Gambling in Canada – It's fun!

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  • #2198
    Paulo Carvalho

      In Canada, we may not be able to purchase hand guns via mail order but you can gamble your hearts content. Our provincial gov controls onsite and online gambling so you can bet on pro sports online any time via their approved website

      I have a standing $10 dollar CAN, 5-7 NHL game parlay every couple of days. If anyone wants to get in on half my tickets or has a hunch and wants to bet together let me know. I accept paypal in Canadian funds at I am OK with splitting the risk and reward:) Keep in mind payouts are in Canadian dollars so you do the conversion :)

      I am also open to betting on NFL games. If you guys want to get together on a 5-7 NFL game parlay every Sunday let me know. I don’t know much about the NFL but am open to advice.

      My latest ticket will be attached in this thread! LMK pinheads!

      [Paulo Carvalho Mobile - 204-294-4389]
      "Life is like pinball, your always trying to keep your balls in play, but in the end, they drop down the middle :)"

      [Paulo Carvalho Mobile - 204-294-4389]
      "Life is like pinball, your always trying to keep your balls in play, but in the end, they drop down the middle :)"


        Interesting. While I am a gun owner(dozens) I also have a conceal and carry permit I’ve never gambled once in my life not even a lotto ticket.

        Messing with the VPinball app and push notifications.
        So if you haven't downloaded app yet what are you waiting for!?
        for IOS and Android


        Messing with the VPinball app and push notifications.
        So if you haven't downloaded app yet what are you waiting for!?
        for IOS and Android



          I like playing blackjack, that’s about it.
          Betting on sports… I’m too much of a homer. Never gonna happen. I’ve got a Vegas trip coming up in December though, don’t know what kind of trouble I’ll get into.

          Punch it!

          Punch it!

          Paulo Carvalho

            Yeap I hear you. It’s all about control. Via the gov’s online website, you can play up to $500 a hand in BlackJack. Essentially you could bankrupt your life very easily if your not careful. I gamble $20-30 buckaroos a week just for pure enjoyment\ shits and giggles when watching the games to make them more exciting.
            For example tonight I bet on St.Louis to be beat Chicago as you can see by the ticket above. By the end of the 1st period Chicago was up 5-2. By the end of the 2nd the Blues had tied it up 5-5. Now we are going into the 3rd all tied up, exciting stuff :)

            PS. I have never owned or fired a gun in my life even though my dad was an avid hunter. Just never appealed to me.

            [Paulo Carvalho Mobile - 204-294-4389]
            "Life is like pinball, your always trying to keep your balls in play, but in the end, they drop down the middle :)"

            [Paulo Carvalho Mobile - 204-294-4389]
            "Life is like pinball, your always trying to keep your balls in play, but in the end, they drop down the middle :)"

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