How much RAM ?

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      There are a couple of Stern tables that I just can’t run, as they cough up “out of memory” errors for me.

      I’m using an older Quad 2.83 system with 4gb (2 x 2Gb) of RAM, so I t thought I might have a look at upgrading to 8Gb.  Being an older PC, it’s running DDR2 677 sticks and as it turns out, finding 2 x 4Gb 667 sticks is near on impossible…. “as rare as rocking horse shit” as we say here in Oz. :(

      I did find just the one place that listed 4Gb 667 sticks in stock, but at $430 for a pair, they are simply out of the question.

      Can anybody recommend a place to get RAM for my system, or should I just bite the bullet and look at building a complete new system?


        are you running 64bit os? if so 8gb is ideal but honestly overkill but is what i run. Usually memory errors are related to video memory and not system memory. But if your running 32bit os then anything over 4gb is not going to be used by anything so keep that in mind too.

        Messing with the VPinball app and push notifications.
        So if you haven't downloaded app yet what are you waiting for!?
        for IOS and Android


        Messing with the VPinball app and push notifications.
        So if you haven't downloaded app yet what are you waiting for!?
        for IOS and Android



          are you running 64bit os? if so 8gb is ideal but honestly overkill but is what i run. Usually memory errors are related to video memory and not system memory. But if your running 32bit os then anything over 4gb is not going to be used by anything so keep that in mind too.

          64bit and a 4Gb GTX960


            Perhaps it’s a driver issue with the GPU, but I can’t update the driver as I end up with the dreaded Win10/nVidia Black Screens of Death!   …and that’s a PITA to fix when you can’t see anything but black. :(


              yeah you got plenty of video ram! ;) drivers could be issue

              Messing with the VPinball app and push notifications.
              So if you haven't downloaded app yet what are you waiting for!?
              for IOS and Android


              Messing with the VPinball app and push notifications.
              So if you haven't downloaded app yet what are you waiting for!?
              for IOS and Android



                Guess I will live in hope that WinDOZE! and nVidia get their shit together ;)


                  There are a couple of Stern tables that I just can’t run, as they cough up “out of memory” errors for me. I’m using an older Quad 2.83 system with 4gb (2 x 2Gb) of RAM, so I t thought I might have a look at upgrading to 8Gb. Being an older PC, it’s running DDR2 677 sticks and as it turns out, finding 2 x 4Gb 667 sticks is near on impossible…. “as rare as rocking horse shit” as we say here in Oz. :( I did find just the one place that listed 4Gb 667 sticks in stock, but at $430 for a pair, they are simply out of the question. Can anybody recommend a place to get RAM for my system, or should I just bite the bullet and look at building a complete new system?

                  Why are those old sticks so expensive, I can buy them here for 17,50 euro/4gb   :scratch:




                    There are a couple of Stern tables that I just can’t run, as they cough up “out of memory” errors for me. I’m using an older Quad 2.83 system with 4gb (2 x 2Gb) of RAM, so I t thought I might have a look at upgrading to 8Gb. Being an older PC, it’s running DDR2 677 sticks and as it turns out, finding 2 x 4Gb 667 sticks is near on impossible…. “as rare as rocking horse shit” as we say here in Oz. :( I did find just the one place that listed 4Gb 667 sticks in stock, but at $430 for a pair, they are simply out of the question. Can anybody recommend a place to get RAM for my system, or should I just bite the bullet and look at building a complete new system?

                    Why are those old sticks so expensive, I can buy them here for 17,50 euro/4gb :scratch:

                    AMD ones are cheap and buffered server ones are cheap…. but Intel non-buffered are through the roof! :(


                      Hey Rusty, you can go into the video preferences and change “max texture dimension” from unlimited to something else and then run the tables that are giving you trouble again.  If they run better, you probably can fix it with more ram.

                      I have read people saying 8gb is a good number, which is what I started with when I got into VP… I have more now (20) which is overkill for VP but I have it for other games and apps that can use it.

                      *edit* old style RAM is almost always more expensive than the new standard stuff.  In the past I have found that it was cheaper to upgrade a motherboard that supported the new RAM type when I wanted to do a RAM upgrade, because the newer type was so cheap and the old style had skyrocketed.


                        Just out of curiosity Drybonz what games use more than 8GB of RAM?


                          Hey TNT… do you mean which tables?  I have no idea.  I have always had enough RAM, fortunately, that I didn’t have the texture crash thing, but I have read other people saying Stern tables… Walking Dead, etc… large tables with large textures, etc… I’m assuming, which is why using the video option to limit the amount of memory has been suggested to people with that problem.  Really, I’m just passing along stuff I have read in other threads.


                            Did you turn off your pagefile for some reason?


                              Did you turn off your pagefile for some reason?

                              not intentionally??  Wouldn’t even know where to look



                                On windows 7 it’s in System Properties -> Advanced under “Virtual Memory”. Try increasing the pagefile size.


                                  On windows 7 it’s in System Properties -> Advanced under “Virtual Memory”. Try increasing the pagefile size.

                                  Bloody good call nFozzy! Thanks. (found it in the same place on Win10)

                                  It was set to a pathetic little 200mb.  It’s a hand-me-down computer, so that must have been a remnant of it’s previous life.  I have now set it to the recommended 1024 and have been able to run TWD (with detail maxed) under PBX for the very first time ;)

                                  Perhaps now I will be able to turn back on playfield reflections in some of the table that gave me stutter???

                                  Thanks again for everyone’s help.



                                    Hey Rusty, as long as you have hard drive space you can set it even higher.  I think 1.5-2x times the amount of physical RAM you have in your system is what I have seen people recommend a lot… I used to use 2x I think, but don’t need as much now.  It’s basically using your hard drive as kind of a RAM overflow, for lack of a better description, so you may be able to squeeze a bit more out of it by setting it a little higher.  That was a good call on Fozzy’s part.

                                    1 user thanked author for this post.

                                      Hey TNT… do you mean which tables? I have no idea. I have always had enough RAM, fortunately, that I didn’t have the texture crash thing, but I have read other people saying Stern tables… Walking Dead, etc… large tables with large textures, etc… I’m assuming, which is why using the video option to limit the amount of memory has been suggested to people with that problem. Really, I’m just passing along stuff I have read in other threads.

                                      I was thinking of games not so much individual VPX tables. But honestly I have no idea how much RAM new games tend to use. I just remembered that the 32-bit OS were physically limited to using just over 3GB of RAM. Of course most folks have 64-bit OS these days so I have no idea on limitations. I am guessing it would have something to do with threading or number of processor cores being used.


                                        16-32gb is pretty standard for a serious gaming rig.  Probably overkill for many games, but RAM is typically cheap and easy to install so 2 16gb sticks is not uncommon… then you don’t have to worry about it for a while.  This would be way overkill for VP purposes.


                                          Hey Rusty, as long as you have hard drive space you can set it even higher. I think 1.5-2x times the amount of physical RAM you have in your system is what I have seen people recommend a lot… I used to use 2x I think, but don’t need as much now. It’s basically using your hard drive as kind of a RAM overflow, for lack of a better description, so you may be able to squeeze a bit more out of it by setting it a little higher. That was a good call on Fozzy’s part.

                                          I’ll try upping it of I run into any problems.  I have space and it’s an SSD so it’s nice a fast for vm too :)

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