Elvis (Unity Engine ) beta test is ready

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  • #11758
    Ian Pretorius

      Hey there

      I have been busy building a pin again in Unity .. although this time I bit the bullet and did a vpinmame emulated table

      So obviously you need to have vpinmame installed and you need to have the latest elvis rom in roms directory. Here is the link to the rom :


      The dmd is purely vpinmame standard , Im not doing anything with it yet. Unity has a game launcher screen where you can choose a resolution to use and if its windowed or not. If you choose your full screen resolution and no window then you cant have the dmd on the same screen as the game. I simply move it to my second monitor, but otherwise just choose “windowed” and then vpimame may be above the game screen. Its a pity the windowed mode is not borderless , I will investigate how to do that soon.

      I dont have any special handling for if a ball manages to get of the table or emulation resetting or stuff like that, if something go’s wrong just close the game and start it again. That been said I think I have only had it happen once in about 50 games which is really nice odds if you ask me

      I have been using a Pappa video of elvis game play I grabbed from youtube all the time studying the tables physics , i still fine tuning everything but the ball play is nice and fast as I noticed it was in this video. My table slope is 6.3 deg

      Unity has a bug with using two shift keys at the same time , a real bummer since this bug has been around for years now and they dont seem to fix it. So I had to map the flippers to the control keys instead. Table nudge is on the shift keys ( since you dont really nudge in two opposing directions at the same time )

      Alpha 5 key for coins and alpha 1 for start .. same as VP

      There is probably a whole lot more I could say but I see the file is uploaded already so here it is, you can comment on anything you like – positive or constructive negative and I will look into answering what I can about it. If you do try it out , let me know your average frame rate and specs of your machine , I did improve the frame rate a few days ago but somehow messed up the optimization while having a crisis sorting out the Unity IDE crashing all of a sudden when trying to bake all the lighting


      Take note this is engineered for high end machines and its a beta for desktop only at the moment.

      chat soon :bye:


        Very nice i will try this out over weekend! thanks for sharing with us! :good:

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        Messing with the VPinball app and push notifications.
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        Ian Pretorius

          Hi All

          I have fixed the slingshots – the code was in fact not working as expected.

          I now did proper testing with debug rays and numerical reports until I saw it was producing consistent simulated results.

          I also changed the flippers max rotation from 50deg to 48 deg , not sure what the actual rotation maximum is on the real table but this small tweak seemed to make the shots control a bit better.

          The files are updated on the same link as above

          chat soon

          Paulo Carvalho

            Ian, this is pretty damn cool! Thanks for sharing it with us pinheads. Plays sweet on my gaming PC, going to see if I can get Pinball X to launch it and play it in my cab!

            [Paulo Carvalho Mobile - 204-294-4389]
            "Life is like pinball, your always trying to keep your balls in play, but in the end, they drop down the middle :)"

            [Paulo Carvalho Mobile - 204-294-4389]
            "Life is like pinball, your always trying to keep your balls in play, but in the end, they drop down the middle :)"

            Ian Pretorius

              Thanks Paulo ;)

              I do want to develop it to be cabinet functional in the future , I presume there are a few things that need to happen for this since cabinets have actual hardware devices like flipper switches and tilt lines etc.. I also need to get an understanding of all the various dmd solutions used in cabinets.

              I would also think the camera needs a fixed best position/rotation and FOV for cabinets. Anyway if you manage to wangle this version to run on your cabinet take a photo of it for me please , it would be inspiring to work towards full cabinet support as best as I can.

              chat soon

              Ian Pretorius

                Hi Again

                I have made changes to the files on the same link as always :

                1. Menu is toggled with the M key now , I added in another slider and also a few other toggles for the cabinet and room and dmd etc.. have a look.

                1b ( I never mentioned it before but you can press the p key to render a super hi-res snapshot to the game’s folder )

                2. I made a working dmd on the table itself and an additional UI dmd , both running in the context of unity now. These can be toggled on and off as well.

                3. Most importantly , I revised the flipper angle a small bit again , but this time I also adjusted the force value and the rubber. Along with several other tweaks to other physics materials. I was studying the Pappa Elvis video again while doing this and I think the results are very good now. The table plays much better now – The flippers being the most important change, before I was not happy with the shot angles and now I think its just about the same as in the pappa video, its much more spread on the length of the flipper now.

                I made an awesome game play video , its over a gig again so its gonna take some time to upload. I will post it as soon as it is ready.

                Ian Pretorius

                  The video is finally uploaded ..

                  Watch it in HD full screen to appreciate it at best .. or even better grab the game and try it yourself


                    Very impressive build! Great video table plays well too. Great work

                    Messing with the VPinball app and push notifications.
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                    Messing with the VPinball app and push notifications.
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                      aw man! Looks good! :good:
                      To bad I cant try it out atm, in the process of building a new cabinet and dont have a computer with gfx card. I will eventually in a few months from now :)

                      I am a bit confused though… You made this with ‘just’ the unity game engine? or something like Unit3dPinball? Or something else?

                      Ian Pretorius

                        aw man! Looks good!
                        To bad I cant try it out atm, in the process of building a new cabinet and dont have a computer with gfx card. I will eventually in a few months from now :)

                        I am a bit confused though… You made this with ‘just’ the unity game engine? or something like Unit3dPinball? Or something else?

                        Best of luck with your new cabinet build ;)

                        I modeled everything in Blender, then built the game in unity engine and integrated with vpinmame. I coded everything myself.

                        For everyone else reading I found a bug in the menu to hide/show the vpinmame dmd , I had to compile a new .net marshalling dll from a different vpinmame dll source. I used the latest one that gets installed with VPX now.

                        Im going to be adding in all the other table sounds I can tomorrow and then I will update the files online and let you know when its done.


                          Sounds like a lot of work :) keep it up!


                            All i know is its very impressive work! thank you!

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                            Messing with the VPinball app and push notifications.
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                            Ian Pretorius

                              Hi Again

                              New files are uploaded.

                              • Big change in the physics. Im not sure how this will work on all other computers but it works great on mine. In the end for best results I really had to push the amount of calculations spent on physics super high!

                              I had the odd occasion of the ball missing colliders , Im hoping this is no longer an issue, so far so good but also I did not like some aspects of the old physics in general.

                              The ball has much more weight now , the table plays alot faster. I really noticed the problem with the older physics on the right orbit shot, before no matter how hard and correct you made that shot the ball never traveled all the way to the top saucer. This is just one observation but obviously it means everything was not quite as correct as it could be. The new physics solves all of this. Of coarse now that I changed some core physics values I had to change settings on everything again. This actually brought me to realize the top control gate had no purpose with the previous physics, the ball was never fast enough to even need it.. and it was not really working anyway. I got this working now but its not perfect yet. Some times the emulation misses the magnet activation. I may need to adjust the bounce on the flippers back up a bit but I left it as is to get other stuff done. With the new speed of play increased I noticed my left ramps exit didnt narrow down enough like on the real table which reduces the ball speed to make the hotel shots easier. I just added in some invisible colliders to get it a bit reduced but Will look into it at some point for a next release.

                              • Lighting is improved , small bit of extra overhead but much better. This has to do with updating the environment and reflection probes with the tables general GI changes.

                              For weaker machines I will add a toggle to switch off dynamic shadows in the next release , if you currently decrease the directional light to zero you will notice you can get double the frame rate. I could use some baked lighting but had some concerns with it .. maybe if I upgrade to a newer version of unity this might become usable, so If real time shadows are disabled I will fall back to baked lighting ( on static objects only obviously )

                              • Extra sounds on table and code redone on the backend to support exposing them to the menu system

                              • Menu system enhanced, additional slider and preset buttons. Audio controls coming soon

                              • Ao map on the playfield

                              • Objects added to hotel roof

                              (remember m key is for menu)

                              feedback welcome as always :)


                                Again thank you for the update! Gets better and better

                                Messing with the VPinball app and push notifications.
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                                Messing with the VPinball app and push notifications.
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                                  Nice work. There is a Unreal 3 Pinball development tools available… not interested in moving to Unreal Engine instead of Unity?

                                  Impressive job so far. :good:

                                    Ian Pretorius

                                      Nice work. There is a Unreal 3 Pinball development tools available… not interested in moving to Unreal Engine instead of Unity?

                                      Impressive job so far. :good:

                                      Thanks but not interested in unreal engine at all. I am highly invested in Unity ( 5 years ) , I am capable of building any tools within the editor myself, such as the tools you mention, I can even create all this geometry dynamically via code ;) , Also I prefer C# language

                                      Most importantly Unity is truly free unless you earn more than $100 000 from what you produce with it per year. Unreal expects royalties from the very start , check the licencing ;)

                                      Ian Pretorius

                                        New update plenty of additions and changes


                                        chat soon

                                        new screen shot

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