Recent Updates Notification

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  • #38754

      Hi next time you’re playing with the site, ( does it ever end ? ) is there any chance we can get a recent updates notification for releases that have been updated ?

      Having the option ( hmm I just checked and I can’t subscribe to a release ? ) not sure if it’s do-able :) .At the moment I just sort by recently modified, that works too. A notification that xxx has been updated after subscribing to a release ( default = on ? ) would be neat. Perhaps giving thanks could also subscribe to updates or something ? .. Just random thoughts, all brought on by DOF on my desktop with STLE is bloody wicked can’t wait to update it on my cab !





        You mean downloads? look for  a star in upper left corner in downloads you click to subscribe to downloads categories is that what you mean?

        Messing with the VPinball app and push notifications.
        So if you haven't downloaded app yet what are you waiting for!?
        for IOS and Android


        Messing with the VPinball app and push notifications.
        So if you haven't downloaded app yet what are you waiting for!?
        for IOS and Android



          Doh ! yep maybe that’s what I meant I think.

          So if I favorite it with the star, then updates are notified ?

          Subscribed kinda does it but you get a notification for all posts to the support topic yeah ?

          I was thinking perhaps just “changelog notifications” is a better way of expressing it, then when a newer version or release update comes out you get notified.





            yes star is subscribe to that category and you will get emails anytime a new download is uploaded for that category

            Messing with the VPinball app and push notifications.
            So if you haven't downloaded app yet what are you waiting for!?
            for IOS and Android


            Messing with the VPinball app and push notifications.
            So if you haven't downloaded app yet what are you waiting for!?
            for IOS and Android


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