PinUp Video editing/creating/tips

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      Guess we should come to some standard on dimensions,  compression’s and some Guides for making videos work ‘nicely’  for Backglass, DMD and Toppers.

      Also,  would be good to get an idea of which editing tools work best.

      It will always be a balance of quality/speed/file size  when making a PuP edition of a table….

      I haven’t done video editing in a long time…

      I did come across the open source video editor OpenShot ,  its a great price… free   :)     I’ve used it for some samples and it works ok considering.

      I’m sure there are more ‘advanced’ tools and options…

      Now my question:   Do you like fade-in/fade-out on videos during gameplay,  or a ‘pop’ when playing ?


        I have not tried this yet but can it do transparency in video? So layers?

        sorry if I’m wrong section

        Messing with the VPinball app and push notifications.
        So if you haven't downloaded app yet what are you waiting for!?
        for IOS and Android


        Messing with the VPinball app and push notifications.
        So if you haven't downloaded app yet what are you waiting for!?
        for IOS and Android



          I have not tried this yet but can it do transparency in video? So layers? sorry if I’m wrong section

          No, not yet at least. It’s more of a matter of working with VLC’s capabilities.

          Though the WIP scoring features I have seen in his demo video show that ability.



          As for fade in / out….always nice to have as an option, but there are times you may not want it as well.



            Backglass screens are going to be 16:9 ratio screens for the foreseeable future. Backglass videos should be 16:9 if you intend to fill the entire backglass (assuming the source video is 16:9).  Preferably 1920×1080 if possible.

            TOPPER VIDEOS:

            Should be 1920×822, with an aspect ratio of 21:9. This has become the standard for Topper videos as of late.

            DMD VIDEOS:

            Make sure the video is 4:1 (matching a real DMD’s ratio of 128×32). These can be a nice higher resolution, since these will NOT be played on a real DMD.


            Most movies and TV shows are 24fps, but if you are adding in animated text, then try making it 30 fps or 60 fps to see if the animation is smoother.

            Video format should ideally be in MP4 format with H264 codec / profile. This is the most universal standard for a file container and codec. Some videos you will want audio, others you won’t. It’s a matter of how well it mixes with the table’s audio level and sounds.


            Pictures can be used…however, I have found that VLC works better with videos files… so its recommended to have everything in a video file, even if it’s a still picture.


            You can choose to use a PuP background video that will always play when other videos are not playing. This should be a Looping video of some sort. If you don’t want to have a PuP background video, then you can always use a Pinball X Topper image instead (PBX videos may also work, but it may cause issues for some)

            AUDIO FILES:

            You can also play sound files within a PuP playlist as well. These can be used as a method of control to override or “stop” a currently playing video without using another video. I used an MP3 of Tron’s BIT saying “NO” to end the multi-ball modes on my Tron Legacy PuP mod.



            Not everyone will have the same setup or screens or real DMD,etc in their cabinet… The beauty of PuP is that each user can adjust your creation to work with their setup as best as it can fit. Each PuP screen can be resized and positioned as needed on a per-table basis. (with script mods…possibly with PuPB2S in the future?) You can also disable any PuP screen you don’t want to use or have in your cabinet.  They can also use more than one “PuP screen” on a single monitor / TV. Just don’t have them overlap each other.





            1 user thanked author for this post.

              FWIW, I do all of the editing on Macs. Everything I did for the Batman PuP, I did with software that comes with the computer, except for certain custom graphics, for which I used Pixelmator.

              I believe (need to confirm one thing) all of these could have been made on iPad as well.

              All of the motion graphics/animated titles were built in Keynote, exported out as Apple ProRes and imported into iMovie for any additional tweaking, chroma key work, etc.



                Is the scoring display for Stern or JJP 4:1 aspect ratio? I don’t think you have to be locked in to a 4:1 standard.


                  Is the scoring display for Stern or JJP 4:1 aspect ratio? I don’t think you have to be locked in to a 4:1 standard.

                  That PuP scoring can be used for any PuP screen, it doesn’t have to be the DMD screen, or be limited to 4:1.


                    I’ll put this out there:

                    While it’s definitely BETTER looking to do 1920×1080 vidoes, and large DMD videos…. IMO it is overkill for file and CPU/GPU resources.

                    I have the blu-ray of tron, but I ‘borrowed’ a file from the inter-tubes that was really nicely re-encoded as a 860mb file (1280×720 2ch audio)… what these people get out of those size/ripping is nice.

                    so here’s a sample 30 second clip:

                    I used ffmpeg to not re-encoded from the file, just simple copy/clip so no loss in clipping.

                    Now from your desktop 1 foot away you’re going to see a difference between 1920×1080,  but on a 32″ backglass at 4 feet away it will be harder.

                    Now the difference in file size is something.  A sample clip from Tron is  26.5 mb for 27 seconds (multiball clip)…  this one is 7.6mb for 30 seconds…

                    that’s 1mb/second at 1920×1080 vs 0.25mb/second (1/4 the size…also the cpu% is lower on playback)

                    So it’s something to think about…


                      I’ll put this out there: While it’s definitely BETTER looking to do 1920×1080 vidoes, and large DMD videos…. IMO it is overkill for file and CPU/GPU resources. I have the blu-ray of tron, but I ‘borrowed’ a file from the inter-tubes that was really nicely re-encoded as a 860mb file (1280×720 2ch audio)… what these people get out of those size/ripping is nice. so here’s a sample 30 second clip: I used ffmpeg to not re-encoded from the file, just simple copy/clip so no loss in clipping. Now from your desktop 1 foot away you’re going to see a difference between 1920×1080, but on a 32″ backglass at 4 feet away it will be harder. Now the difference in file size is something. A sample clip from Tron is 26.5 mb for 27 seconds (multiball clip)… this one is 7.6mb for 30 seconds… that’s 1mb/second at 1920×1080 vs 0.25mb/second (1/4 the size…also the cpu% is lower on playback) So it’s something to think about…


                      It also depends on what codec they are using vs CPU / GPU usage. H264 HVEC will get much smaller file sizes compared to H264, but it also requires MORE cpu power to decode those videos in real-time.

                      I would rather have a higher quality video using  little bit more HDD space (within reason). Then anyone can always convert them down to a lower resolution / codec if they need for their cabinet’s hardware limitations. You could also simply upload the lower resolution videos for others to use as well.


                        I am flip flopping between HiQ 720p and 1080p because pain/gain, cost/benefit. I will settle it later in my mind, but I am not sure. I judge based on the content and how I plan to use it, tbh, longer clips I go down, shorter one, up. It balances out…think of it as a bespoke dynamic scaling scheme ;)




                          I am flip flopping between HiQ 720p and 1080p because pain/gain, cost/benefit. I will settle it later in my mind, but I am not sure. I judge based on the content and how I plan to use it, tbh, longer clips I go down, shorter one, up. It balances out…think of it as a bespoke dynamic scaling scheme ;) -K

                          Always best to start with the higher quality video….then it’s easy to down convert afterward if needed and you have no regrets.


                            so im startng to try to put together some pup videos for my WIP, which will only use the dmd for playback. My question is, how in the world do you capture only a specific region of the source video at a specific size (4:1)? Or how do you convert a video to this exact ratio without it becoming squashed? In other words, if I’m ripping a video from a DVD that’s 16:9 and only want a portion of that screen how do I crop the video to only the area I want? 


                              so im startng to try to put together some pup videos for my WIP, which will only use the dmd for playback. My question is, how in the world do you capture only a specific region of the source video at a specific size (4:1)? Or how do you convert a video to this exact ratio without it becoming squashed? In other words, if I’m ripping a video from a DVD that’s 16:9 and only want a portion of that screen how do I crop the video to only the area I want?

                              try out the free video software hardbrake.   I think it does cropping easily on any source videos…

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