Nudge: Freescale FRDM-KL25Z (Pinscape)

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  • #43456

      Ok apologies in advance as I am a total newbie. I want to install analog nudge on my Vertigo cab. I did some investigation on hardware, and purchased a Freescale board from Mouser for $15. Is there a tutorial for setting my cab up with this board for nudge only? No plunger, no buttons, just nudge. Appreciate any guidance others can provide here.





        For anybody else who goes down this path, use the link below to read up a little and download the PinscapeConfigTool from mar on VPForums. Uncompress the file and start the PinscapeCofigTool executable. This version (V2) has a nice UI and walks you thru the entire process. One thing that I could have used some help with, and I will provide here for applications similar to mine. Make sure to select a USB IDENTIFICATION of “Pinscape” A USB Setting of “LedWiz 1” was working for some VP and VPX tables but causing issues with others. Setting it to “Pinscape” works fine. The settings is mentioned in the thread on VPF if you dig. At first pass, I would never have understood the comment anyway.

        Pinscape Controller Software V2:

        So if you have a Vertigo cab like me, and want to gain analog nudge, go buy a Freescale FRDM-KL25Z, use Pinscape V2 via the VPF thread above, disable everything on the board except for “Joystick” (nudge), and make sure to set the USB IDENTIFICATION to “Pinscape”.


        1 user thanked author for this post.

          I thought Virtigo cabs had nudge out of box. good info either way on the freescale. :good:

          Messing with the VPinball app and push notifications.
          So if you haven't downloaded app yet what are you waiting for!?
          for IOS and Android


          Messing with the VPinball app and push notifications.
          So if you haven't downloaded app yet what are you waiting for!?
          for IOS and Android


          Phil Docker

            Can you move the vertigo cab easily to ‘nudge’?

            The pinscape v2 will let you just set it up for nudge.  I have done this with my new build.


              Now that the board is running, I built a small temporary shelf about 32″ up, on the inside wall of the cab for mounting the nudge board. I’ve been playing with settings in VP and VPX. Seem’s like it is working ok. It is a little odd to nudge the Vertigo with it’s narrow foot print and height. This Vertigo is my first experience with a cab. I really have no exposure to them prior. Would be nice to play a cab with nudge dialed in so I might learn how well it can perform. One thing I love about this hobby so far, the more I learn, the more fascinated I become with my cab. Lots of cool people in this hobby as well.


                Nudge related, not Freescale… I have put together my own little machine, and want to add nudging.

                I got a MS Sidewinder Freestyle Pro, but cannot get drivers to install in Win 7 64-bit. I looked for drivers

                but couldn’t find any that would work. Any suggestions?? thanks,


                  You should consider cutting straight to the chase and use a KL25Z. If you’re using something else for buttons already then that’s fine as it will work perfectly well just as a nudging device. You could then easily add analog plunging to it later and it would take all of 2 mins with the Pinscape Config Tool to set it up.

                  1 user thanked author for this post.

                    FYI, I am doing what OzStick suggested. Just received the board. Thanks to everyone here who shares this information. It keeps this old man busy, and thinking..LOL!!



                      Hi…the FRDM-KL25Z is an ultra-low-cost development platform for Kinetis L Series KL1x (KL14/15) and KL2x (KL24/25) MCUs built on ARM® Cortex™-M0+ processor. Features include easy access to MCU I/O, battery-ready.

                      pcb assembly


                        Just been researching this exact topic.  I already have my cab setup so all I want is nudge support.

                        I just starting researching the KL25Z and is it just as simple as plugging in via the USB cable, doing some configuration and that’s it?

                        So if I don’t want to use the other inputs or plunger, I don’t even have to do any soldering, everything is through the USB connection, including power?



                          I don’t even have to do any soldering, everything is through the USB connection, including power? – Yes for the KL25Z board
                          This is my Nudging setup —

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