Flipper Twitch Issue

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  • #70151

      Hello, I have mostly everything working fine with a sainsmart 8 relay except when I hold the flipper button down I hear the relay firing on the board and get just a little flipper jitter that will bounce the ball around. I am not sure how to get it to stop from what I have read it should be a pulse on the flipper button meaning it should fire and release till pressed again but a press and hold causes it to fire over and over again. No issues with the other assignments i.e pop bumpers and slingshots. Thanks for your help.

      Siemens 24v solenoids

      Dedicated 24v power supply

      Diodes on each solenoid & solid ground



        Not sure what encoder you are using but do you have sticky key disabled in windows? Maybe just your keyboard setting

        Messing with the VPinball app and push notifications.
        So if you haven't downloaded app yet what are you waiting for!?
        for IOS and Android


        Messing with the VPinball app and push notifications.
        So if you haven't downloaded app yet what are you waiting for!?
        for IOS and Android



          I am using the ipac 2 sticky keys are turned off in windows. But that is a point in the right direction as I think I just need to turn off windows repeat on key press. Off in windows works, ipac still sends on button held down.


            Problem resolved, the ground wire on the IPAC had become broken, replaced and working as it should now. Thanks for the help.

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