DOFLinx works… sometimes

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  • #68995

      Hi all,

      I have setup DOFLinx to work with Future Pinball, and I am able to play tables with DOF support (Tron, Tombstone, and some others) without problems; contactors fire, LED strip lights up, etc.

      However, on other tables, like Aliens Legacy, Nightmare on ELM Street, etc. the LED strips will light up, the flipper LED buttons come on, but the flipper, slingshot, bumper etc contactors will not. Interestingly enough, if I press the keyboard key associated with a flipper button (left/right Shift in my case), the contactors for the flippers will fire, but they will not when I hit the actual flipper buttons… (again, this works just fine on other tables!)

      I should add that my DOF configuration for Visual Pinball works without a hitch.

      Any ideas? I have attached my DOFLinx.ini file



        I would say your cab buttons are not mapped to the same keys as your   Doflynx.txt

        Messing with the VPinball app and push notifications.
        So if you haven't downloaded app yet what are you waiting for!?
        for IOS and Android


        Messing with the VPinball app and push notifications.
        So if you haven't downloaded app yet what are you waiting for!?
        for IOS and Android



          I’m assuming you are using the newest version of DOFLinx, 5.20?


          A couple of things. You should change this line:


          to something like:


          This is the time DOFLinx waits to make a connection after the table loads, If your table takes too long to load then the FP Link won’t connect to DOFLinx. If it doesnt make an FPLink, then DOFLinx will fall back to default “key to output” mode, which explains why your flippers work with keyboard keys.


          Also, you should also change:




          to enable that line. I think it may be required for 5.20 or higher. (not sure if its only for MX leds or not).


            @randr: That is certainly the case, my flipper buttons are mapped as buttons and not keys; however, why would they work just fine on some tables and not others? (I have made sure that ALL FP tables in my cab are DOF-enabled)


              @terryRed: thanks, I will try increasing the timeout and report back.

              Yes, I am on the latest version of DOFLinx

              As for the DirectOutputGlobal entry… I got stuck trying to find my cabinet.xml, and I am not really sure how to generate one?



                @terryred: thanks, I will try increasing the timeout and report back. Yes, I am on the latest version of DOFLinx As for the DirectOutputGlobal entry… I got stuck trying to find my cabinet.xml, and I am not really sure how to generate one? Thanks!

                You shouldn’t need to generate a cabinet.xml if you never had one before and you setup was working. If you only have an Led-Wiz, you don’t need a cabinet.xml, as DOF will autoconfig it for you.

                This isn’t a cabinet.xml file:



                1 user thanked author for this post.

                  @terryRed: I will test this in a few minutes; but how is it related to my issue with the flipper buttons not triggering the contactors nor the slingshots nor bumpers coming on on some tables? (but working on other tables otherwise?)


                  Thanks again!


                    @terryred: I will test this in a few minutes; but how is it related to my issue with the flipper buttons not triggering the contactors nor the slingshots nor bumpers coming on on some tables? (but working on other tables otherwise?) Thanks again!

                    The main thing is…some tables will load faster than others. If they take a long time to load, and your FPLink isn’t established, then DOFLinx has no connection to the table while its playing. Therefor DOFLinx will just use its “key to output” function….which WILL work if you have keys assigned to your flipper solenoids…and you may get some RGB lighting running….that’s it. It won’t be “contrrolled” by the table at all. Just reacting to keys assigned to outputs.

                    This line:


                    was required for my MX Leds to work…but it may also be needed for normal DOFLinx to work on tables that haven’t been updated to 5.20,etc…




                      Alright! Issue solved now; It was probably a combination of  the timeout set too low and the new DIRECTOUTPUTGLOBALCONFIG setting being commented out in my DOFLinx.ini file.

                      Also, not closing Future Pinball and reopening it when switching tables causes all kinds of havoc  :-x

                      Thanks everyone!


                        Alright! Issue solved now; It was probably a combination of the timeout set too low and the new DIRECTOUTPUTGLOBALCONFIG setting being commented out in my DOFLinx.ini file. Also, not closing Future Pinball and reopening it when switching tables causes all kinds of havoc :-x Thanks everyone!

                        Yes…you must ALWAYS close FP before starting another table (even if its the currently loaded table).   This acn be the case with VPX as well sometimes.

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