*** Escape from the Lost World DONE***

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  • #181015

      Backglass is being completed, Fine tuning on lights and small items.  Gonna go over the physics again with David.

      will be releasing this as his first table.  He has done a tremendous amount of work on this table and deserves all the credit for it.  Over the last couple months he has grew leaps and bounds with scripting.  Also, i could have never  done   the graphics on this table without him.  Its a fun table to play but we want it to play as accurate as possible so David will have to do a lot of testing.

      3 users thanked author for this post.

        Thanks Tom @armyaviation I’m very excited to finally get this out there!

        We’ve both worked an absolute ton on this one over I’m not even sure how many months now and of course I’m a little biased, but I think this table rocks big time!
        We’re getting to the home stretch… just a little longer… B-)

        2 users thanked author for this post.

          Thank you so much for your hard work on this Mlager8 and Tom.

          If i must choose top3 artwork Bally table than one of it is Escape from the lost World that’s sure.


            Glad to hear it @sheltemke

            Did a lot of work to try and get the glowing plastics looking as authentic as possible and an enormous amount of work trying to stitch together and redraw a solid looking PF. I hope is will hold up to your expectations!


              Thanks for this one

              When I see how are the plastics, apron and the looking of this table, I think it was a very expensive pinball

              I read 1500 were built, and I think that buyers are very lucky, because this pinball is a piece of art

              And I also think I’m very lucky myself, because I know that, in the weeks to come, I will be able to play it !

              So, thanks in advance to all involved for doing this one

              This is the magic of VPinball, everything is possible !


                I just saw one for sale by me for $1100. I should jump on it


                  one of that last things with the table is an issue with the Top VUK.  we are having an issue with this one.  For design sake i had to put a kicker at the bottom of the table, TOPVUK, and a kicker at the top of the table, TOPVUK2, TOPVUK receives the ball, destroys the ball and then TOPVUK2 creates a ball on the second PF and kicks it 270 degrees.  a ball can roll back in TOPVUK2 and goes back out TOPVUK2, simulates the ball going in the top of vuk falling down and coming back out, this part is working.

                  The part that is not working:  TOPVUK receives the ball, TOPVUK2 creates a ball and kicks it out, but TOPVUK still has a ball in it, it never destroys the ball so when you hit it in there again a ball is in the bottom kicker blocking it.


                  ‘Top Raising VUK service manual says ID is 39
                  ‘Variables used for VUK
                  Dim raiseballsw, raiseball

                  Sub TopVUK_Hit()
                  Controller.switch (40) = True
                  PlaySoundAtVol “popper_ball”, TopVUK, 0.25
                  End Sub

                  Sub VukTopPop(enabled)
                  if(enabled and Controller.switch (40)) then
                  PlaySoundAt SoundFX(“Popper_ball”,DOFContactors), TopVUK
                  Set raiseball = TopVUK2.CreateBall
                  raiseballsw = True
                  TopVukraiseballtimer.Enabled = True ‘Added by Rascal
                  Controller.switch (40) = False
                  ‘PlaySound “Popper”
                  end if
                  End Sub

                  Sub TopVukraiseballtimer_Timer()
                  If raiseballsw = True then
                  raiseball.z = raiseball.z + 10
                  If raiseball.z > 0 then
                  ‘msgbox (“Over”)
                  topVUK2.Kick 270, 10
                  Set raiseball = Nothing
                  TopVukraiseballtimer.Enabled = False
                  raiseballsw = False
                  ‘PlaySound “Wire Ramp”
                  End If
                  End If
                  End Sub

                  Sub TopVUK2_Hit()
                  Controller.switch (40) = True
                  PlaySoundAtVol “popper_ball”, TopVUK2, 0.25
                  End Sub

                  Sub VukTopPop(enabled)
                  if(enabled and Controller.switch (40)) then
                  PlaySoundAt SoundFX(“Popper_ball”,DOFContactors), TopVUK2
                  Set raiseball = TopVUK2.CreateBall
                  raiseballsw = True
                  TopVukraiseballtimer2.Enabled = True ‘Added by Rascal
                  Controller.switch (40) = False
                  ‘PlaySound “Popper”
                  end if
                  End Sub

                  Sub TopVukraiseballtimer2_Timer()
                  If raiseballsw = True then
                  raiseball.z = raiseball.z + 10
                  If raiseball.z > 0 then
                  ‘msgbox (“Over”)
                  topVUK2.Kick 270, 10
                  Set raiseball = Nothing
                  TopVukraiseballtimer2.Enabled = False
                  raiseballsw = False
                  ‘PlaySound “Wire Ramp”
                  End If
                  End If
                  End Sub


                    Maybe we just need to rename the second VukTopPop?


                      Matt send me your table.  Didn’t work for me


                        What if you moved the TopVUK.Enabled = false  to after you destroy the ball?




                          that Top Raising   VUK    code is only meant to be used for cases where you see the ball traveling up a vertical toy.

                          you do not want a ball destroyed in the bottom kicker and magically appearing (kicked)  in the top kicker

                          get rid of it given that the ball movement is hidden by multiple toys.


                          Use the standard 2 kicker code

                          the bottom kicker will be hit and the ball will be kicked by a second (top) kicker

                          Sub BottomKicker_Hit:bsSaucer1.AddBall 0 : playsound “popper_ball”: End Sub


                          Set bsSaucer1=New cvpmBallStack
                          bsSaucer1.InitSaucer TopKicker,40,180,5
                          bsSaucer1.InitExitSnd SoundFX(“Popper”,DOFContactors), SoundFX(“Solenoid”,DOFContactors)
                          bsSaucer1.KickForceVar = 5


                          see a table you like help me find the resources so that I can finish it

                          see a table you like help me find the resources so that I can finish it


                            that Top Raising VUK code is only meant to be used for cases where you see the ball traveling up a vertical toy.

                            you do not want a ball destroyed in the bottom kicker and magically appearing (kicked) in the top kicker

                            get rid of it given that the ball movement is hidden by multiple toys.

                            Use the standard 2 kicker code

                            the bottom kicker will be hit and the ball will be kicked by a second (top) kicker

                            Sub BottomKicker_Hit:bsSaucer1.AddBall 0 : playsound “popper_ball”: End Sub

                            Set bsSaucer1=New cvpmBallStack

                            bsSaucer1.InitSaucer TopKicker,40,180,5

                            bsSaucer1.InitExitSnd SoundFX(“Popper”,DOFContactors), SoundFX(“Solenoid”,DOFContactors)


                            bsSaucer1.KickForceVar = 5

                            I asked JPsalas about this last night and here’s his response, I think he’s basically saying the same thing as you 32 except he says to delete the second kicker all together:

                            I don’t understand why you have the second one. Usually when I make a VUK of that kind, the second (on top) kicker is not enabled, it is just there to kick the ball. The VUK at the right looks fine to me, but the one to the left has double subs.


                            So I should delete the lines from 265 to 298, and also the TopVUK2 as it is not needed.


                            And change the lines from 237 to 263 with:


                            Sub VukTopPop(enabled)
                            if(enabled and Controller.switch (40)) then
                            PlaySoundAt SoundFX(“Popper_ball”,DOFContactors), TopVUK
                            Set raiseball = TopVUK.CreateBall
                            raiseballsw = True
                            TopVukraiseballtimer.Enabled = True ‘Added by Rascal
                            Controller.switch (40) = False
                            ‘PlaySound “Popper”
                            end if
                            End Sub

                            Sub TopVukraiseballtimer_Timer()
                            If raiseballsw = True then
                            raiseball.z = raiseball.z + 10
                            If raiseball.z > 138 then
                            ‘msgbox (“Over”)
                            topVUK.Kick 270, 26
                            Set raiseball = Nothing
                            TopVukraiseballtimer.Enabled = False
                            raiseballsw = False
                            ‘PlaySound “Wire Ramp”
                            End If
                            End If
                            End Sub


                              for the same reason that you have a Drain and Ball Release kicker

                              Kicker 1  is hit in  one part of the playfield

                              Kicker 2  releases the ball in another part of the playfield.

                              their is no need for all that extra code.


                              the other kicker in this table  shoots the ball up a vertical wire ramp.

                              The  ball is visible,  the Vertical kick code should be used so that we can see the ball traveling up the vertical wire ramp.

                              the other kicker is under the UpperPF .  we don’t see the ball  until its shot out the metal scoop.



                              see a table you like help me find the resources so that I can finish it

                              see a table you like help me find the resources so that I can finish it


                                Matt made a hole in the pf and did what the bottom one does which creates a ball at z height and then kicks it in the direction needed.  I think we have it fixed but the issue now is the ball rolling back into the vuk from up top.  Should just need some work thanks 32


                                  Looking for a little help with one of the last scrips options that’s not working how I expect.

                                  I have a wall named “Glass” that has some art and reflections mapped to it that I want to be able to turn off from the script options.

                                  At the top of the script I added a Const:

                                  Const CabinetGlass = 1

                                  Then later down I added a simple If statement with the rest of my texture swaps and such:

                                  If CabinetGlass = 1 Then
                                      Glass.Visible = True
                                  End If

                                  Is there some reason this isn’t working?
                                  If I do this with a primitive it works fine, but with a wall I’m not getting anywhere. I though maybe I had to turn off static rendering, but that doesn’t seem to be an option with walls.


                                    Walls are problematic for items that have transparency because you can’t set their depth bias which is their render order. It is possible that the wall simply isn’t showing because of where it is stacked in the render chain. You could try placing the image on a flasher or ramp instead and mess with the depth bias otherwise keep it a primitive.

                                    2 users thanked author for this post.

                                      The depth bias makes sense, because it shows up fine with visibility checked off in the options, but if it’s turned on after all the table initialization via script maybe it is just getting buried.

                                      I will try either a ramp or flasher instead as you suggest.



                                        @bord Ramp did the trick! Works perfectly, thanks a bunch


                                          Just wanted to post a quick update:

                                          The latest version 1.3 has some significant changes for playability.

                                          First the area under the upper play field has been been completely encapsulated to finally put and end to the ball lost issue.
                                          Second, there was a missing gate at the top of the multi ball lane. Now with the gate added you can not enter the multiball lane from the top, only through the “ball save” area to the left of the left flipper. This should result in gaining multiball much less often as it should be. Thanks goes to Tom @armyaviation for hammering both of those fixes out.

                                          Graphically there are 2 changes:
                                          I completely re-drew the inserts so all type should now be much more legible and plastic inserts should be much clearer. Thanks @schreibi34 for your pre-rendered insert pack, they look awesome

                                          Finally I added a new wooden bridge texture. It’s an Indiana Jones style rickety wood bridge decal on a lucite prim. I found it odd the whole table was covered in beautiful art except for the bridge which IMO glaringly stuck out. Anyway I tried to use as much of the table art as I could and tried to stick to the style of the artist where there was no source material. It’s very much not original, so if your a purist you can easily turn it off in the script options.

                                          Anyway I’m pretty sure this will be the final version, unless something else glaring comes up or can be improved in a later version of VPX.
                                          Thanks for following all!

                                          5 users thanked author for this post.

                                            The new bridge looks great, thank you so much for this amazing update.

                                            Love the new inserts too :)

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