Centigrade 37 (Gottlieb 1977)nude

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  • #90541
    The Loafer

      WTF ???? I cant believe the shit im reading…Really you guys are offended at titties? Its great to have a choice//hang out with the guys haves some beers and play naked chick pinball … sounds like a bunch of guys that are scared of what there wifes think lol….

      whats it like to have your balls in a jar next to the wifes side of the bed?

      Damm this shit blows my mind :wacko:

      I think these are great mods they don’t look shitty and cheap he did put a lot of work into them…

      Wow you guys blow my mind lol

      Haunt a puritan ? HOLY FUCK…I need another drink..LMFAO

      anyway HAPPY 4TH :yahoo:

      well I’m guessing someone didnt want me to post the huge reply to this, I was just about to hit send when my power went out for the past 4hrs

      in short …. I’m for sure not the stereotypical american male….. no sports, no beer, no gambling, and I stopped thinking about broads 24/7 in the late 90’s B-)

      That just means your old :)


        well it really seams that i trow a stone in the pond…

        anyway, just to know, the first two nude mods shared (here or in other forums) aren’t mine: i’m talking about Elvira and the party monster and Creature from the black lagoon (as you see i didn’t have a original idea)

        and just to know, nude mods have been made in real pinball too in the past: Jumping Jack (Gottlieb 1973) has been modifed “taking off” the top from three girls in the front (as you see i didn’t have a original idea). Big Deal (Williams 1963) has been heavily modified becoming Big Dick (FabFan 1996)

        i don’t attach images or link to not offend anyone, but to see the first one just google “jumping jack gottlieb mod”

        to see the second one search it on IPDB but pay attention that kids are not around, it is really explicit

        Good indipendence day to all american friends, 4th july made USA the land of freedom

        a place where everyone has the right to think, act, talk, dress, do, be (draw?) wathever he/she wants without being blamed for this






          I love these unilateral “me myself and I” responses.


            Dude, you are an expert on this. Historian too. Well, everyone has got to find their niche, I guess. B-)


              I could set up a section in downloads with a password for all of editoys nude mods if you guys prefer? That way people that enjoy them can still enjoy them and people that don’t want them don’t have to see them. Just an idea but I sure don’t want to loose a contributor I still appreciate his efforts plus he could have his own downloads section kinda like the back room of a book store or old video rental store!  Lmao

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              Messing with the VPinball app and push notifications.
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                I don’t care really. I don’t download ’em. It’s weird (creepy) and juvenile. I like complaining about it and making fun of it, and I would miss it if there weren’t dozens more to come. I’ve got plenty of SVU memes lined up. Guess that makes me a troll.

                The Loafer

                  I could set up a section in downloads with a password for all of editoys nude mods if you guys prefer? That way people that enjoy them can still enjoy them and people that don’t want them don’t have to see them. Just an idea but I sure don’t want to loose a contributor I still appreciate his efforts plus he could have his own downloads section kinda like the back room of a book store or old video rental store! Lmao

                  if you have to make that section, please add some kind of red curtain that opens up when you enter.  You can’t have that reference of the back of the video store without that curtain.


                  signed by an ex-manager of a mom/pop VHS video store, the first ever in Ottawa to DELIVER!!!


                    What!? My video store had squeaky saloon doors, and if you went in or out the rest of the people in the store starts snickering.

                    As for the mod meh, not my thing but I can easily just ignore it and move on.  Some people might like it some won’t, a special section seems extreme really.


                      @randr no, don’t waste your time.. I will drop it..


                        You know what’s funny!?

                        i used to go to sports shops(Shinders ) for years and had no idea they had adult back room! When I actually found out I was like why the heck is that in this sports shop!? Sorry but true story

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                        Messing with the VPinball app and push notifications.
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                          You know what’s funny!?

                          i used to go to sports shops(Shinders ) for years and had no idea they had adult back room! When I actually found out I was like why the heck is that in this sports shop!? Sorry but true story

                          covert that only certain locals know about.


                            You know what’s funny!?

                            i used to go to sports shops(Shinders ) for years and had no idea they had adult back room! When I actually found out I was like why the heck is that in this sports shop!? Sorry but true story

                            That probably came about because the manager had a huge adult video collection, and figured out he can make extra money that way.  Either that or he could buy adult videos wholesale by having a “rental space”  :yes:


                              I don’t think it was videos. I have no idea but I do know how I found out!

                              i was in a store and the cashier was pricing dildos with a pricing gun! I was like wtf are you doing? And she said pricing dildos for the back area like no big deal. Again true story :wacko:

                              Shinders Was a huge sports store chain but they closed all stores around here 5 or so years ago.

                              Messing with the VPinball app and push notifications.
                              So if you haven't downloaded app yet what are you waiting for!?
                              for IOS and Android


                              Messing with the VPinball app and push notifications.
                              So if you haven't downloaded app yet what are you waiting for!?
                              for IOS and Android



                                I mean… pornhub is basically free.


                                  I could set up a section in downloads with a password for all of editoys nude mods if you guys prefer? That way people that enjoy them can still enjoy them and people that don’t want them don’t have to see them. Just an idea but I sure don’t want to loose a contributor I still appreciate his efforts plus he could have his own downloads section kinda like the back room of a book store or old video rental store!  Lmao

                                  thank you, a ghetto all for me!

                                  I don’t deserve so much.

                                  if you have to make that section, please add some kind of red curtain that opens up when you enter.

                                  great!!! i can draw it for you!

                                  i’m thinking to add some kind of title… what about “Arbeit macht frei” ?

                                  I really enjoyed myself guys, and i think that you enjoyed much more than me, but now is time to be practical.

                                  Randr, if my presence creates too much embarrassment to you and to vpinball community i have no problem to quit or delete nude mods.

                                  I kept my mods for myself for more tha an year, i can go on like that again.

                                  You have only to ask.


                                    I don’t think anyone really cares one way or the other if you draw naked girls.

                                    I think we might tease you a little.  Don’t take it too seriously.


                                      i know that we all are only joking, and i’m the first who likes to trow a stone in the pond and see the reactions around

                                      it is clear for all that a thing like this can only be a joke, first because we are in a forum that presents itself like (i copy and paste)

                                      <h1><span style=”font-size: 18pt;”>A Unique Forum Experience</span></h1>

                                      VPinBall.com is a great world wide community.

                                      Relies on EVERYONES contributions to become a great site!!

                                      second because it comes from the same members that less than 3 months ago had enthusistic comments for hauntfreak’s “Creature from the Black Lagoon (Midway 1992 ) boob mod kit” the work that gave me input to share my works too

                                      I knew this could happen when i posted my first mod (some of you know, we talked about it) and i had fun to tease you all with my answers (despite my bad english)

                                      at this point to close the question we must wait randr answer


                                        I don’t think anyone really cares one way or the other if you draw naked girls.

                                        I think we might tease you a little. Don’t take it too seriously.

                                        EXACTLY!!   its all opinion or ballbusting….
                                        in society today people can look at most anything and some “group” will find it offensive… aka the pussification of society
                                        but where real problem lies in this equation is 99.99% of the members is this group are considered the “problem” if you don’t understand what i’m saying it’s time to pull your head out of the sand…


                                          hauntfreak you are 100% right

                                          to change argument

                                          may i mod your Roller Disco (Gottlieb 1980) backglass?


                                            hauntfreak you are 100% right

                                            to change argument

                                            may i mod your Roller Disco (Gottlieb 1980) backglass?


                                            go for it…

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