Jaws FP to VP wip

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  • #98718

      I don’t even know what to say. Wow.

      post a pic of your version please! I’d like to see it to compare. Can’t believe it looks to different as we pulled from same Fp table

      Messing with the VPinball app and push notifications.
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      Messing with the VPinball app and push notifications.
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      The Loafer

        not worth commenting

        The Loafer

          Randr:  don’t bite the line man, anyone who comes in guns blazing has no intention of being sensible.


          You’ve done some fine work and good contributions chepas but I’m disappointed in you here.  Fucking calm down, talk it out and you’ll see there is massive assumptions here on your part


            That was the weirdest exchange I’ve ever seen. Takes me back to the old days when it was site vs site and certain people wouldn’t be caught dead visiting one or the other.

            Jon Osborne

              Please, please, please let our dreams of Horsepin no longer developing games come true. ?


                Yeah i am totally blown AWAY!

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                Messing with the VPinball app and push notifications.
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                  Well…it’s not like Horsepins’s version of Jaws is even available to download anymore…


                  ….really, I don’t get it. Horse, you did some good work with your version of JAWS, but then for whatever reason, you decide you won’t share anymore. It’s not like you haven’t done that kind of thing before.


                  randr never even knew about, or has even tried your version of Jaws. I know I haven’t tried it… but that’s ONLY because P-ROC is such a pain to get setup and I didn’t want to mess up my CCC install (which was easy…thanks to ninuzzu). If P-ROC wasn’t needed, I know for a fact many more people would have enjoyed your version of Jaws.


                  So now you see someone else releasing a straight up FP to VPX version without P-ROC needed, but also without the cool videos,etc you had… and it was converted in a timely fashion. I can get feeling a little jealous or annoyed in some respect…but that has nothing to do with randr…. it has to do with how you conduct yourself.


                    I’m not going to apologise, you got the message, I had way too many pints yesterday, pretty funny reading that back this morning.

                    Was just making a point you have the background, obvious you took the build (however old, even as a starter, but you left it in). Then you’re making out that I think you took everything else? I didn’t even use the FP script anyway, so not even trying to say that was copied at all, none of it actually, but you left the background which is very Fishy.


                    “P-ROC is such a pain to get setup”

                    Because you’re a bellend that can’t read and you should now know that it’s not for people like yourself to play with. Works fine on all Windows, Linux & Mac with a setup time of 5-10 minutes.

                    “my CCC install (which was easy…thanks to ninuzzu)”

                    Lol, see this is where you think you’re golden. Half of that is just robbed, you wouldn’t have CCC if not me sorting it out with Dozer. He (Ninuzzas) updates when I update, uses old controllers etc ,which basically leads to you getting a headache because you’re trying to install from two places. Old over New etc. I actually find it hilarious that you think that installer is doing something extra special for you. As far as CCC is concerned you wouldn’t need anything because that part of pyproc hasn’t been updated in a few years so that will always work off a standard install.

                    “randr never even knew about, or has even tried your version of Jaws.”

                    Wrong AGAIN. I could pull a comment from Randr Computers about 3+ years ago on a Jaws video and frequents on VPU.

                    ” I can get feeling a little jealous or annoyed in some respect”

                    Jealous of Ultra or Puppy Displays? Sure, they both won’t work outside of VP so zero use to me.

                    You’re deluded just like your bum chum Russel, maybe more. Actually that generally goes for anybody from Cucknadas Peoplekind.



                      I’m not going to apologise, you got the message, I had way too many pints yesterday, pretty funny reading that back this morning.

                      Was just making a point you have the background, obvious you took the build (however old, even as a starter, but you left it in). Then you’re making out that I think you took everything else? I didn’t even use the FP script anyway, so not even trying to say that was copied at all, none of it actually, but you left the background which is very Fishy.

                      “P-ROC is such a pain to get setup”

                      Because you’re a bellend that can’t read and you should now know that it’s not for people like yourself to play with. Works fine on all Windows, Linux & Mac with a setup time of 5-10 minutes.

                      “my CCC install (which was easy…thanks to ninuzzu)”

                      Lol, see this is where you think you’re golden. Half of that is just robbed, you wouldn’t have CCC if not me sorting it out with Dozer. He (Ninuzzas) updates when I update, uses old controllers etc ,which basically leads to you getting a headache because you’re trying to install from two places. Old over New etc. I actually find it hilarious that you think that installer is doing something extra special for you. As far as CCC is concerned you wouldn’t need anything because that part of pyproc hasn’t been updated in a few years so that will always work off a standard install.

                      “randr never even knew about, or has even tried your version of Jaws.”

                      Wrong AGAIN. I could pull a comment from Randr Computers about 3+ years ago on a Jaws video and frequents on VPU.

                      ” I can get feeling a little jealous or annoyed in some respect”

                      Jealous of Ultra or Puppy Displays? Sure, they both won’t work outside of VP so zero use to me.

                      You’re deluded just like your bum chum Russel, maybe more. Actually that generally goes for anybody from Cucknadas Peoplekind.

                      To be clear… I know the P-Roc setup was your work. I should have said thanks to ninuzzu’s post / installer for CCC. I didn’t mean that is was all his doing. So my apologies if that’s how that sounds. I have no problems getting things to work myself (I have both Evil Dead and CCC working fine)…but I’m not going to mess around with what I have working with CCC if you are pulling your downloads to your tables and updates to P-ROC,etc. at a moments notice…. that’s a very “Russell” thing to do. To be clear Russell hasn’t spoken to me and anyone else for almost 2 years…and he most likely HATES what I’ve been doing lately with VPX and with his tables…but he doesn’t respond to anything to let me know either way.

                      As for jealousy… I was referring to the fact that you got all ticked off about VPX no longer allowing locking out of tables, so you pulled your table downloads…again. Shortly after someone else is working on a different version of “Rom’s” Jaws table that doesn’t require anything to use (no P-Roc, PuP,etc).  Your reaction to it indicated that you are either jealous of the attention its getting, or you are annoyed that its being put out there so quickly after your table was pulled. Edit: Maybe I too, shouldn’t have made this assumption….so I apologize for that.

                      I did not mention Pup at all whatsoever. Yes, it works easily with VPX, FP, DOFLinx,FX3,etc… most of the main “virtual” pinball related stuff out there. P-Roc was meant for real Pinball, but you made it work with VP (and did some impressive stuff with it way before pup came out which is admirable) and it does some things that PuP can’t do. One doesn’t have to be “the better” one over the other. We all have out own preferences and needs / uses.

                      I believe your work and their end results speak for themselves. Its great stuff. Its stands on its own. There was absolutely no reason for you to assume that randr took your table and did a quick conversion to claim as his own. I was part of the conversion process…so when I saw your post, I called B/S on it. That’s all there was to it.


                        I’m not going to apologise, you got the message, I had way too many pints yesterday, pretty funny reading that back this morning.

                        Was just making a point you have the background, obvious you took the build (however old, even as a starter, but you left it in). Then you’re making out that I think you took everything else? I didn’t even use the FP script anyway, so not even trying to say that was copied at all, none of it actually, but you left the background which is very Fishy.


                        …and I updated my response above to point out that maybe I jumped the gun as well… but glad you cleared this up.


                          “P-ROC is such a pain to get setup” Because you’re a bellend that can’t read and you should now know that it’s not for people like yourself to play with. Works fine on all Windows, Linux & Mac with a setup time of 5-10 minutes.

                          It’s true that P-ROC is easy to install, but it’s the troubleshooting intricacies that are the issue. My P-ROC installation was fine but I kept getting fatal font errors that it needed SDL support, and I saw many instances of people with this problem and no fixes except to try uninstalling and reinstalling (I had already made sure the SDL_tff file was in the P-ROC tools folder). In the end, I had to copy the latest SDL2_tff file to both P-ROC tools and C:\Python27\Lib\site-packages\pygame. And that took hours of referencing forums and trying things to get there. (In the end, it was worth it for Evil Dead.) But I suspect most users would try it, get the error, and just give up after they couldn’t find a quick answer. It will be nice to have a version of Jaws that’s more approachable for those users.


                            “P-ROC is such a pain to get setup” Because you’re a bellend that can’t read and you should now know that it’s not for people like yourself to play with. Works fine on all Windows, Linux & Mac with a setup time of 5-10 minutes.

                            It’s true that P-ROC is easy to install, but it’s the troubleshooting intricacies that are the issue. My P-ROC installation was fine but I kept getting fatal font errors that it needed SDL support, and I saw many instances of people with this problem and no fixes except to try uninstalling and reinstalling (I had already made sure the SDL_tff file was in the P-ROC tools folder). In the end, I had to copy the latest SDL2_tff file to both P-ROC tools and C:\Python27\Lib\site-packages\pygame. And that took hours of referencing forums and trying things to get there. (In the end, it was worth it for Evil Dead.) But I suspect most users would try it, get the error, and just give up after they couldn’t find a quick answer. It will be nice to have a version of Jaws that’s more approachable for those users.

                            There’s no reason why there can’t be a version of all the FP table conversions on VPX that doesn’t require P-ROC, or PUP, etc.

                            In the case of PuP…it can be a lot easier as an add-on option to the table for extra videos, etc in the form of a PuP-Pack. It would be using standard DOF Exxx calls, so the table would run the same with or without the PuP-Pack. To use PuP-Scores displays similar to what Horse’s version used…that “may” require coding in the table…but I don’t think it does (maybe with PuP-script with the PuP-Pack). In the case of Stranger Things Stranger Edition…it was built for PUP so you don’t have a choice there.

                            For those who want Horse’e version then they can use it as well. One doesn’t interfere or mess with the other.


                              It won’t be the first table where I keep multiple builds of the same pin (I have so many Medieval Madness and Star Trek LE).


                                SDL2_tff file to both P-ROC tools and C:\Python27\Lib\site-packages\pygame.

                                That wouldn’t make a blind bit of difference, PyGame isn’t SDL2 and doesn’t rely on it whatsoever.

                                you got all ticked off about VPX no longer allowing locking out of tables

                                Not at all, I had to specify why I pulled for that reason alone, in the end it’s actually done me a favor and it was just a peace of mind that 90% of the public wouldn’t have even bothered to try to get into it.

                                Your reaction to it indicated that you are either jealous of the attention its getting

                                Lol. Told you I got sent a link and I wouldn’t be here otherwise, I have no idea what you lot get up to in a month of Sundays.

                                There was absolutely no reason for you to assume that randr took your table and did a quick conversion to claim as his own.

                                Well I’m not sure I did. We’ll leave it to just a coincidence you did a search for a sea background and used the same for the desktop background.

                                There’s no reason why there can’t be a version of all the FP table conversions on VPX that doesn’t require P-ROC, or PUP, etc.

                                Goes without saying, right, but you still have to?

                                You’re one presumptious motherfucker I tell you that for nothing.


                                  SDL2_tff file to both P-ROC tools and C:\Python27\Lib\site-packages\pygame.

                                  That wouldn’t make a blind bit of difference, PyGame isn’t SDL2 and doesn’t rely on it whatsoever.

                                  you got all ticked off about VPX no longer allowing locking out of tables

                                  Not at all, I had to specify why I pulled for that reason alone, in the end it’s actually done me a favor and it was just a peace of mind that 90% of the public wouldn’t have even bothered to try to get into it.

                                  Your reaction to it indicated that you are either jealous of the attention its getting

                                  Lol. Told you I got sent a link and I wouldn’t be here otherwise, I have no idea what you lot get up to in a month of Sundays.

                                  There was absolutely no reason for you to assume that randr took your table and did a quick conversion to claim as his own.

                                  Well I’m not sure I did. We’ll leave it to just a coincidence you did a search for a sea background and used the same for the desktop background.

                                  There’s no reason why there can’t be a version of all the FP table conversions on VPX that doesn’t require P-ROC, or PUP, etc.

                                  Goes without saying, right, but you still have to?

                                  You’re one presumptious motherfucker I tell you that for nothing.

                                  As I mentioned in that post and a following… I too made some presumptions… and I did apologize. I posted these with about 3 hours sleep, so I got pretty worked up.

                                  I only mentioned that there could be a non P-ROC or PuP version of any FP conversion because I thought maybe some people may have felt that by doing so, it would be rude to you since you were in the process of creating some. To me they are different experiences, neither one better than the other. All personal preferences. One shouldn’t be compared to the other in a negative way.



                                    SDL2_tff file to both P-ROC tools and C:\Python27\Lib\site-packages\pygame. That wouldn’t make a blind bit of difference, PyGame isn’t SDL2 and doesn’t rely on it whatsoever.

                                    Well that is exactly what fixed it. I could run Cactus Canyon, but every time I opened one of your tables, I got an error string boiling down to:

                                    File “C:\P-ROC\games\evildead\procgame\dmd\sdl2_displaymanager.py”, line 170, in fonts_init self.font_manager = FontManagerExtended(font_path = font_path, alias=default_font_alias, size = size)
                                    File “C:\Python27\lib\site-packages\sdl2\ext\font.py”, line 193, in __init__”FontManager requires sdlttf support”)

                                    I had followed your instructions to copy the included SDL2 file into the dlls without success. Eventually I downloaded the latest sdl2 compilation zip from libsdl.org and copied libfreetype-6.dll, SDL2_ttf.dll, and zlib1.dll to ‘C:\P-ROC\games\EvilDead\config’. This finally allowed me to successfully launch game.py, but still gave me the “FontManager requires sdlttf support” error in VPX.

                                    The mention of python27 in the repeated errors is what led me to search for the library location in the python folders and overwrite the same three files there. I’m not sure if it wanted the versions to match, but as soon as I copied those there, both your tables booted beautifully. Evil Dead is really fantastic; you really blew it out of the park with that one.

                                    But I like to see anyone’s new work. I have no problem believing that during the material gathering phase, someone provided randr with your Jaws background. But dang, you’re scary when you have too many pints!


                                      This WIP thread is FASCINATING!

                                      I guess Horsepin has done some badass tables in the past or something. Did a quick search and seems like he is about the same everywhere that I glanced.

                                      The trollish prickishness is over the top, but he seems to enjoy it.

                                      Can’t tell if he would be a really interesting person to meet in real life or horrible. Or a mix of both? Good times!

                                      @horsepin What tables did you do in the past?  Evil Dead and Jaws? Any others?




                                        you got all ticked off about VPX no longer allowing locking out of tables

                                        Just to clarify on why this was actually implemented/removed:

                                        Locking tables within ALL VP versions was never very effective, as there was the plain text master-password for all to find in the (open) sources.


                                          As an outsider just reading this I’ve learnt…


                                          Terry you have the patience of a saint and you’re way more polite than I’d expect anyone to be.




                                          1 user thanked author for this post.

                                            This table is done but have 2 bugs. Tilt with ball in plunger lane and lock lights blinking correctly. Otherwise done

                                            Messing with the VPinball app and push notifications.
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                                            Messing with the VPinball app and push notifications.
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