Pass It On: Community built table idea…

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  • #35871

      I was reminded recently of the Space Cadet table that was included in Windows XP… it was made by Maxis and a demo version was available. I think it’s a neat looking table and realistic enough to replicate in VP. I don’t really want to engage in a full build of this so thought I might enlist the community to help out. I kind of tried with Wrestlemania but that didn’t take off. This one is fairly simple so it might see some involvement from people who may not even normally participate. I’ve got no expectations from this but let’s see how it goes! If it’s successful I’ll do a few more.

      Here’s the image we’re working from:

      No rules, just if you work on it, upload it for the next person to work on! If it works, I’ll moderate the build and make sure it comes together. Here’s what I’ve got so far, I started to work on the playfield redraw. I think anyone with basic understanding of photoshop can participate! If you want to mess around in VPX as well that’s cool too! I’ll probably end up using UltraDMD and a basic scoring system but open to any ideas.

      Link to the PSD and VPX table:!ww0lkYqA!Ai-y7VNed-qPCDP9Hyon5A

      Punch it!

      Punch it!


        Great idea fren

        I’ll jump in once the re-draws are completed or far enough along objects can be built in VP.


          Great idea. The sounds of that table are etched in my memory

          Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk


            Well I’m sure all the elements are simple enough that you could handle it but I’ll extend my services to you regardless.  If you need help with anything 3D just let me know,  I have a few friends who would likely appreciate this build.




              There is an FP version…


              with build log




                Didn’t know there was an FP version! I’ll check out the scoring, if it’s close enough that would be a lot of the work done right there

                Punch it!

                Punch it!


                  Damnit I was kind of hoping it was a table that hadn’t been done before. It would be easy to convert this to VPX…

                  Punch it!

                  Punch it!


                    You know this pass it on does sound like a great idea. I get burnt out fast on stuff! Plus the best tables lately have been more group efforts and seem like a great way to spread the work load

                    Messing with the VPinball app and push notifications.
                    So if you haven't downloaded app yet what are you waiting for!?
                    for IOS and Android


                    Messing with the VPinball app and push notifications.
                    So if you haven't downloaded app yet what are you waiting for!?
                    for IOS and Android



                      Looks like no one was interested…

                      Working on the FP conversion at least. Figured for desktop mode I might as well try and emulate the view. I’m limited by the resources from the FP table, some of the angles don’t match but it’s close enough and seems to play close to the original. Should I emulate the physics too or is that stupid? :)

                      Punch it!

                      Punch it!


                        What do you guys think about this b2s image? There’s no high res artwork for this game so I had to BS some stuff. The grill image is from hauntfreaks

                        Punch it!

                        Punch it!

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