Full Throttle Pinball

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  • #13160

      I hope this machine will also be digital emulated at some point.


      Paulo Carvalho

        SlamT1lt worked on the real pinball and showed a screenshot of his Future Pinball recreation on his website working (he later pulled the pic). I am sure once he gets permission from the company he works for, he will be allowed to post it on his website for us to try -> http://speak1970.wix.com/slamspinballemporium

        [Paulo Carvalho Mobile - 204-294-4389]
        "Life is like pinball, your always trying to keep your balls in play, but in the end, they drop down the middle :)"

        [Paulo Carvalho Mobile - 204-294-4389]
        "Life is like pinball, your always trying to keep your balls in play, but in the end, they drop down the middle :)"


          Cool. Although I would rather prefer a Visual Pinball 10 than a Future Pinball version.


            Weird pinball
            Here is a better video explaining the game modes.


              Perhaps Eala would convert to VP if slam released a FP version, though not sure if that would ever happen.

              Punch it!

              Punch it!


                does it not play i portrait as is?

                Messing with the VPinball app and push notifications.
                So if you haven't downloaded app yet what are you waiting for!?
                for IOS and Android


                Messing with the VPinball app and push notifications.
                So if you haven't downloaded app yet what are you waiting for!?
                for IOS and Android



                  It’s a fun table and has some really nice flow. I got the chance to play one a few months back in Pittsburgh on vacation at the Kickback Cafe. It was a really fun place to visit, if your close I highly recommend checking them out.


                  Phil Docker

                    Having worked on this game in the VERY early stages – I have mentioned digital versions of the tables (Full Throttle and the new Alien) and I did not get a ‘no way’ reply – I just get the impression Andrew Heighway is not interested in this world.

                    If it was to go ahead (the main designer works on Visual pinball anyway) for the games before anything is added, I am positive it would be charged for – they would not give you the resources to do it.  The files are extremely well protected in the software, not impossible to ‘crack’ but not a 2 minute job.

                    It is a linux based system, and I have to be honest it is a good game to play.

                    If you look at the playfield – no switches in the usual places.  They are basically sensors under the playfield.  The game has a few traditional switches but not many.  All the LEDs are addressable, and like Pinball 2000 – no GI circuits.

                    Also like Pinball 2000 – a lot of changes would have to be made to get these games playing on VP.

                    They no longer do ‘translites’ on games – its a TV screen, and puts up the same information as on the smaller playfield screen.

                    I would actually love to see this and Aliens for VPX – but I can not see it!

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