How to have a table be able to use PuP and not use it.

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      NOTE: This has now been updated to work with the newest version of PinUP Player as of v 1.3.3 of PinUP System

      It has been asked…how can you have both a table that runs a PuP-Pack, but also have the same table without PuP running (and use your B2S backglass)?

      While there isn’t an official solution… NailBuster did come up with this method.

      You will need two copies of your table.     Tron Legacy (Stern 2010).vpx     PUP_Tron Legacy (Stern 2010).vpx

      1) for PuP-Pack use: This table file MUST be named differently to prevent the directb2s file from being loaded. The first 6 characters are what B2S Server uses to match table file with directb2s file. So it would be best to rename the first part of the table file that will use a PuP-Pack. Such as : PUP_Tron Legacy (Stern 2010).vpx

      2) for directb2s use (No Pup-Pack):  both the table file name and directb2s file name must match.  Tron Legacy (Stern 2010).vpx Tron Legacy (Stern 2010).directb2s

      On your No-PuP-Pack copy of the table….  open the script editor and find    “Sub Table1_Init“.    (This may be different with each table)

      Add the following to the end of that sub routine.


      Dim PuPlayer
      Set PuPlayer = CreateObject("PinUpPlayer.PinDisplay")
      PuPlayer.SendMSG "{ ""mt"":301 }"
      PuPlayer.SendMSG "{ ""mt"":301, ""SN"": 2, ""FN"":12 }" 'disable display   This is to hide the PuP Backglass
      PuPlayer.SendMSG "{ ""mt"":301, ""SN"": 0, ""FN"":12 }" 'disable display   This is to hide the PuP Topper

      PuPlayer.SendMSG "{ ""mt"":301, ""SN"": 7, ""FN"":12 }" 'disable display   This is to hide the PuP Backglass Layer 2
      PuPlayer.SendMSG "{ ""mt"":301, ""SN"": 8, ""FN"":12 }" 'disable display   This is to hide the PuP Topper Layer2


      Then save your No-PuP-Pack version of the table.  Voila! The PuP-Pack goes away when the table is loaded. (You may see it for 1 sec)

      I tried this with Avatar, Batman, AFM, and Tron…and it works perfectly.

      Try it out and let me know how this works for you guys.

      1 user thanked author for this post.

        Idea #2 if you don’t want to modify table script.  You’ll have to figure out way to rename files before the table is ran.  (could also do in table script to rename files at top)

        for avr_200 for example…  you should only need to rename ‘screens.pup’ inside the pupvideos\avr_200 folder to anything else like (‘screens.zzz’).

        You’ll need to rename screens.zzz back to screens.pup to enabled PuP-Pack….





        The Loafer

          I like the “modify script” idea, works for me!  I’ll try it out later this week, thanks


            I like the “modify script” idea, works for me! I’ll try it out later this week, thanks

            Yah…I Think this is the simplest, and cleanest way to do it so far. No need for any changes in PBX or anything else….just have a 2nd copy of the table….easy.


              I have another Backglasses question somewhat along these lines…..thought I’d ask here possibly there is an answer that can help.
              I am enjoying the heck out of PuP…..however my scores are really suffering because of it….who cares…it’s a small price to

              I tried changing my b2s Backglasses to the new Tron LE BG by STAT and for whatever reason I cannot get the BG to change. What happens is the originally installed BG continues to be displayed when the table is loaded while the BG I’m trying to install is actually behind the original. I have my “Backglass” window for the videos set to almost as large as my monitor, but not quite as large, as it apparently will not let me make it any larger than it is. Anyway I can see the BG that I want is behind the window. I’m wondering why I can’t install a new backglass to this table. I tried all the usual stuff….renamimg the table and BG to match exactly….looking for other b2s files that match etc. maybe this is normal behavior on PuP tables.Ideas Anyone?


                I have another Backglasses question somewhat along these lines…..thought I’d ask here possibly there is an answer that can help. I am enjoying the heck out of PuP…..however my scores are really suffering because of it….who cares…it’s a small price to I tried changing my b2s Backglasses to the new Tron LE BG by STAT and for whatever reason I cannot get the BG to change. What happens is the originally installed BG continues to be displayed when the table is loaded while the BG I’m trying to install is actually behind the original. I have my “Backglass” window for the videos set to almost as large as my monitor, but not quite as large, as it apparently will not let me make it any larger than it is. Anyway I can see the BG that I want is behind the window. I’m wondering why I can’t install a new backglass to this table. I tried all the usual stuff….renamimg the table and BG to match exactly….looking for other b2s files that match etc. maybe this is normal behavior on PuP tables.Ideas Anyone? Thanks


                Watch my 2nd video in this thread. “Installing PuP Part 2”. It will show you where you need to erase the Backglass Background video settings for whatever PuP-Pack you want.

                If a PuP-Pack has a Background Video set for the backglass (which is always looping), then you will NEVER see your directB2S Backglass. That’s why you must disable your PuP-Pack’s Backglass Background video if you want to see your directB2S.


                UPDATE: Video was removed as its out of date


                1 user thanked author for this post.

                  Thanks for the videos TerryRed….extremely helpful! Didn’t know they were out there. Couldn’t begin to tell you how many hours I have spent working on this last week…..between reading forum posts,downloading and installing/testing etc.Troubleshooting and racking my brain,I may have had a birthday in there somewhere.LOL Luckily I am retired and have the time.

                  Another important point to remember for those like myself who use Win7…..remember to unblock those two .dll files in the extdmd download. I had to regroup and re-attack that after several hours on trying to get the update to work…..what a relief to see it come to life after unblocking the .dlls


                    Does anyone have an example of the ‘modify script’ option mentioned where the renaming of screens.pup occurs as part of launching the table (and then ideally renames it back)?  Where do you do this, in the VPX script editor or somewhere else?  Thanks for any help anyone can provide.


                      i think this has to be updated for pup 1.3. what other screens have to be hidden? batman’s pup, for example, keeps coming back uuu


                        Dim PuPlayer Set PuPlayer = CreateObject(“PinUpPlayer.PinDisplay”) PuPlayer.setscreenex 0,0,0,0,0,3 PuPlayer.setscreenex 2,0,0,0,0,3 PuPlayer.setscreenex 7,0,0,0,0,3 PuPlayer.hide 0 PuPlayer.hide 2 PuPlayer.hide 7


                        Just tried on Batman and AFM….and sure enough… PuP does go away, but then shortly after comes back again.

                        Need to figure out why now it’s doing that now….


                          probably obvious, but renaming screens.pup still works… using this method for now.



                            probably obvious, but renaming screens.pup still works… using this method for now.



                            NOTE: This has now been updated to work with the newest version of PinUP Player as of v 1.3.3 of PinUP System

                            Dim PuPlayer
                            Set PuPlayer = CreateObject(“PinUpPlayer.PinDisplay”)
                            PuPlayer.SendMSG “{ “”mt””:301 }”
                            PuPlayer.SendMSG “{ “”mt””:301, “”SN””: 2, “”FN””:12 }” ‘disable display   This is to hide the PuP Backglass
                            PuPlayer.SendMSG “{ “”mt””:301, “”SN””: 0, “”FN””:12 }” ‘disable display   This is to hide the PuP Topper

                            PuPlayer.SendMSG “{ “”mt””:301, “”SN””: 7, “”FN””:12 }” ‘disable display   This is to hide the PuP Backglass Layer 2
                            PuPlayer.SendMSG “{ “”mt””:301, “”SN””: 8, “”FN””:12 }” ‘disable display   This is to hide the PuP Topper Layer2



                            I updated the first post to reflect this.


                              Would it make sense to hide screens 0-8 ? Any reason not to?


                              EDIT: tested it with all pup tables, works 100%. thanks again.


                                Would it make sense to hide screens 0-8 ? Any reason not to?

                                You could try. Wouldn’t hurt, but not really needed. The 4 screens i listed cover all current pup-packs.


                                  probably obvious, but renaming screens.pup still works… using this method for now.


                                  NOTE: This has now been updated to work with the newest version of PinUP Player as of v 1.3.3 of PinUP System

                                  Dim PuPlayer

                                  Set PuPlayer = CreateObject(“PinUpPlayer.PinDisplay”)

                                  PuPlayer.SendMSG “{ “”mt””:301 }”

                                  PuPlayer.SendMSG “{ “”mt””:301, “”SN””: 2, “”FN””:12 }” ‘disable display This is to hide the PuP Backglass

                                  PuPlayer.SendMSG “{ “”mt””:301, “”SN””: 0, “”FN””:12 }” ‘disable display This is to hide the PuP Topper

                                  PuPlayer.SendMSG “{ “”mt””:301, “”SN””: 7, “”FN””:12 }” ‘disable display This is to hide the PuP Backglass Layer 2

                                  PuPlayer.SendMSG “{ “”mt””:301, “”SN””: 8, “”FN””:12 }” ‘disable display This is to hide the PuP Topper Layer2

                                  Thanks for the update info Terry….appreciate all you work! I tried this with no luck though I’m not sure if I typed this in the correct spot or not. I know you said to put it at the end of the Sub Table1_Init routine but to be honest I’m not sure where that routine ends…..I’m not familiar at all reading script. This is the AFM night Mod VPX table. I insterted this on lines 158-164…..then on line 167 the ***Keys*** script begins.This seemed like the end of that routine to me?? At any rate with this typed in here I continue to get the PuP backglass to load. Wrong location?
                                  I’d still like to be able to play at least one table with the regular backglass as I have a really spectacular backglass that I’d still like to see occasionally.
                                  I’m using the version of PuPlayer that came in the first version of the Pinup Player System download. I believe that is version 1.3 of PuPlayer?
                                  Thank you.


                                    probably obvious, but renaming screens.pup still works… using this method for now.


                                    NOTE: This has now been updated to work with the newest version of PinUP Player as of v 1.3.3 of PinUP System

                                    Dim PuPlayer

                                    Set PuPlayer = CreateObject(“PinUpPlayer.PinDisplay”)

                                    PuPlayer.SendMSG “{ “”mt””:301 }”

                                    PuPlayer.SendMSG “{ “”mt””:301, “”SN””: 2, “”FN””:12 }” ‘disable display This is to hide the PuP Backglass

                                    PuPlayer.SendMSG “{ “”mt””:301, “”SN””: 0, “”FN””:12 }” ‘disable display This is to hide the PuP Topper

                                    PuPlayer.SendMSG “{ “”mt””:301, “”SN””: 7, “”FN””:12 }” ‘disable display This is to hide the PuP Backglass Layer 2

                                    PuPlayer.SendMSG “{ “”mt””:301, “”SN””: 8, “”FN””:12 }” ‘disable display This is to hide the PuP Topper Layer2

                                    Thanks for the update info Terry….appreciate all you work! I tried this with no luck though I’m not sure if I typed this in the correct spot or not. I know you said to put it at the end of the Sub Table1_Init routine but to be honest I’m not sure where that routine ends…..I’m not familiar at all reading script. This is the AFM night Mod VPX table. I insterted this on lines 158-164…..then on line 167 the ***Keys*** script begins.This seemed like the end of that routine to me?? At any rate with this typed in here I continue to get the PuP backglass to load. Wrong location?

                                    I’d still like to be able to play at least one table with the regular backglass as I have a really spectacular backglass that I’d still like to see occasionally.

                                    I’m using the version of PuPlayer that came in the first version of the Pinup Player System download. I believe that is version 1.3 of PuPlayer?

                                    Thank you.

                                    It won’t work unless you have the newest PuP update….currently found here:



                                    1 user thanked author for this post.

                                      After updating to version 1.3 the script change works perfectly for me. Thanks very much!



                                        This is driving me crazy ?. I installed everything from terry’s videos and for some reason I can only get back to the future pup pack working on the back glass video. All the other pup packs won’t play any videos, just the back glass shows up. Any help would be great. Thanks.




                                          This is driving me crazy ?. I installed everything from terry’s videos and for some reason I can only get back to the future pup pack working on the back glass video. All the other pup packs won’t play any videos, just the back glass shows up. Any help would be great. Thanks.



                                            Apparently I’m missing the puplog txt file and I’m not sure why it’s not appearing. I have everything working except that

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