Tables Lost in Space

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  • #39449

      Although not specifically about the Sega table I was thinking that the Star Wars: Episode I table released in 1999 was somewhat popular and yet I don’t think I have ever seen a VP8, VP9, or VPX version. Maybe there is one and I just haven’t seen it. Any reason why? I know Lucasfilm can be somewhat stingy when it comes to copyright stuff but I have no idea if this would be the reason.

      Any other tables that had some success but no version seen across the different VP versions?

      Phil Docker

        Pinball 2000 has not been emulated by VP.  I believe that as Pinbox/Nucore is about (but not freely available) it would be possible for someone much cleverer than myself.  Would be great to see RFM too on VP.



          Interesting. For some reason I hadn’t considered a technical issue.

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