Reply To: Shaker – DOF Settings


    I did some DOF testing hitting the Genie
    I did some shaker Motor testing from the rom like this


    I only have this statement in the DOF site for the shaker  – S35 300 I7
    If I set the default high (Max Intensity) and the intensity low for the game the shaker runs slow
    If I set the default low (Max Intensity) and the setting for the game Hi then the shaker runs slow S35 300 I37
    If I set both high the shaker runs fast so that all seems to be working fine…

    Then I did some testing with the Normal play of game Using ball control when I hit the genie the shaker will do whatever it wants
    If I have the Max intensity set low and Game intensity set low the  shaker will run slow, Fast and sometimes both within the same hit



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