Setup BAM today with PS3Eyes

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  • #1536
    Paulo Carvalho

      I finally got around to setting my 2 PS3 camera’s with BAM and I found out my LED glasses I bought on ebay are not being detected. I used your youtube video to setup, it was pretty straight forward. I guess the glasses have to use IR-LEDs?

      Randr, do you have glasses you can sell me with the battery pack? I am not sure where else to get them. Let me know!

      Thanks dude!

      [Paulo Carvalho Mobile - 204-294-4389]
      "Life is like pinball, your always trying to keep your balls in play, but in the end, they drop down the middle :)"

      [Paulo Carvalho Mobile - 204-294-4389]
      "Life is like pinball, your always trying to keep your balls in play, but in the end, they drop down the middle :)"


        PS3 cams need to be modded(ir filter removed) and yes glasses need a IR led also. I may have a kit laying around. You just need glasses and pack?

        Messing with the VPinball app and push notifications.
        So if you haven't downloaded app yet what are you waiting for!?
        for IOS and Android


        Messing with the VPinball app and push notifications.
        So if you haven't downloaded app yet what are you waiting for!?
        for IOS and Android


        Paulo Carvalho

          IR Filter removed? Dang it, I checked out the video on how to do that, most end up ruining the lens :( I wish the BAM site was more comprehensive with the hardware specs.

          [Paulo Carvalho Mobile - 204-294-4389]

          "Life is like pinball, your always trying to keep your balls in play, but in the end, they drop down the middle :)"

          [Paulo Carvalho Mobile - 204-294-4389]

          "Life is like pinball, your always trying to keep your balls in play, but in the end, they drop down the middle :)"

          Paulo Carvalho

            Hey Randr, I was able to remove the IR Filter from 2 “Good” PS3 Eye camera’s. Do I need to add a Visible Light Blocking Filter (floppy disk piece) etc or can I just leave it as is? Do I need to make any adjustments on the focus etc?

            I will still need the rest of the kit, PM me when you have all the parts :) Thanks!

            [Paulo Carvalho Mobile - 204-294-4389]
            "Life is like pinball, your always trying to keep your balls in play, but in the end, they drop down the middle :)"

            [Paulo Carvalho Mobile - 204-294-4389]
            "Life is like pinball, your always trying to keep your balls in play, but in the end, they drop down the middle :)"

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