Scuba (Gottlieb 1970)

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  • #72781

      Scuba (Gottlieb 1970)

      VPX conversion

      Artwork done by GNance
      others to thank: JPSalas, Pinuck, hauntfreaks, Borgdog, Arngrim

      in addition to the “standard” keys (typically “1” to start game and “5” for coin), I’ve added “3” as another coin input and “4” for coin and auto-start game (like I recall the dime slots generally were) to simulate 3 coin slots

      when game is not in progress, holding down left flipper for about 3-5 seconds will bring up the options menu. left flipper selects item, right flipper changes option.

      I’ve also included shadows for the ball and flippers. If you want to turn them off look for these lines at the beginning of the script:

      Const ShadowFlippersOn = true
      Const ShadowBallOn = true

      change to false if you want either of the shadows not showing on your tables


      6 users thanked author for this post.

        Saw one of these for sale locally and looked like a cool table. Realized I didn’t have this one on my vpin. Thanks so much for making it available!


          !!!  Wow, what a crazy surprise.  Every time I log on here and see an L-man post I am amped to embark on a walk back in time.  And for some reason, my sensibilities love these aqua colored water-themed EM’s.  Thanks so much!!  Your Atlantis vpx came out when I was about half way done with my build and I was dangling stuff left and right to view/play that table.  Just love the colors and lay-out.  And this Scuba!  Where do you find this stuff?  Had to be an inspiration for Freres’ Fathom.  Dang, this one I’m really staring at.  Thanks again for this amazing work of art.  The Backglass has some very interesting depth.

          As a side note for the few that may be reading, I’ve noticed that randr hasn’t been active here for a month or so.  Hm.  Hope all is well.


            To your randr question. Yes, he is ok. Just taking a small, well deserved break from VP.


              To your randr question. Yes, he is ok. Just taking a small, well deserved break from VP.

              Hopefully he doesn’t make it a permanent break.




                As with quite a lot of my tables, the artwork credit all goes to @GNance . His skillset far exceeds my abilities – and this is by far one of my top 10 absolute favorite backglasses he did for me to work with.


                  This backglass is spectacular.  I have over 200 tables and for some reason this one pops more than others.  Thanks for bringing these pieces of history into our lives Lman.

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