DOFLinx not working in my cab

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  • #68559

      wow, ignore all that… rookie mistake :)

      All good now. If you have to know, I had commented out the line where it looks for the .exe processes…


      I had managed to get DOF working before I upgraded my hardware and started from scratch on the software side. DOF works perfectly fine in Visual Pinball, but I am trying to use DOFLinx with FP and FX2, and I can’t get the toys to trigger.

      Quick details on my setup:

      • 3 Screens (PF/BG/DMD)
      • 1 x LEDWiz
      • 1 x ZEB’s booster board
      • 1 x iPac controller
      • 10 x contactors
      • 1 x LED Strip under cab
      • 1 x Replay knocker
      • 2 x LED Flashers
      • 2 x RGB Flippers

      I have DOF under “c:\DirectOutput”; I have a shortcut to that folder inside “C:\Visual Pinball\Tables\plugins”. DOFLinx is installed under “c:\DirectOutput” as well.

      I have the latest config from the DOF Config Tool as of today. Here’s what “c:\DirectOutput\config\directoutputconfig.ini” looks like–>

      Here’s the contents of my DOFLinx.ini looks like –>

      I have DOFLinx configured to start from PinballX before a table launches (and to stop as the FP process ends); for testing purposes, I am launching DOFLinx manually at the moment with no luck.

      Test scenario:

      Run DOFLinx with DEBUG=1

      Launch Future Pinball

      Load Iron Man table with DOF support

      Here’s the output in DOFLinx.log:

      05-Nov-17 11:32:20.891 – DOF Linx for Pinball Emulators – DOFLinx by DDH69
      05-Nov-17 11:32:20.906 – Starting up – version 5.20
      05-Nov-17 11:32:20.937 – 0 Pinscape device(s) found
      05-Nov-17 11:32:20.953 – 1 LEDWiz device(s) found
      05-Nov-17 11:32:20.969 – DOFLinx device: 1 Initializing as LEDWiz #1 with ID=0
      05-Nov-17 11:32:20.984 – DOFLinx device:1 LEDWiz setup with 32 outputs
      05-Nov-17 11:32:20.984 – 0 FTDI (Sainsmart) device(s) found
      05-Nov-17 11:32:21.000 – Reading DOFLinx.INI startup config file details
      05-Nov-17 11:32:21.016 – Reading DirectOutputConfig file named c:\DirectOutput\config\directoutputconfig.ini
      05-Nov-17 11:32:21.047 – No DOF Global Config file supplied
      05-Nov-17 11:32:23.057 – 0 Pinscape device(s) found
      05-Nov-17 11:32:23.088 – 1 LEDWiz device(s) found
      05-Nov-17 11:32:23.104 – DOFLinx device: 1 Initializing as LEDWiz #1 with ID=0
      05-Nov-17 11:32:23.119 – DOFLinx device:1 LEDWiz setup with 32 outputs
      05-Nov-17 11:32:23.119 – 0 FTDI (Sainsmart) device(s) found
      05-Nov-17 11:33:29.607 – Shutting down
      05-Nov-17 11:33:29.622 – Program close

      I have messed with the GlobalConfig setting and tried to make the configuration file, but I am stuck when it asks for the cabinet.xml file. I did not have a cabinet.xml in my previous setup and all seemed to work ok.


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