Road Runner (Atari 1979) SoundMOD v1.0

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  • #73799

      Road Runner (Atari 1979) SoundMOD v1.1

      I first would like to thank Kalavera for giving me permission to make this sound mod. I would also like to thank him for making a great table!! I also would like to thank TAB which let Kalavera use his VP9 table to make his VPX mod.
      I would also like to thank Arngrim for adding DOF to script for Kalavera. There is much more important info on original download page.
      They put in alot of time and work on the original table, and it is appreciated!! So if you like this mod, I would encourage you to thank the original author of the table, as I have only made a few changes!
      Original Table…

      I also would like to thank Flupper for his great Flasher resource table!!

      I would also like to thank Thalamus for telling me how to use resource tables!!

      I also would like to thank Allknowing2012 and Gtxjoe for teaching me how to add timers to script!

      I also would like to thank DJRobX, STAT, Gtxjoe, and nFozzy, for helping me shorten my StopSounds and PlaySounds script commands.
      (They each wrote out an example, and between them all, I was able to figure it out!! BIG THANKS!!!)

      I would also like to thank DJRobX for showing me example of flasher script command for flasher placement in FS mode.

      I also would like to thank Steve “Slydog43” for which these VPX mods would not be possible!!

      Version 1.0
      Lowered Rubber Physics hit height to 27.
      Changed DT view settings, changed X Scale to 1, changed Y Scale to 1, Changed Z Offset to -140
      Changed FS view settings, changed X Scale to 1, changed Y Scale to 1, and other settings.
      Adjusted many objects so outer lines and edges were straightened. Plastics, sidewood, apron, side top and bottom rails, plungerplastic, etc.
      Raised height of bumpercaps to 61, so lines are not showing through.
      Raised height of halo on bumper lights so the whole bumper is covered with light when activated.
      Added 6 modified wheel image pics to upper blank strip in FS view, which can be toggled with Left Magna-Save button.
      (This wouldn’t work with STAT’s script as is, so had to modify, as you can’t change pics on flashers, but you can make them visible or not, so I added 3 different flashers to same area, and just made the others not visible while viewing current. If you try adding pic to upper area with ramp or wall, it pushes the table offscreen, but when pics are done with flashers, it doesn’t effect the table or push it off screen!!)
      Added modified version of STAT’s Change team script, so 14 different bumper pics can be toggled with Right Magna-Save button.
      The second bumper pic toggled, is a white version of same bumper, which is as I saw it on IPDB.
      Added BIP variable and “plungerreleasefree” sound effect to plunger, played when ball is not in plunger lane.
      Added invisible wall above drain so ball doesn’t jump up onto apron when draining fast.
      Added Keypress of N for shutting off Mod Sounds.
      Added Keypress of M for turning on Mod Sounds.
      Mod Sounds are on by default, but can be shut off on Line 16 of table script by changing “SoundMod = 1” to “SoundMod = 0”
      Added 25 sound effects, 5 of which are different versions of same 60’s cartoon theme song.

      All pics, trademarks, Logos and sounds belong to their respectful owners. This table is for personal home, and non-commercial use only. This table should be used for educational purposes only..

      Hope you enjoy!!

      5 users thanked author for this post.

        thx for this realy nice Soundupdate.Only 1 small Problem i found,i dont get the Song out of my Head….mep mep :yahoo:

        1 user thanked author for this post.

          Works great !  thanks for that soundmod and update !! (it is good that we can switch it on or off)

          1 user thanked author for this post.

            Xenonph thank you for doing this mod, and for correcting all those things that I could not correct myself, I love how it is, I’m already trying it and it’s really fun, Beep beep !!! :good:


            1 user thanked author for this post.

              Nice – thank you Xenonph :good:

              1 user thanked author for this post.

                Great stuff Xenonph, love your work.

                1 user thanked author for this post.

                  Hi Xenonph,

                  I wanted to take a moment and thank you for this sound mod. I caught myself smiling while playing it just now.  I usually get very serious while playing pinball and concentrate intently on hitting my shots as well as experience some level of aggravation when I miss a shot or drain a ball. Today, I find myself smiling of all things….go figure???



                  1 user thanked author for this post.

                    thanks xenonph, this sound modification gives a new atmosphere to this table, I also like the original sound, I’m left with this new version and also with the original, because you, the ones who create and modify the tables do authentic works of art for all of us to enjoy

                    1 user thanked author for this post.

                      awwwwsome Mod thanks a lot Xenoph and Kalavera! :good:

                      I noticed the ball looks pretty pale, which comes from setting Lighting/Ambient not to 0, 0, 0 (which it should ususlly be set to)*.

                      I made some sound mod wheel from eMBee’s one. Well just added my Sound Mod Logo, so I don’t want to release it, but here it is (I hope you don’t mind eMBee).

                      *Edit: and the default HD ball looks not only to my opinion much too dark, so maybe you might consider changing it also…

                      1 user thanked author for this post.

                        Thanks for this info and the soundmod wheel!!

                        I am not sure exactly what I need to do when you say..

                        “I noticed the ball looks pretty pale, which comes from setting Lighting/Ambient not to 0, 0, 0 (which it should ususlly be set to)*.”

                        Where is this setting? I will gladly change it and upload new version.

                        I also searched for lighter HD Ball image here..


                        But I don’t think any of these are HD ball images?

                        Or will one of these work that JPSalas uploaded here…?


                        I want this table to be how people want it.

                        If you could help by telling me exactly which HD ball image you would use on this, and where to change those other lighting ambient settings, as I can’t seem to find them.

                        I will only need to be shown this one time, and I will make sure all other tables will use same, as I am a quick learner.

                        Thank you for your help and info my friend!!


                        I just looked through a bunch of other tables and notice none of them use this “ball_HDR” as the actual image on ball. Perhaps that is the problem?

                        DOUBLE EDIT:

                        I just changed ball image from ball_HDR to none, and the ball looks normal now. Can you confirm this?

                        With ball_HDR as ball image…

                        With NONE as ball image….




                          “Where is this setting?” I meant, if you click options on the left, there is “Lighting” on the right. Then, there is “Ambient (keep this low… )” or something like this. Set it to 0,0,0.

                          For the ball, yes I think the default HDR ball is pretty shitty in itself, no matter how much work or thinking was behind it – it is crap. So, usually I change it.

                          For this table I used the one attached. There could be better choices, but this was the first I thought is ok.

                          I have some collection of balls posted somewhere here and there, so if you want it, send me a PM.

                          Edit (your double edit ;) ) yes, the none option is better than the HDR

                          1 user thanked author for this post.

                            Ok thank you my friend!!! (I may have been working on these tables for 2 years, but I feel like I am still a beginner, so sorry if my questions seem stupid.)

                            I thought that was the lighting menu you were talking about, but was not for sure.

                            I was not sure if that was the lighting menu for ball, and thought that was for the whole table, so I just figured there was another lighting menu I wasn’t seeing for the ball.

                            Also when you said set to 0,0,0 I thought 0 for environment em scale, 0 for ambient occlusion scale, and 0 for bloom strength. I now see that I just need to add it to ambient occlusion scale as 0,0,0.

                            Looks great!!! Thank you soooo much!!! Will upload new version shortly!!

                            I think Kalavera really did a great job on this table!!! And this was only his first table!!



                            The 0,0,0 is not staying in the ambient occlusion setting, it changes back to just 0.

                            Is this what you wanted me to do, or add zeros to all 3 of those light settings? 0 for environment em scale, 0 for ambient occlusion scale, and 0 for bloom strength? Sorry if these questions seem idiotic. Thanks for the help.

                            DOUBLE EDIT:

                            I think I will just download one of your tables and check your settings, and match them.

                            Thanks again!!

                            TRIPLE EDIT:

                            I just downloaded your LED Fathom mod and here is what the settings are on that table..

                            Are these the settings you want me to change to 0 on my sound mod?

                            Perhaps a pic of where you have changed your setting to this 0,0,0 would help me better to make sure I am changing the right settings.

                            OK 4 TIMES EDIT IS ENOUGH!!!:

                            Takes awhile for things to sink in for me I think. LOL…I am sorry for all the questions!!

                            So now I know exactly what setting you want me to change.

                            The color setting that has the RGB settings for “Ambient (keep this low)” was set to 29,29,29. I have set this to 0,0,0!!

                            I thought you were telling me to  “Keep this low” the ambient occlusion number at 0,0,0!! Yes I can seem ignorant at times!!

                            Uploading in a few minutes!!

                            Thank you again for the help!!


                              Uploaded version 1.1 with Vogliadicanes ball image and 0,0,0 settings.

                              Thanks again my friend!!

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