A Real American Hero OPERATION P.I.N.B.A.L.L. Xenonph MOD

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  • #58917


      The story so far…

      The Joe’s need your help!!

      Cobra Commander and his associates are up to no good,(not a surprise!). Him and his cohorts have secretly infiltrated GI JOE Headquarters and have made off with a computer chip containing TOP SECRET Dossier Files of GI JOE TEAM members. Just how much information was on the stolen computer chip is unknown.

      On top of that, the evil Dr. MindBender has created a Low-frequency Laser, that when aimed at the cerebral cortex of the subject, can induce a hypnotic-like state, and transfer information and commands to subjects, controlling there behaviours, if subjects are exposed to the Laser long enough. To help encourage unsuspecting subjects to stay long enough for proper interface exposure, the Laser was added to a Pinball machine.

      These machines were first used to find new Cobra recruits. Good hand and eye coordination skills, would activate the laser.

      Now it is used to spread classified information and propaganda throughout the Cobra Empire.

      This is where you come into the story….

      Your Pinball skills are well known in your area!!
      The GI JOE TEAM has asked for your help!!

      First you must infiltrate the Cobra controlled town of Springfield, and find one of these machines!

      You must then find out exactly how much stolen GI JOE information these machines are carrying!

      “OPERATION P.I.N.B.A.L.L.”








      How much info will you uncover?

      Only your superior pinball playing skills can help you to accomplish this mission!!


      The only difference between v1.6 and 1.7, version 1.6 uses 6 digit rom, version 1.7 uses 7 digit rom.

      Added camoflauge to right of kicker plastic.
      Added 5 flashers. 3 above plastics, 1 under apron at drain, and 1 on DT backdrop.
      Added lights to characters on playfield so now they light up with GI lighting.
      Changed color of lights on top of bumpers to red. (Now the Cobra emblem isn’t pink)
      Now when you hit kicker, the background music doesn’t stop.
      Adjusted FS POV Settings so table is wider.
      Fixed DT backdrop lights.
      Moved plunger activated sounds to trigger in plunger lane.
      Adjusted timers and volume on alot of sounds.
      Removed 2 Background Music sound effects.
      The only mp3’s that were editted had the names changed, so feel free to overwrite old mp3s if you have older versions of this table, and it will not effect them.
      Added 1 more voice sound effect to coin insert.
      Added 7 Digit rom to table.
      Adjusted DT backdrop for 7 Digit rom.
      I couldn’t figure out how to add extra digit to DT scoring reels, so they disappear now and the regular DMD is used.
      Added Cheat to toggle Dossier pics.
      Tap Left and Right Magnasave at same time after game is started to toggle Dossier pics.
      (This is not cheating as it doesn’t effect the score.)
      Also made a 7 Digit dB2S Backglass, included with download.
      Bumpers, and lower Slings light up explosions on backglass.


      Version 1.3a has 17 Background Music Sound Effects+Added a few Voice Sound Effects.
      Version 1.3b has 6 Background Music Sound Effects+ Added alot more Voice Sound Effects.


      The table I used for this mod is Lizards amazing VPX Sexy Girl (Arkon 1980)!!(Which is a Conversion Kit mod of Playboy.)
      I want to thank Lizard for making an excellent table, and for allowing mods without permission.
      I also want to thank anyone else involved!! Great Work Everyone!!

      Info on Lizards original table download page…
      This table has come to life with the contributions of many.
      Thanks go to Destruk and Mickey for the original table
      ICPjuggla and gtxjoe for bits and pieces i used from there bally playboy table
      Arngrim for the DOF and controller code
      Steely,pinball Ken,Koadic,Jimmyfingers and Rascal for all the ball rolling and associated code
      Cyberpez for the changeable instruction cards (Which can be changed near the top of the script)
      Seraph74 who provided the projector code mods to swap the images
      Hauntfreaks did a shadow mask for the shadows and i also used his environment image as well
      JP for his ball and scratches images
      See original tables download page for more important info.http://www.vpforums.org/index.php?app=downloads&showfile=12130
      Remember to thank the original authors of this table, as they are the ones who made this work of art.
      I just added sound effects and changed graphics.

      I also want to thank Steve “Slydog43” for which these table mods would not be possible to make if it weren’t for his help!!

      I also want to thank Thalamus for telling me about the rubber hit height needing to be lowered to 27, because it was set at 30, and this will cause weird ball behaviour. I only lowered the ones that were set on 30. So the physics should be better.

      I also would like to thank Allknowing2012 and Gtxjoe for helping me with adding timers to script. With Gtxjoes example script he showed me, I was able to somewhat fix the game over sounds, and when counting huge bonus after ball drain.

      I specifically used this table because it is a Picture Pin. (Different Pics are activated by hitting targets.)

      Most of the artwork is from the packages these toys came in. Which I found on Google Images.(Big thanks to whoever posted images on GOOGLE Images!!) This should be considered art, as I am a big fan of GI JOE. All pics, trademarks, Logos and sounds belong to their respectful owners. This table is for personal home, and non-commercial use only. This table should be used for educational purposes only.

      I added 388 pics to the projector.
      These pics are activated in order.
      They are activated by hitting the upper COBRA Rollovers,(Not the COBRA on left side above kicker.), and spelling COBRA.
      Then you also have to hit one of the GIJOE targets to start the picture show. Any subsequent hit on GIJOE targets, or the A in COBRA,(Center Target.), triggers next pic.

      387 pics are dossiers of GIJOE team members and vehicles. Can you make it to pic 388?

      It will start with first action figures released by year starting with 1982. You will know you have hit the next year after the vehicle pics have finished and it goes back to dossiers.

      You can set this table for 4 players game and the pics don’t start over for new player, so you can progress through the pics with each of the 4 players turns.

      Can you make it to pic 388?

      I included a nvram file that will give you the easiest settings to try to accomplish viewing all 355 pics.
      You can change these settings by pressing F6 on your keyboard, which will bring up dipswitch menu.
      (The included nvram file has the easiest settings!! Also playing 4 player game helps!!!)

      I found some GI JOE sound effects on google that I think were perfect for this table.
      Someone editted out all the background music in the cartoons, to make like a soundtrack.
      They editted out all voices, and pieced together many song clips to make complete song.
      (Huge thanks whoever you are!!)
      There are 17 different GI JOE background music sound tracks played randomly.
      I also added a few more sound effects from the cartoon.

      Added day+night dB2S Backglass
      Hope you enjoy!!

      4 users thanked author for this post.

        This looks interesting. Link to VPF not working but will look up other build manually. Thanks for sharing here!

        Messing with the VPinball app and push notifications.
        So if you haven't downloaded app yet what are you waiting for!?
        for IOS and Android


        Messing with the VPinball app and push notifications.
        So if you haven't downloaded app yet what are you waiting for!?
        for IOS and Android


        1 user thanked author for this post.

          Oops…here is link to original table…http://www.vpforums.org/index.php?app=downloads&showfile=12130.


          Ben Logan2

            Super creative, xenonph!

            1 user thanked author for this post.

              This is going to be interesting. Thank you Xenonph !

              1 user thanked author for this post.

                Good idea xenonph!

                1 user thanked author for this post.

                  Wow, this is a real surprise, Xenonph. What an awesome table! Deserves a place in my cab, thanks!! :good:



                  1 user thanked author for this post.

                    Have to agree with LayLow on this one – you did a fine job Xenonph. Played it today. I believe I saw one thing that I would change. Just forgot to verify and now I’m not at my pin. Will come back to it if my suspicions are correct.

                    1 user thanked author for this post.

                      I will be updating this table soon!!

                      Thalamus has just helped me with info on a physics adjustment.

                      (I never messed with any of Lizards original table settings when I uploaded this. Only graphics and sounds were modified.)

                      Particularly, some of the rubbers were set at hit height of 30, which can cause wacky behaviour. He explained exactly how to change them all.

                      Big thanks my friend!!

                      I will upload new version when Iget game over sound effects working.

                      I only need to figure out how to get the scoring sounds changed from bally sound sample chime, to other sound effect. Also need to figure out how to add sound effect when game is over. I added it to the game over light, but when it is activated it plays constantly, giving it a neverending echo.

                      Is there a script command to add sound effect to game over? Or attract mode?

                      I appreciate any help!!

                      I should also mention that this table uses the Bally Playboy ROM, for those who didn’t know.


                        Thanks for the update Xenonph !

                        1 user thanked author for this post.

                          Thanks for the update :good:

                          Messing with the VPinball app and push notifications.
                          So if you haven't downloaded app yet what are you waiting for!?
                          for IOS and Android


                          Messing with the VPinball app and push notifications.
                          So if you haven't downloaded app yet what are you waiting for!?
                          for IOS and Android


                          1 user thanked author for this post.

                            Sweet Update, thanks :good:

                            1 user thanked author for this post.

                              I just uploaded new version.

                              Version 1.2
                              Now Projector has 388 Pics!!
                              Removed alot pics from projector and added alot more!! Instead of 143 Dossier Pics, now there are 387 Dossier File Pics!!

                              I removed all the ones that were after pic 136. (These were all just art and propaganda pics.) I would rather have the Dossier pics, and 387 is alot of GIJOE Dossiers!!

                              The 388th pic is not a Dossier pic.

                              Hope you like the table!!

                              If I was able to add all the sound effects and pics I wanted, the file size would be way over 200MB, and I would never be able to upload it!! As it is,(166MB) . Maybe I will add just a few more sound effects in future!

                              I definately want to add keypress to script, so projector pics can be scrolled through while not playing game. Maybe it could be a reward for high score or something. And once the next game is started, scrolling of pics would be shut off.

                              I have so many ideas!!

                              Have a great weekend!!

                              2 users thanked author for this post.

                                Nice – thank you for the update.

                                1 user thanked author for this post.

                                  Thanks for the update Xenonph, it sounds great now, perfect table!  :good:



                                  1 user thanked author for this post.

                                    Just uploaded 2 new versions.

                                    Version 1.6 and 1.7

                                    The only difference between v1.6 and 1.7, version 1.6 uses 6 digit rom, version 1.7 uses 7 digit rom.

                                    Added camoflauge to right of kicker plastic.
                                    Added 5 flashers. 3 above plastics, 1 under apron at drain, and 1 on DT backdrop.
                                    Added lights to characters on playfield so now they light up with GI lighting.
                                    Changed color of lights on top of bumpers to red. (Now the Cobra emblem isn’t pink)
                                    Now when you hit kicker, the background music doesn’t stop.
                                    Adjusted FS POV Settings so table is wider.
                                    Fixed DT backdrop lights.
                                    Moved plunger activated sounds to trigger in plunger lane.
                                    Adjusted timers and volume on alot of sounds.
                                    Removed 2 Background Music sound effects.
                                    The only mp3’s that were editted had the names changed, so feel free to overwrite old mp3s if you have older versions of this table, and it will not effect them.
                                    Added 1 more voice sound effect to coin insert.
                                    Added 7 Digit rom to table.
                                    Adjusted DT backdrop for 7 Digit rom.
                                    I couldn’t figure out how to add extra digit to DT scoring reels, so they disappear now and the regular DMD is used.
                                    Added Cheat to toggle Dossier pics.
                                    Tap Left and Right Magnasave at same time after game is started to toggle Dossier pics.
                                    (This is not cheating as it doesn’t effect the score.)
                                    Also made a 7 Digit dB2S Backglass, included with download.
                                    Bumpers, and lower Slings light up explosions on backglass.

                                    I could always flip the score on the 6 digit rom, which is what made me want to convert this table to 7 digit rom.

                                    Hope you like it.

                                    Have a great day.

                                    3 users thanked author for this post.

                                      Great to see you back my friend.  As life can seem to be so unfare sometimes, its great to see you back helping out in the community.  I always wish the best for you!

                                      2 users thanked author for this post.

                                        table crashes for me before it even opens with no error messages


                                          Not sure what would cause that.

                                          I did use the latest VPX Beta version when I made these versions.

                                          Do you have the latest VPX Beta version installed?

                                          Hope you can get it working properly.


                                            Just uploaded new version with JPSalas GI Effect, and other changes.

                                            Added JPSalas GI Effect script to events.
                                            (Ball release into plunger lane, upper kicker, and when projector pic is activated.)
                                            Added coin sound effect on coin insert.
                                            Added option at top of script to change color of scoring LED’s.
                                            You can choose from 5 different colors.
                                            (0=Green 1=Red 2=White 3=Blue 4=Reg Orange)
                                            Default is set to green.
                                            Added command to Exit Sub in script, to change LED’s back to regular Orange on table exit.
                                            (So if you play the original Sexy Girl table after playing this table, these colors will have no effect on it.)


                                            Hope you like it.

                                            1 user thanked author for this post.
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