up.  I added missing switches, swapped a switch for the L Sling since totem doesn’t have one on that side.  I also updated the DOF in script and submitted a change on dof configtool site. Don’t know how long that takes to update. Added PF and BG videos also in download

    The only thing that bothers me is the primitive for the yellow plastic guide lanes at top.  Since they are canted to the side they look blocky on the sides.  Don’t know how to smooth them out.  Other than that I am happy


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