PSA of the Day – Secure your 15GB on OneDrive

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  • #10564
    Paulo Carvalho

      MICROSOFT HAS GRUDGINGLY agreed to let current OneDrive users keep their 15GB of free cloud storage and 15GB of free Camera Roll “bonus” storage, rather than dropping you to 5GB as previously stated. Of course, there’s a catch: You have to be aware of the offer and willing to endure a bit of spam. To take advantage of the offer, visit this Microsoft page (

      Not sure when this offer ends, so do it ASAP!

      [Paulo Carvalho Mobile - 204-294-4389]
      "Life is like pinball, your always trying to keep your balls in play, but in the end, they drop down the middle :)"

      [Paulo Carvalho Mobile - 204-294-4389]
      "Life is like pinball, your always trying to keep your balls in play, but in the end, they drop down the middle :)"

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