PinballX Database Manager

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  • #171067
    Mike DA Spike

      If you download the program and you like it, please write a review and give it a 5 stars rate at the download page !

      Scutters and Mike Da Spike are proud to present the release of “Database manager for PBX”
      We built this program to make it easier for ourselves to update/add tables and media in PBX.

      Beforehand, please make a copy of your database directory (and maybe your media folder too)!
      (but it is proofed that we don’t wreck any database files or media files ) 

      We are not responsible that anything goes wrong


      • Auto find PinballX and all relative paths
      • Shows system name and XML name
      • Filtering disabled and/or system XML
      • Filtering on obsolete tables (for VPX,VP9 and FPT) (and easily deleting tables including deleting media)
      • Added custom fields for extra information (1)
      • Unicode supported entries in tables and form to easily pick a character
      • Search/filter on tables
      • Easy to use drag and drop for updating media
      • Media preview on right mouse click
      • Easily adding -system- media per system
      • Deleting media with one click
      • Media Audit button to checking per XML missing content and unused media
      • Populate data from Visual Pinball tables (Author,Version and Rom)
      • IPDB list updated to Jan 2021
      • Media import from GameEx online
      • Media import from Mega
      • Direct table launch with PinballX.
        Including all startup, launch, before, launch after and exit scripts
        Thanks to Tom Speir for this feature (PinballX version 4.14 or higher needed)
      • Option to stop Team Viewer when recording videos
      • Support of GIF (PinballX version 4.15 or higher needed)
      • Loading media support if de-randomiser plugin is used (5)
      • Advanced Search
      • Bulk GameEx import
      • Bulk IPDB update
      • RealDMD Support
      • ZenPinball FX3 auto populate tables when using Steam (all tables)
      • ALT shortcut keys in all forms
      • Statistics.ini file will be updated when table is changed/removed
      • Media image can be converted automatically to static video (mp4)
      • Auto delete old playfield videos when creating bulk videos (Visual Pinball only)
      • Original tables added to IPDB search (source sheet by Dux Retro)
      • Program is resizable
      • POV import (Visual Pinball only)
      • Multilanguage
      • APNG support
      • Multiselect of tables. Hold CTRL for single entries, SHIFT for selection and press CTRL-A for selecting all

      Needed in same folder (without the files the program won’t start, or errors):

      • PinballX Database Manager.exe
      • PinballX Database Manager.exe.config
      • Interop.WMPLib.dll (3)
      • AxInterop.WMPLib.dll (3)
      • MegaApiClient.dll (4)
      • MegaApiClient.xml (4)
      • Newtonsoft.Json.dll (5)
      • Newtonsoft.Json.xml (5)
      • PinballX Database Sheet – PinballX.csv (6)
      • Subfolders with land codes for multi language

      Above files are included now in setup.exe

      Needed in PinballX folder:

      • FFMPEG.exe

      (1) If you use custom fields and you use Gamemanager, the XML will be overwrite by Gamemanger and you will lose the custom entries !

      (2) These DLL’s are from Windows media player and used for preview media content. WMP needs to be installed on the system too.

      (3) Mega API Client for downloading on Mega (

      (4) JSON framework for .NET (

      (5) See : PinballX Loading Video & Image Changer (de-randomiser) V2

      (6) Visual Pinball Spreadsheet for PinballX by Dux Retro export, see

      A small manual is attached in the Setup.exe file

      If you download the program and you like it, please write a review and give it a 5 stars rate at the download page !


        GREAT PROGRAMM ! i can do all my medias creation without pain :yahoo: :good:

        is there (or can you add) an option to change the lenght of video creation ( 45s at the moment, but i prefer a shorter video) ?

        EDIT : ok found it… it’s a pinballX video creation option in settings…

        2 users thanked author for this post.

          I’ve been waiting for something like this since I started using PinballX !!!

          Looking forward to trying this out later today.

          Thank you for everyone involved!

          2 users thanked author for this post.

            @mikedaspike @scutters I’ve been meaning to thank you guys for this awesome app, it’s been working great! I started using it a while back when you linked to v1.0.0.0 over at VPF, have not had any issues. Is there a change log for v1.2? To update would I simply choose to override the existing files?

            2 users thanked author for this post.

              @scutters I’ve been meaning to thank you guys for this awesome app, it’s been working great! I started using it a while back when you linked to v1.0.0.0 over at VPF, have not had any issues. Is there a change log for v1.2? To update would I simply choose to override the existing files?

              Changelog is at the bottom of the page on gameex when you follow the download link. Main changes for V1.2 were the online media downloads from gameex FTP or from mega links. And yes, to update just copy the files over the top and replace any that already exist.

              1 user thanked author for this post.
              Mike DA Spike

                With the next update I will post the complete changelog here too
                As @Scutters mentioned we added downloads of media and some bug are fixed in 1.1 and 1.2
                1.3 will have …
                No, not going to spoil it :yahoo:

                1 user thanked author for this post.

                  ok.. problem here…

                  the database manager was working without problem dor 2 days, but this morning, it stay stuck at the openning and i get this in the log :

                  2020-04-09 09:49:49 : Initialize Start : …
                  2020-04-09 09:49:49 : Action Log Update – INFORMATION : Database Manager Log File j:\PinballX\Log\DBManagerLog.txt
                  2020-04-09 09:49:49 : Desktop mode is set to False
                  2020-04-09 09:49:49 : DMD enabled mode is set to True
                  2020-04-09 09:49:49 : RealDMD enabled color mode is set to False
                  2020-04-09 09:49:49 : Topper enabled mode is set to False
                  2020-04-09 09:49:49 : EnableSystemsList mode is set to False
                  2020-04-09 09:49:49 : PinballX File matching is enabled. Media results may not match front end.
                  2020-04-09 09:49:49 : Action Log Update – WARNING : File matching is enabled in PinballX. Media results may not match what you see in the front end. Suggested action – Disable File Matching in PinballX
                  2020-04-09 09:49:49 : Found : in [Visual Pinball] file [Visual Pinball.xml] With CustomType : [False]
                  2020-04-09 09:49:49 : Found : in [Pinball FX2] file [Pinball FX2.xml] With CustomType : [False]
                  2020-04-09 09:49:49 : Found : in [Pinball FX3] file [Pinball FX3.xml] With CustomType : [False]
                  2020-04-09 09:49:49 : Found : in [Pinball Arcade] file [Pinball Arcade.xml] With CustomType : [False]
                  2020-04-09 09:49:49 : Found : in [Future Pinball] file [Future Pinball.xml] With CustomType : [False]
                  2020-04-09 09:49:49 : ERROR: ShowingIniComboBox La source ne contient aucun DataRow.

                  if it try to open the database thru the normal game manager of pinballx, all seem to work as usual.

                  after the error, i can close pinballx database manager only with a forced close

                  it’s like the software cannot find now the visual pinball database (or read the path)

                  edit: even if i try to restore the visual pinball.xml database or pinballx.ini config from before the first use of pinballx database manager, the result is the same

                  hint : i use version 4.13 of pinballX, i try to reinstall pinballx and pinballx database manager , same error

                  Mike DA Spike

                    Can you sent all your database files to us, so we can simulate the issue ?

                    It looks like the select box is empty for some reason (and according to the log it is just filled)


                      ok so you need only the “visual pinball.xml” ? this is it


                        Hi @vothar, a zip of your entire pinballx databases folder and a copy of your pinballx.ini file will probably be more useful, thanks.

                        Can you also confirm if you have ‘Hide disabled datavases’ and/or  ‘Hide custom databases’ checked?


                          OK  :PROBLEM SOLVED.

                          the ‘hidden disabled databse’ was checked … i remove the check, crash, relaunch and all is back on the rail now. !

                          2 users thanked author for this post.


                            Cheers buddy. We’ll have enough to go on to sort out it out properly in the next release with your files!

                            Mike DA Spike

                              Scutters and I worked  a lot of hours to get your issue fixed.
                              We also added some extra features in it….. B-)
                              The version is now at our Beta testers and if they approve it, I will update it.
                              Thanks for your feedback and have a nice Easter all


                                @mikedaspike This is a great app, makes media management so much easier.  Would it be possible to add a feature to filter by machine type, either em or ss etc in a future release?  I like to add the manufacturer logo to my dmd on EM machines to fill the empty space.  Thanks again for this great utility.

                                1 user thanked author for this post.
                                Mike DA Spike

                                  @mikedaspike This is a great app, makes media management so much easier. Would it be possible to add a feature to filter by machine type, either em or ss etc in a future release? I like to add the manufacturer logo to my dmd on EM machines to fill the empty space. Thanks again for this great utility.

                                  In the next release the filter will also search the “Type” field.
                                  Be aware That all fields are searched and only 2 characters can also give a result from another field.
                                  I tried i ton my VPX database file(contains total of 812 entries) and filtering on EM gave me 308 tables back, where just around 20 where not EM tables (but table name, authors or filename contains EM)


                                    de mieux en mieux :good:

                                    1 user thanked author for this post.
                                    Mike DA Spike

                                      Thanks to @scutters who did bug fixes this week reported by some users
                                      Because we only did bugfixes, we upgraded the version with only patch version 3
                                      So 1.4.3 is ready for you !

                                      Thanks again @scutters for your work this week !

                                      Scotty VH

                                        Great software!  One question… I prefer my media files to be named the same as the “Display Name”, not named as the “Table Name”.  Is there a way to change the media file naming to use the “Display Name”?

                                        1 user thanked author for this post.
                                        Mike DA Spike

                                          No sorry.

                                          This is because 2 reasons:

                                          1. File names (table names) are unique (and description could be the same)
                                          2. We support unicode as in descrption, and file system has issues with some unicode characters.

                                          It took @Scutters a long time to convince me too, to use filenames instead of description names.

                                          Mike DA Spike

                                            @mikedaspike This is a great app, makes media management so much easier. Would it be possible to add a feature to filter by machine type, either em or ss etc in a future release? I like to add the manufacturer logo to my dmd on EM machines to fill the empty space. Thanks again for this great utility.

                                            Starting from release 1.5, we implemented an advanced search option.  Now you can search specifically  on every field.  Even for blanks.

                                            We hope you like this feature

                                            1 user thanked author for this post.
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