Total noob getting started with rom files

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      This is my first post here and I’m obviously a total noob. :)

      I just downloaded a few tables.  One in particular I’d like to play is Twilight Zone but when I download the file, it is just one file.  When I try to start the game it lists rom files for CPU and SOUND that it needs and doesn’t play.

      It says I need these rom files for every game I’ve tried.

      Is there a beginner’s tutorial?  Am I missing a download?  Are the rom files specific to each game?  If so, why aren’t they included with the game download?  Where can I find the rom files?

      I’d appreciate any help in the right direction.



      Bob Albright

        You will need a rom for each Pinmame table. They are available for download in a separate download category. Dig a little deeper. You’ll see it. Welcome to addiction

        "And in the end, the love you take is equal to the love you make"

        "And in the end, the love you take is equal to the love you make"


          In general you’ll find a rom link together with the download link of the table. This rom file is not to be opened or extracted it should stay as a *.zip file. Put it into c:/wherevery/you/installed/visual pinball/roms folder. Tables however – you need to extract so the file eg. c:/wherevery/you/installed/visual pinball/tables/pinball.vpx

          Good luck and have fun.




            I’ve figured out the rom issue.  Thanks for the tips.

            Now the issue is there is a lag/delay of half a second or so when I use the flippers so it makes play impossible.  The video is overall ok, maybe a “little” laggy but I don’t know what settings to change.  I’ve messed with the video settings and tried a few combinations but nothing seems to have an effect.

            Any tips or suggestions would be very welcome.




              Well, You should try first VP9 tables, they don’t normally use much resources from you PC. If they play ok, you might need to upgrade your hardware.


                Ok, I did as you said and downloaded two tables.  1942 is kind of choppy and has the same flipper lag and even a little other video lag, too.  I also downloaded (don’t know what version it is, though) sale of the century, and it plays just fine.  There’s not much to it in the way of graphics, though.

                I have an i7 950 PC with 20gb ram and plenty of hard drive space.  Could it really be my hardware?

                Thanks for all your help,



                  Also, as an FYI, I play Future Pinball tables with no problems.  So I’m thinking it’s a setting, but have no clue what to check.  Any suggestions?


                    I’m having another noob issue, too.  When I press 1 to start a game, nothing happens.  5 works to add coins, but 1 doesn’t start the game.  So I go into the key settings and change it to c for coin and s for start and even set up a game controller but no matter what I set it to, it keeps the defaults and 5 always adds coins.

                    I downloaded another test table and I just can’t get the thing to start.  I can tilt, add coins, and move the plunger, but no matter what I set the keys to, it keeps the default and start doesn’t work.


                      Make sure your running the EXE as administrator and its dll’s are not blocked

                      Messing with the VPinball app and push notifications.
                      So if you haven't downloaded app yet what are you waiting for!?
                      for IOS and Android


                      Messing with the VPinball app and push notifications.
                      So if you haven't downloaded app yet what are you waiting for!?
                      for IOS and Android



                        Easier for us to help if you are more specific about what table you are struggling with. The most important hardware in your PC is your graphics card. You don’t mention that at all. For newer VPX tables – most tables work nicely with Nvidia 750 GTX ti or better. Default settings are normally set ok after installing VP. Don’t enable 4 AAA. That requires a very powerful GPU ( graphics processor ).


                          To answer some questions above, I have a Geforce 560TI video card and future pinball tables seem to work fine.  I couldn’t get BAM working on future pinball due to the tables loading as if they were zoomed in on just one spot like 500% or so and I tried several forums and nobody responded, so that’s why I’m looking in to Visual Pinball instead.

                          My main problems at this point are that no matter how I set the keys, they don’t change and only respond to their default settings.  For instance, I changed the coin key from “5” to “c” but “c” doesn’t work and “5” still does.  However, no matter what, I can’t get some tables to start.  Either by pressing “S” which is what I set it to, or “1” which is the default.  Other functions such as flippers, plunger, tilt, etc, work, but I just can’t get the game to start.

                          On Twilight Zone and Lethal Weapon 3 I get an error when loading the game that says, “object reference not set to instance of object” and at the top of that window it references the backscreen loader.  I only have one monitor and am using a desktop monitor right now for testing, but placed the bsloader files in both the visualpinball directory and the tables directory, not knowing exactly where they should go.

                          I can get Twilight Zone to load, but only with the original keys, not what I set them to.  See above.  However, the flippers don’t respond instantly.  There is a half second delay or so, so it’s unplayable.  I downloaded a few other tables to test and with two different VP9 tables, one works fine (sale of the century) and one doesn’t and acts like Twilight Zone.  See above post for more info.

                          I hope this is enough info to help you help me. :)  I really want to get into this new hobby and get going.  I’ve always loved pinball and this is the first time I’ve been able to afford my own “machine.” :)

                          Thanks a bunch,



                            In the error message I got above, I meant to say it references “B2S Server.”  Oops. ;)

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