Super Nudging for Table Development

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  • #50596

      So I recently made this tutorial about more-or-less controlling the pinball on the playfield by abusing the analog nudging in Visual Pinball.

      “Manual Ball Roller” for Visual Pinball

      At the time I wrote, I assumed this was a technique table developers already used. I’m just learning the ropes myself, and when I stumbled upon how to do this, I thought I’d write a guide (it’s not totally complete as I’ve only tested my hardware) for fellow newbies. @randr, probably the only dude who noticed the tutorial (it’s not in the forum latest post feed, so I probably should have started this thread earlier to let people know I even wrote the tutorial) had never done this before, so perhaps this isn’t something used or talked about much.

      That being said, does anyone use this technique in table development? If not, does it sound useful? The reason I ask is because setting this up is not as simple as Future Pinball’s “test roller” key toggle that developers can use to break the normal physics and move the ball around with a mouse or some other configured device. So if table developers find this technique useful, there could be cause for a more convenient implementation (assuming the current technique is considered inconvenient) in future versions of VP. For all I know, messing with this kind of stuff for would be totally way too much work or impractical, but I thought it would be worth asking about.

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