Solved: PUP Installer affected FX2/3 and timeshock dmd

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  • #74210

      I believe I read something related to this on a different thread, but Icould not find it now…

      1st look slike dmdext 1.6 from PUP is different (newer?) from dmdext 1.6 from freezy’s site. This will confuse people like me :)

      2nd the installer drops v1.6PUP dll and exe within vpinmame. most folks will probably have dmdext.exe witnin c:\windows (after all, why would running dmdext has to be tied to vpinmame?) and this creates problems because the new “-o” parameter is not supported by dmdext 1.6PREPUP


      still trying to figure out how to best fix this (either copy all 1.6PUP files to c:\windows or remove 1.6PREPUP from c:\windows and keep a single copy within vpinmame, modify all scripts ) Neither option seems optimal at this point



      • if the pup installer is the only way to go, it should have the option to drop dmdext.exe and associated files (like the new dmddevicePUP.dll) within c:\windows (after all, launching FX2 and dmdext should have nothing to do with vpinmame, PUP or not)
      • we should have an option to install PUP manually, for advanced users, as not all setups are the same… I should not expect, for example, for the person packaging PUP to test timeshock…



        I believe I read something related to this on a different thread, but Icould not find it now… 1st look slike dmdext 1.6 from PUP is different (newer?) from dmdext 1.6 from freezy’s site. This will confuse people like me :) 2nd the installer drops v1.6PUP dll and exe within vpinmame. most folks will probably have dmdext.exe witnin c:\windows (after all, why would running dmdext has to be tied to vpinmame?) and this creates problems because the new “-o” parameter is not supported by dmdext 1.6PREPUP still trying to figure out how to best fix this (either copy all 1.6PUP files to c:\windows or remove 1.6PREPUP from c:\windows and keep a single copy within vpinmame, modify all scripts ) Neither option seems optimal at this point Comments:

        • if the pup installer is the only way to go, it should have the option to drop dmdext.exe and associated files (like the new dmddevicePUP.dll) within c:\windows (after all, launching FX2 and dmdext should have nothing to do with vpinmame, PUP or not)
        • we should have an option to install PUP manually, for advanced users, as not all setups are the same… I should not expect, for example, for the person packaging PUP to test timeshock…


        All I will say is… before jumping the gun and start blasting shots all over….

        …if you would have read the entire Installer Readme for PuP (as was clearly noted many times)….all of your problems would have been avoided…and you would have gotten all your answers.  You are setting up DMDext the wrong way, and in the wrong locations.

        Please read the above docs, and follow the instructions before pointing fingers.



          In order to get my setup working again, I did the following:

          • added vpinmame to %PATH%
          • removed freeeze 1.6PREPUP from c:\windows (not too happy about this, but whatever)
          • Modified FX2 and FX3 scripts to launch dmdext.exe from %path%
          • copied dmddevice.dll (1.5PUP) to \XDMD\ > UltraDMD still works
          • left dmddevice.dll (original from XDMD) in \pinballx\ in order for pinballx DMD to work for me (old hack)
          • copied 1.6PREPUP dmdext.exe to \ProPinballUltra\ and modified propinballslave.bat to launch local copy (1.6PUP version did not work with propinball fro me)

          looking back, I wish I had a manual process to install PUP. I think I’m set for now, but will still have to keep 2 versions of dmdext.exe and dmddevice.dll in my system (and remember why I did what I did above).





            “most folks will probably have dmdext.exe within c:\windows”…..  HUH?

            also,  it says clearly in the text on install before you PROCEED:

            Note: If you have installed your VPX as ‘standard’ from onefile installer then all relative paths should be ok.

            IF NOT then just install this into a temp folder and move files manually over to your custom locations.
            If you are moving files manually you’ll need to run the Install batch file as admin yourself after moving files.



              I haven’t had an issue with FX3…can you describe what is going on?

              And dmdext absolutely needs to be in vpinmame. It is an extension *to* vpinmame so that it can use external dmds/the nice virtual one.

              The settings PBX needs for Pinball FX 2/3,

              PBX Setting

              and the result,

              are attached. Perhaps something else is the culprit/weird install? I don’t know *any* “modern” advise that advises putting ANY pinball dlls in system locations. This will only cause conflicts later as things are updated.

              Give this config a try and LMK.

              1 user thanked author for this post.

                @TerryRed not blasting shots, just sharing my experience and throwing some thoughts/recommendations. dmdext.exe *was* in the right location as it is not needed for vpinmame, so it has no business being there. These are the setup instructions from Freezy:

                1. Get the latest release, copy the content of the zip file to your hard drive, preferable in your PATH, and unblock the .exe file (right-click, properties, unblock).

                I see some folks are quite sensitive about installers (saw this with a table at MPB too), so I’ll leave it at that.

                great job with PUP to everyone involved!


                  @terryred not blasting shots, just sharing my experience and throwing some thoughts/recommendations. dmdext.exe *was* in the right location as it is not needed for vpinmame, so it has no business being there. These are the setup instructions from Freezy:

                  1. Get the latest release, copy the content of the zip file to your hard drive, preferable in your PATH, and unblock the .exe file (right-click, properties, unblock).

                  I see some folks are quite sensitive about installers (saw this with a table at MPB too), so I’ll leave it at that. great job with PUP to everyone involved!

                  I actually prefer manual zips myself…

                  …but when your post is titled “Installer Broke”, when there is nothing wrong with it…  understand you won’t exactly get sunshine and rainbows from those of us who put the work into it, and clearly outlined everything you complained about and what to do, and how to install everything.

                  It put misinformation out there about PinUP Player…and unfairly so.

                  Please everyone read the install instructions…beginning to end first….and understand how DMDExt in supposed to be installed “today” (like not like it used to be). Only in the VPinMAME folder. No DMDext files elsewhere please.

                  I am glad you got it working though…rant over.   :)


                    does Timeshock’s DMD still work for you with the 1.6PUP version of dmdext.exe ? it does not for me for some reason… Note that for real DMD, we rely on dmdext as we cannot just “move” the dmd to the LCD screen, as I’m sure you are aware, but some folks may miss… At this time, this is the only reason I have to keep a v1.6PRE-PUP version of dmdext.exe somewhere else.


                    PS: install instructions were read, btw… they just did not cover some specifics of my setup.


                      does Timeshock’s DMD still work for you with the 1.6PUP version of dmdext.exe ? it does not for me for some reason… Note that for real DMD, we rely on dmdext as we cannot just “move” the dmd to the LCD screen, as I’m sure you are aware, but some folks may miss… At this time, this is the only reason I have to keep a v1.6PRE-PUP version of dmdext.exe somewhere else. PS: install instructions were read, btw… they just did not cover some specifics of my setup.

                      I don’t have Timeshock, so I can’t compare, sorry. Freezy and NailBauster would better know sbout the inner workings of DMDext.

                      We are hoping that something can get implemented with PinMAME that would let you choose a PuP DLL or non PuP DLL per table….lets hope.


                        does Timeshock’s DMD still work for you with the 1.6PUP version of dmdext.exe ? it does not for me for some reason… Note that for real DMD, we rely on dmdext as we cannot just “move” the dmd to the LCD screen, as I’m sure you are aware, but some folks may miss… At this time, this is the only reason I have to keep a v1.6PRE-PUP version of dmdext.exe somewhere else. PS: install instructions were read, btw… they just did not cover some specifics of my setup.

                        I also wouldn’t be as concerned with using multiple dmddevice.dll  files in say,  PinballX, and ProPinball…as long as they are called directly to their own location, and they are not included in your %PATH%.

                        When you add %PATH% to multiple locations, and you have multiple copies of different versions of dmddevice.dll possibly in the %PATH%  (like syswow64, system32,etc), then you are asking for problems. We definitely had some testers with issues because of this. This was an easy fix to a problem back a while…but it can create a lot of other problems.

                        The best install location “today” for DMDExt (for normal PinMAME, FX3/2 setups) is to install in the VPinMAME folder. No other %Path% locations are needed. If for Pinball X, and Pro Pinball you can use a different DLL in their own location, and that works…and cause no issue to PuP…no harm no foul.



                          does Timeshock’s DMD still work for you with the 1.6PUP version of dmdext.exe ? it does not for me for some reason… Note that for real DMD, we rely on dmdext as we cannot just “move” the dmd to the LCD screen, as I’m sure you are aware, but some folks may miss… At this time, this is the only reason I have to keep a v1.6PRE-PUP version of dmdext.exe somewhere else. PS: install instructions were read, btw… they just did not cover some specifics of my setup.

                          I haven’t tested TimeShock…but if you run dmdext without the -o you are pretty much running 100% v1.6 current freezy code.  I used the latest sources from dmdext,  I didn’t change the ‘core’ freezy code, only added an additional PuP ‘output’ to his code.

                          is the dmdext that is working with Timeshock v1.6?  or maybe its a older dmdext?


                            v1.6 from Freezy is the one that works with Timeshock. I think I have my setup stable now, but I got confused by the fact that it is stated that v1.6 was a requirement, while the installer installs a “newer” 1.6. Ideally, you should remove the requirement of Freezy DLL if the only way to install PUP is with the installer that adds its own DLL… and then version the DLL as 1.6a or something like that. I’m getting old and get confused easy :-)


                              v1.6 from Freezy is the one that works with Timeshock. I think I have my setup stable now, but I got confused by the fact that it is stated that v1.6 was a requirement, while the installer installs a “newer” 1.6. Ideally, you should remove the requirement of Freezy DLL if the only way to install PUP is with the installer that adds its own DLL… and then version the DLL as 1.6a or something like that. I’m getting old and get confused easy :-)

                              The reason why we mention to install dmdext 1.6 first, and then install PuP, is to ensure that the user has a “working” setup with dmdext 1.6 and FX3, VPX, etc before hand. This way when pup installs we know there was a working setup before hand for troubleshooting.

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