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  • #1922

      I’m about to have some time and start working on tables again. Does anyone have a nice set of materials already set up that can be imported into a bare table. Most of the old ones i had have been corrupted through various revisions of vpx.

      Any helo is much appreciated.

      Also if someone could point me to a nice tutorial for making clear plastic ramps for use in vp. Or canni build them using vp ramps and export them with the export table as obj feature?

      Was g OK nna start with something easy like fathom or bad cats, any preference of what you’d like to see first



        Hi Unclewilly. Great news about getting back in to table building. Would love to see Seawitch or Fathom updated. Seawitch VP9 is a great table that could be excellent in VPX.


          Seawitch. That would be a nice quick and easy build to get back into the swing of things


            I know a lot of people would love it. :yahoo:


              @uncle willy
              I’m sure you could take any table from and export the materials with one click and import them into your new build. I know I have a collection I use but is not as good as fren’s so maybe export frens from one in his builds

              Messing with the VPinball app and push notifications.
              So if you haven't downloaded app yet what are you waiting for!?
              for IOS and Android


              Messing with the VPinball app and push notifications.
              So if you haven't downloaded app yet what are you waiting for!?
              for IOS and Android



                I’ve spent a lot of (too much) time on materials and think I’ve started to get them figured out
                I found a good material for use on a lot of the plastic toys that are in more modern pinball machines, that gives them some of that plastic shininess. Here I’ve used it on the fish, strippers, boat, and truck – if you saw a previous screenshot of the table you can probably spot the difference. Of course some of this relies on the table lighting I’m using as well but it should give a similarly desirable effect on even the base table. Screenshot of my material settings is below it

                And for ramps, I think I’ve got a good material for these as well. I am using the “aluminum” texture that has been prevalent in a lot of VP Tables for years now, with dynamic rendering on the primitives (oh yea these are primitive ramps btw – that process is not so easy to describe unfortunately) – the screenshot below is the primitive ramps with my ramp material applied and the aluminum texture used. Material settings below it

                Those are the 2 materials I have spent the most time on, besides the gold wire ramps from Kingpin, which I actually never fully achieved. The ramps on Kingpin are fully textured by dark. Everything else I’ve managed to get a good material for, usually by starting with one of the base materials and tweaking it until I get the desired effect. It takes a lot of time, when you start fine tuning it and you notice the difference between .2 shininess and .15 shininess…

                Punch it!

                Punch it!


                  Thanks fren. Very nice.
                  I think that was my old standard aluminum texture. Sweet. Will try these on my pinball magic wip


                    Might be! I wish I knew where most of these materials came from. I got a lot from the FP primitives but others have just become so common place I don’t know anymore, that one and the TransRamp texture get a lot of mileage lol. I assumed most came from JP since I borrowed a lot of stuff from 85vett who borrowed a lot from JP. I use the aluminum texture for most of my metals as well, very good texture if it’s yours then thank you for it

                    Punch it!

                    Punch it!


                      I’ve spent a lot of (too much) time on materials and think I’ve started to get them figured out
                      I found a good material for use on a lot of the plastic toys that are in more modern pinball machines, that gives them some of that plastic shininess. Here I’ve used it on the fish, strippers, boat, and truck – if you saw a previous screenshot of the table you can probably spot the difference. Of course some of this relies on the table lighting I’m using as well but it should give a similarly desirable effect on even the base table. Screenshot of my material settings is below it

                      And for ramps, I think I’ve got a good material for these as well. I am using the “aluminum” texture that has been prevalent in a lot of VP Tables for years now, with dynamic rendering on the primitives (oh yea these are primitive ramps btw – that process is not so easy to describe unfortunately) – the screenshot below is the primitive ramps with my ramp material applied and the aluminum texture used. Material settings below it

                      Those are the 2 materials I have spent the most time on, besides the gold wire ramps from Kingpin, which I actually never fully achieved. The ramps on Kingpin are fully textured by dark. Everything else I’ve managed to get a good material for, usually by starting with one of the base materials and tweaking it until I get the desired effect. It takes a lot of time, when you start fine tuning it and you notice the difference between .2 shininess and .15 shininess…

                      I like strippers with plastic look! :) table looking good

                      Messing with the VPinball app and push notifications.
                      So if you haven't downloaded app yet what are you waiting for!?
                      for IOS and Android


                      Messing with the VPinball app and push notifications.
                      So if you haven't downloaded app yet what are you waiting for!?
                      for IOS and Android



                        I think when VPX beta with the materials came out they posted a couple tables that had a bunch of doughnuts with a bunch of various material samples. post #2.

                        I grabbed those and exported and imported them in to the tables I was playing with, but now the material managers in those tables are a mess.


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