High Roller Casino WIP

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  • #155564

      @Dids666 and I have been back at it, working on High Roller Casino!

      The table is now fully playable.    Devil is always in the details – VPX doesn’t support moving primitives, so it took quite a bit of work and finesse to get that roulette wheel to work naturally.

      Surprisingly this is also going to require a VPinmame update.    Stern used a two direction four-solenoid stepper motor that was impossible to accurately read from a table script without more direct access.     Starship Troopers and Playboy use this same motor, so hopefully the update will be useful for those tables later as well.

      Now that the table is playable, we are moving onto the audio/visuals.



        Wow I’m glad you posted this!  I spent the last day or two starting this myself but will wait for yours.  Can’t wait to see how it turns it!  If you need a tester, let me know.


          Wow I’m glad you posted this! I spent the last day or two starting this myself but will wait for yours. Can’t wait to see how it turns it! If you need a tester, let me know

          Did and I started this well over a year ago, but only recently picked it back up again.    I came here looking to update the WIP thread that there’s progress, and realized that there wasn’t one!     D’oh!   Sorry about that.   I sent you the table and the vpinmame update so you can check it out.    Still a lot left to do, but thought you might find it interesting since you had been working on it.


            Thank you so much for doing this Djrobx!


              I admire you Rob for all the great stuff you keep adding to VP. If there is something that isn’t supported, you just write up some code and submit it. If only we could clone you ;-) :rose:


                Looks great, I’m confused though what do you mean vpx doesn’t support moving primitives?  There are a few examples of spinning prims already.




                  Excited to try this.


                  Always thought the Pinball Arcade version wasn’t as engaging as it could have been with more accurate physics.


                    Looks great, I’m confused though what do you mean vpx doesn’t support moving primitives? There are a few examples of spinning prims already.

                    You can visually move them, but if you turn on collisions you’ll find that VP will only handle collisions at the original position.    So if I make a moving ramp and set it collidable, the ball will always follow the trajectory of its original position.     You can only turn collision on and off.   For the ramp case, most VP tables will fake a moving ramp with a multiple invisible ramps that turn on and off.

                    This is fine for ramps, but a big problem for the ball entering a roulette wheel that’s spinning smoothly.    The VP9 version fakes all of it by using a bunch of kickers.  That’s why you see the ball go in slow freeze-frame motion around the loop.

                    There are only two moving collidables in VP – balls and flippers.    So for this I am simulating the gaps in the wheel by fanning out 8 flippers and micro-flipping in a circle.   It took a lot of trial and error to actually get this to work, VP isn’t expecting flippers to be used like this and does some strange things based on the flipper start and end positions.    If the strength is too weak the flipper will pass through the ball.     The interaction with the cup primitive was also challenging, VP has performance issues with high poly collidables but you need a smooth circle.    Did figured out a pretty good “ugly” primitive that has good drop-in action.

                    Some systems with slow CPUs may get some stutter in multiball if there are 2-3 balls all going after the roulette wheel at once.


                      Thanks rob and did, for bringing yet :good: another sega/stern  classic to vpx. I’ve been wondering if this was going to get made since I don’t think it was to widely spread in the wild. Looking forward to this. Seen it one time but didn’t play it.


                        You can visually move them, but if you turn on collisions you’ll find that VP will only handle collisions at the original position. So if I make a moving ramp and set it collidable, the ball will always follow the trajectory of its original position. You can only turn collision on and off. For the ramp case, most VP tables will fake a moving ramp with a multiple invisible ramps that turn on and off.

                        This is fine for ramps, but a big problem for the ball entering a roulette wheel that’s spinning smoothly. The VP9 version fakes all of it by using a bunch of kickers. That’s why you see the ball go in slow freeze-frame motion around the loop.

                        There are only two moving collidables in VP – balls and flippers. So for this I am simulating the gaps in the wheel by fanning out 8 flippers and micro-flipping in a circle. It took a lot of trial and error to actually get this to work, VP isn’t expecting flippers to be used like this and does some strange things based on the flipper start and end positions. If the strength is too weak the flipper will pass through the ball. The interaction with the cup primitive was also challenging, VP has performance issues with high poly collidables but you need a smooth circle. Did figured out a pretty good “ugly” primitive that has good drop-in action.

                        Some systems with slow CPUs may get some stutter in multiball if there are 2-3 balls all going after the roulette wheel at once.

                        I thought about using flippers for the roulette wheel on Tee’d Off.  I also tried a number of other methods that also where a huge performance hit.  In the end, I settled for a static collidable primitive and a collidable on/off ramp or wall with a vp spinning disk to simulate the spinning wheel.  I think it turned out pretty good.  Not sure if it would work in this instance with multiple balls, but might be worth a look.

                        Current Project: Perpetual updates of VPX physics.

                        Current Project: Perpetual updates of VPX physics.


                          I think either GTXJoe or BD helped me with the spinning flipper on Hot Hand.  That is collidable and rotates.


                            I’m very happy with the current implementation with the flippers, it just took a long time to dial in.    I see stutter on my VM once in a while, but on the cab it’s perfect.   My VM is pretty bad with VP – timers don’t even run at the right speed ?, so I’m not going to stress about it for now.

                            If there are performance problems on some people’s systems I’d probably be more apt to have an optional script hack that drops balls out of the wheel if more than 1 tries to enter.   Probably can even tune the autoplunger to just the right strength where it basically goes right out the hole too.    But it’s neat to watch the balls pile up on it.


                              already looks awesome. glad to see y’all taking this on.







                                Really excited about this one.    Thanks so much.


                                  Some Progress of the the 3D model…



                                    Amazing work!


                                      Thanks for the explanation Rob, I figured it would be something along those lines.




                                        Looks fantastic.


                                          I admire you Rob for all the great stuff you keep adding to VP. If there is something that isn’t supported, you just write up some code and submit it. If only we could clone you ;-) :rose:

                                          No kidding. Just a knowledge dump would probably ruin most of us because we couldn’t comprehend it.
                                          Thanks for all the hard work, and looking forward to this table. Never saw one in person so this will be a treat.


                                            Lots of work done, not so much left to do :D . Unless we see a game breaker on this, we should be ready to go very soon :yahoo: does anyone here have a low powered pc for their cabs? We would like a benchmark test. @DJRobX

                                            Screenshot (13)

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