PinUP Popper (FrontEnd WIP)

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      Hey guys…. yup…  thought I’d share my new WIP for extending PinUp Player…

      PinUP Popper    (FrontEnd Menu System)

      Yes,  it’ll be an alternative to PinballX…..who doesn’t like options :)

      Here’s some of the ideas/features PinUP Popper FrontEnd I’m thinking of adding:

      Multi-screen Media Player… if you’re already using PinUP Player, you already have the config for your screens already set!!  Should be able to play 4K videos with no issues…

      Wheel-Image Toolbar (game wheels) can be anywhere/anyscreen.  scroll horizontal or vertical… can be put in DMD area…topper… overlap BackGlass.  Size and dimensions of toolbar are configurable.

      Playlists….  some of us like 500 tables :)  some only like 50….  regardless it should be VERY easy to maintain, add, organize playlists….

      ok.. some simple features:

      automatic-updated playlist for :   Recently Added,  recently played,  Most Played….

      A simple Webbased-select front end… have a lot of tables, should be super easy to grab your cell phone (web-page over to your PopperMenu) and launch a table.

      Scripting support…  vbs or jscript….

      overlays/underlays….  maybe you want your playfield with custom overlayframe…with tablevideos embedded.

      the standard Menu Launcher stuffs to make it launch/monitor programs.  launch before/after, custom parameters….

      I’ve done some work already on this project.

      I’m using SQLite for the database, so 3rd party access is super easy….

      If anyone wants to help… please raise your hand :)   I’d be great to get someone to make the backend super easy, as long as you can read/write SQLite tables and have experience… then let me know!  I’d rather work on the FrontEnd part and have someone else manager the backend DB/game/media management.

      this is a free Hobby project….hopefully with scripts others can add a lot of functions/plug ins to it as well….

      no time-frame….  its weather permitting  B-)

      ** Feel Free to respond to this thread with a WISHLIST of important things you’d like to see….   anything goes…. and yes some will probably just go on the future ‘pile’ :)

      11 users thanked author for this post.

        Very nice! Everyone likes options!

        Make sure you can add to favorites from front end! :)

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        Messing with the VPinball app and push notifications.
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          Definitely a favorites, running a separate XML for favorites is a pain.

          Only other thing I can think of is less of a CPU resource drain, while running in the background.  Seems like people have issues with PinballX taking away processing power?  I think due to preview videos continue to loop in background??

          I have to say i was happily surprised that pinup player, does not cause any interaction problems/slowdowns in visual pinball.

          Rajo Joey

            What a surprise. Can’t wait to see this in action. I use PinballX, but starting a table lasts one to two minutes; and all Pinball related things are on the fastest M2-SSD. So my hope is, that this is much faster.


            Ok, favourites, tables from a special era (70, 80, 90 etc), tables from a special manufacture (Bally, Gottlieb etc).

            And I’m ready to help testing.  :yahoo:


              I would say sorting and favorites are a must from the replies :)

              lookjng forward to seeing what you come up with! Pbx is a great front end really only missing that imo

              Messing with the VPinball app and push notifications.
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              Messing with the VPinball app and push notifications.
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                here are things i would like to see…. sorting is the biggest problem with PBX, WAY WAY to limited
                here how I would want the sorting by:
                SS early (pre DMD)
                SS late (dmd)
                frequently played
                highest rated
                genre (cards, bowling, movies, sports, etc.)

                also maybe built in tournament mode…
                where a 16:9 table will load from a server and keep track of score and times played
                that one might be crazy talk… just a thought


                  A slot for Papa videos if enabled.


                    Wishes? ok :))
                    Adding a table or a media file should be a quick and easy task within a quick responding interface. This could avoid any ” I’ll do this tomorrow” thoughts.
                    Some good sorting options, like already mentioned. Support for the iconic flyers and rules or rulecards.
                    Should not be performance hungry, for the best pinball experience.
                    Basic function should be able to work offline too.


                      good ideas…. keep them coming!

                      The playlists/sorting is going to be totally ‘flexible’… it’ll be hard to try and get any/all possible ideas so it’ll be configurable.

                      for the ‘techies’…  this is a sql database.  so Playlist can be setup to be active-views.  So if you know a little bit of SQL queries, you’ll have the most flexible playlists/sorting possible on earth :)    So you could have a playlist be all machines from the 1990’s that have a G in its name sorted by manufact.

                      all playlists will have 3 sub-playlists ‘auto-created’.    :  recently added,  Favs,  most played

                      all playlists can exist at the root-level,  and you’ll also have sub-playlists..  (think file/folders explorer).

                      performance?  fuuugetaboutit……. B-)


                      1 user thanked author for this post.

                        Probably about time to retire Flash and start using svg or something for Instruction Cards


                          What about a leader board built into front end?

                          Messing with the VPinball app and push notifications.
                          So if you haven't downloaded app yet what are you waiting for!?
                          for IOS and Android


                          Messing with the VPinball app and push notifications.
                          So if you haven't downloaded app yet what are you waiting for!?
                          for IOS and Android



                            Here are some ideas of how a possible BackGlass would work….  I ain’t no graphics guy… so if someone wants to help with the ‘skinning’… that’d be great.

                            I was thinking it would be neat to have an overlay that is customize-able by playlist…

                            I think its best to keep the playfield alone…  (this is totally customizable as you could put the toolbar on the playfield)….but hey, this is a WIP.. so here’s some WIPPY




                              Probably about time to retire Flash and start using svg or something for Instruction Cards

                              yes SVG would be awesome , and animated gif wheels also….


                                Interesting idea with “wheel” on backglass. Would sure give that a try and see how it goes. As long as you can choose monitor for wheel that’s a great option.

                                Messing with the VPinball app and push notifications.
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                                Messing with the VPinball app and push notifications.
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                                  Interesting idea with “wheel” on backglass. Would sure give that a try and see how it goes. As long as you can choose monitor for wheel that’s a great option.

                                  That’s the idea here….you get to choose how and where everything may go. Being able to choose your BG, Topper, DMD, PF screens for navigation.

                                  Think of how your HTPC front-end give you a lot of options for what you see when scrolling through selections:

                                  • select by wheels
                                  • select by Backglass thumbs
                                  • select by playfield images
                                  • select by TEXT
                                  • select by Topper

                                  Maybe we’ll see “THEMES”!!!


                                  As for adding tables, b2s, media….a big one for me, would be the ability to have a window option for a drag and drop area for each “screen / wheel” or “table / game”. You would already have your System setup, so it knows where your Table Files would be for a particular system. Then you enter the info for your Table Name. Then you click on the DRAG AND DROP FILES button for a table, then just drop your “table/ image / video” files to where they need to go (Topper, Backglass, Playfield, etc), and it would automatically copy those files to where they need to go and it will rename those files to match the TABLENAME automatically.

                                  That is a big one for me! Would save so much time and give a central place that would copy your media files where they need to go, AND copy your Visual pinball / FP Table files where they need to go and get them all renamed to be exactly what they need to be. The Table Files would be optional in the drag and drop if you would rather just do it another way as well.


                                  Sadly…since I have moved to a 4K screen….I haven’t created any new media for may cab as 4K videos make PBX run SLOOOOW.


                                  Another big one for me is SMOOTH visual navigation. The wheels, menus need to move and navigate smoothly, looking like they are 30 to 60fps.


                                  …back to new Tron PuP-Pack AIO…


                                    As for adding tables, b2s, media….a big one for me, would be the ability to have a window option for a drag and drop area for each “screen / wheel” or “table / game”. You would already have your System setup, so it knows where your Table Files would be for a particular system. Then you enter the info for your Table Name. Then you click on the DRAG AND DROP FILES button for a table, then just drop your “table/ image / video” files to where they need to go (Topper, Backglass, Playfield, etc), and it would automatically copy those files to where they need to go and it will rename those files to match the TABLENAME automatically.


                                    Yes,  that is my idea for the www server part.  many of us (Well me at least)…will download on desktop, try it out…etc.  Then what i’d like to see is you ‘google chrome’ over to your cab with a simple ‘add table’ page.  that you upload your media/tables.  Just have to specify which ‘system’ and then the webserver will drop them in ‘proper’ place on cab….

                                    that would be cool!!!!


                                      As for adding tables, b2s, media….a big one for me, would be the ability to have a window option for a drag and drop area for each “screen / wheel” or “table / game”. You would already have your System setup, so it knows where your Table Files would be for a particular system. Then you enter the info for your Table Name. Then you click on the DRAG AND DROP FILES button for a table, then just drop your “table/ image / video” files to where they need to go (Topper, Backglass, Playfield, etc), and it would automatically copy those files to where they need to go and it will rename those files to match the TABLENAME automatically. Yes, that is my idea for the www server part. many of us (Well me at least)…will download on desktop, try it out…etc. Then what i’d like to see is you ‘google chrome’ over to your cab with a simple ‘add table’ page. that you upload your media/tables. Just have to specify which ‘system’ and then the webserver will drop them in ‘proper’ place on cab…. that would be cool!!!!

                                      VERY Cool….as we all HATE having to do that stuff on the Cab….


                                        a few things I’d like to see (many times suggested for PBX):

                                        • a dedicated field “Table Author” or “Comment”
                                        • Option to start a table without going through the menu but be able to open menu differently. Suggestion: Press startbutton short -> start table immediately. press startbutton long -> open menu
                                        • well and the favs, like mentioned here are a must of course

                                          a WIP update… got the whole ‘flexible’ playlist manager working now…




                                          3 users thanked author for this post.

                                            Funny i look forward to this thread being updated by nailbuster! Cannot wait to take a look at this frontend as option :good:

                                            I assume it will import all our PBX databases no problem? or was this discussed already?

                                            Messing with the VPinball app and push notifications.
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                                            Messing with the VPinball app and push notifications.
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