Had Game Sounds, Now I Don't. No Clue Why. Help?

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  • #188915

      Haven’t looked through it all, but, this seems to explain the basics and by using that screenshot above – you should be able to figure it out … hopefully ?!


        I use YouTube all the time.  I’m smacking my forehead. duhhhhhhh  I’ll Definitely watch that.  You know, back in the old days when home computers first came out, there wasn’t anything I could do with a computer.   I even built and sold them, but it’s past me by, that’s for sure.  I’ll/we’ll get there.  Again, thanks for your help


          Until I have time to get to the video, let’s look at this another way.

          I don’t have sound with VPX tables.

          But when I add a PuP Pack to it, problem solved.

          What is it that PuP Pack overrides when installed to a VPX table? Or what is it in PinUPSystem that makes it work?


            I watched the suggested video and a few others, but I’m stuck.  When I get to the “Copy channels: ” part, I only have three green boxes L & R & a blank box.  Below that I have a pink L & R box, a blank box and a + box.  I don’t have the Low frequency (LFE) and other channels.

            Am I supposed to add them or something?  I can fill in the blank box on top row and that’s it.  The bottom row  I can add all the boxes I want.


              You were right Thalamus.  It had to be something simple and it was although I still don’t have any idea what happened to cause the problem.  I was all around it, but didn’t go that last step until I was sitting here thinking about it while I was working and it came to me to search sound manager in Windows 10.  Here are the details in case it helps somebody else.

              I changed the screen size so that I could see the desktop and the table.  I than ran the table.

              Then in the search block at the bottom left of the screen of Windows 10, I searched for sound settings and found “App volume and device preferences.”   I saw that there was no activity coming through “Master volume” for Output on my speakers (there was when I ran other things like music, etc.)  Volume was set at 54 but I cranked it up higher but still now sound.  I went to the “Output” dropdown box and selected Speakers (SB Recon3D PCle).  I noted that there was very faint sound showing on the “Master volume” icon but I couldn’t hear anything so I changed it back to my wireless/bluetooth speakers.

              I noticed that I could scroll down and there was another section that showed “App” “Volume”  It had System sounds, Remote Desktop sounds, Google Chrome sounds and then VPX DMD SOUNDS!  (keep in mind that this only showed up if you are playing a VPX table) All the other volume levels were set to 100. VPX DMD was set to zero.  I cranked that baby up to 100 and VIOLA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  Houston, we got SOUND !!!!  I tried it on several other tables with the same results (excuse my excitement.  I’ve been at this for a few weeks) and quite a few people have been trying to help me.  Thank you all !


                Hmm. Happy to hear that, but, I believe you really should have a look at http://mjrnet.org/pinscape/PinVol.html – it might look like it is made for cabinet owners, but, I highly recommend it for everyone that run VP for several reasons. One, it will help you to keep the volume on approximately the same level from game to game, and, prevent you from what just happened to you. My default setting is like – 80% full volume on main, then 60% (default starting volume for games not seen before) full for each game which I then tune to something that sound approximately where I want it. If my wife goes to bed, then I push the main down to 20% and if I have friends over, we might end up on 100% if we had enough beers. (but, then we might get a bit of crackling – I must admit – hehe)


                  lol…..I’ve downloaded it and will install tonight.  Thanks for the link.

                  Speaking of links, do you have anything for setting up xbox for windows controller for VPX/FP etc.?


                    Nope. You will not find me touching anything FP, except for maybe stealing resources. I’m sure there is threads about it over at vpf.


                      Glad you have it working now. As for my screenshot, I can’t remember how I did it. I just kept clicking on everything until I found what I wanted. Let me know if you still want help with the APO, I can go play around with it and remember how I did it.

                      FYI, with this hobby comes many growing pains like you just experienced. The cool part is you will learn so much that you never knew before! With the help of everyone here I have conquered many issues I came across. A good idea is to keep a notebook of problems you have had and the fix for it, as it may occur again.


                        I think I found something about using Steam to map the buttons, Thalamus.  I have a wireless keyboard but I just don’t like the feel.  I’d rather have a cabinet and maybe I will in the future if I can find an easy way to get it in the states.  But, the learning part of it is fun and, obviously I have my hands full learning the desktop part.


                          That’s an excellent idea about writing it all down, flstclasic.  I appreciate your offer for further help with APO.  I think I’ll just relax and enjoy things working for now.  I WOULD be interested in knowing what sound system/speakers you are using though.

                          Again, I thank you and Thalamus for your willingness to help.  Hopefully this will help other people.


                            I use “Flipper Fidelity” sound system. I purchased mine from VirtuaPin. I think it sounds just fine. These are in a cabinet.


                              Had the same problem while making some adjustments on my tables.

                              The simple solution:

                              In VP, go to “Preferences” –> “Audio Options” and change the “Multi Channel Output ” from “Standard” to “Surround” and back again – et voila! :-)

                              If your default setting is something other than “Standard” then probably just change it to something else and back. This worked several times for me when there were suddenly only the mechanical sounds and all the game music and speech was gone! :good:


                                Thanks for documenting this in the thread!  my cab just started this same issue and it saved me tons of time fixing it.  Worked after I adjusted the channels like you suggested. :yahoo:


                                  I had the exact same problem after a complete reinstallation as described in first post from stampedem. Also for me just installing EQAPO fixed the problem. :yahoo:

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