Cabinet angle, size and stretching

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  • #68764
    Patrick Delage

      Hello everyone,

      I’m looking for a good tuturial or thread which discuss about best pratice for cabinet glass angle, how to resizing table , which angle for monitoring.  Every author release different default…

      All this for a regular user not for developement.  I have about 25 tables which i like to freeze for a good table view.  I used the 10.3 vpx version, 3 minitor setup.

      Should i start thread.  Anyone interresting.




      Pinaball, arcade and retro gaming

      Pinaball, arcade and retro gaming


        maybe a good place to add it…

        Visual Pinball Knowledge Base

        Messing with the VPinball app and push notifications.
        So if you haven't downloaded app yet what are you waiting for!?
        for IOS and Android


        Messing with the VPinball app and push notifications.
        So if you haven't downloaded app yet what are you waiting for!?
        for IOS and Android


        1 user thanked author for this post.

          I agree with @randr that we probably should write-up a recommendation. But, there exists a thread here about it – with a loooong thread back to VPF about the subject. I would say, Hauntfreaks have an eye for what looks great in this area as well. A reason we crave his POV.xml once a table is released :)

          FS BackDrop settings in VPX – continued ?

          Hope this helps … until someone … ehrm – writes that article :)

          I guess the conclusion is that do should do what you finds looks best, but, there is definitely some tip and tricks in there.

          Patrick Delage

            The 1st thing i see when i looked arround was the knowledge base and all the articles.  I said to myself, wow thats it i will found something.  Unfortunately there is nothing about it.  Being that said its fantastics the knowledge base, writing document take time…lot of time.

            If i get enough information after some month of trying  :yes: maybe i will start something…why not

            I will start to look at haunted thread and see.  Or maybe start by trying myself and play with the vpx interface.




            Pinaball, arcade and retro gaming

            Pinaball, arcade and retro gaming





              1 user thanked author for this post.

                IMO its all about getting a balance of bumper skirt, post and back flipper… the newest trend I see is WAY too much back flipper…. to balance those its a going back and forth FOV and layback and as little inclination as possible 0 on single level no ramp tables, 6-10ish on the rest…. until it looks right…. and of course the 1:1 rule… I’ll do a video, at sometime since lots of people use my landscape POV settings

                Patrick Delage

                  I look at camera light knowledge base.  A very good start.

                  I’m sure there is some best practice like hauntfreak talk.  Another big IMO thing is if you play sitting or not.  I also realize the import export fonction which help to keep simething similar.


                  Pinaball, arcade and retro gaming

                  Pinaball, arcade and retro gaming


                    heres a shitty video, showing how i go about setting a POV on an early SS… I refuse to speak in videos, I speak worse then i type ….lol

                    1 user thanked author for this post.
                    Patrick Delage

                      Thanks all.  I startes with these link and video.  I will pratice then come back with more specific questions or suggestions.  Maybe a last question about angle of

                      Tv / monitor and glass angle.  I think its a important metric to compare setup between people.

                      Pinaball, arcade and retro gaming

                      Pinaball, arcade and retro gaming

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