Some help with Star Trek LE please.

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  • #40358

      I’ve just downloaded This table and as usual I can’t get it to run!

      I read the thread about the game but to be honest I don’t really get what 90% of the posts  are about.

      Can anybody give me a blow by blow account of how to get this table going?

      I’ve downloaded a bin file called STLE0161 and put it in my ROMS folder, but this obviously isn’t the “st_161h” that the script is looking for. No matter how I change the names I always get game name not found at line 362.

      I also read in the thread that I need to update VPM to 2.39 but I cuurently have 2.6 and I’ve seen 2.7 somewhere so 2.39 seems like a step backwards.

      I’m running VPX 10.2 .

      Also, I have managed to get a lot of SAM games working in physmod5 but the new updates etc have left me struggling again.

      Thanks for any help.


        When you change the names, are you changing the name of both the ROM and the .bin file within the ROM to st_161h?


          If the rom naming is a concern you can always grab the file from VPU already named appropriately

          Punch it!

          Punch it!


            and yes you need the latest VPM, if you haven’t downloaded the NEWEST SAM VPM (Which I linked to in the STLE thread) then it just won’t work, despite what you think about the version you currently have. I recommend downloading from this post

            Punch it!

            Punch it!


              Also I believe, it has to be a ZIP file and not a RAR. At least that’s the only way it works for me.


                Thanks for all the replies guys.

                You saved me lot of time :good:

                I got it going and what a sweet table it is!


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