Transformers: PuP-Pack preview! Much more than meets the eye!

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  • #98519
    The Loafer

      This is awesome indeed.  The only thing, I hope we can find a way to have these types of custom roms added to VPM so that I can have both pup and standard versions of the tables loaded.


      I have Pinball purists friends :)

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        This is awesome indeed. The only thing, I hope we can find a way to have these types of custom roms added to VPM so that I can have both pup and standard versions of the tables loaded.

        I have Pinball purists friends :)

        I’m not sure if you can just have the Custom Rom named a little differently, then have a 2nd copy of the table that uses that Custom rom in the script. You would possibly then just rename the PuP-Pack to match. I’m not sure if DOF would still work with a different named rom…?


          Couldn’t a optional rom name be added to the tool? Many tables have a couple rom options in config tool but not sure if it would then also need to be added to pinmame?

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          Messing with the VPinball app and push notifications.
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            Couldn’t a optional rom name be added to the tool? Many tables have a couple rom options in config tool but not sure if it would then also need to be added to pinmame?

            In the case of the Stern coloured roms (acd_170, acd_170h, acd_170hc) I asked Arngrim to add those in as an option as they would NOT work with fuzzy matching for DOF.

            So you can have an extra option under the same rom in the Tool, but that won’t help if you want to have both factory, and custom.

            Maybe if the custom rom is named the right way, it may still work?

            Could always add another separate table entry as Custom Rom option in DOF, that is separate. PinMAME “should” still work fine I would think….but it may be a good idea to establish a Custom rom naming standard if we were to do something like that.  With PinSound, and now PuP-Tracks, it would be nice to have the option of both the standard rom and a custom rom that would work in DOF and on 2 differrent copies of the same table,etc…


              Oh sure. Yeah would need a custom entry like puptransformers or something for table name I suppose

              Messing with the VPinball app and push notifications.
              So if you haven't downloaded app yet what are you waiting for!?
              for IOS and Android


              Messing with the VPinball app and push notifications.
              So if you haven't downloaded app yet what are you waiting for!?
              for IOS and Android



                Oh sure. Yeah would need a custom entry like puptransformers or something for table name I suppose

                Maybe we need to simply add a separate table in DOF Config Tool for custom Roms, so that we can have 2 copies of a table that will work with everything. One using factory rom, the other using Custom Rom for Pinsound, PuP-Tracks,etc..


                We could have an established name like:


                trn_174h   = factory Tron Legacy LE


                trn_174h_custom = custom rom version


                …BUT what about pinmame? Would we need additional entries in pinmame to allow for one rom to have normal sound/settings, and another for the custom rom to allow for pinsound, etc?


                Or @ DJRobX has a better way of handling this?


                  This one is really gonna rock my popper world :). Thanks Terry for your sleep degredation and endless effort to give us this awesome pup pack :). Can’t wait to see this baby in real life action!


                    If you REALLY needed to….you could also setup something in your launch script in Popper.

                    You have two copies of the table…one original…the other PuP version (named in a way to not load directb2s).

                    Popper would check to see if you have something like PuP-Track or CustomRom in the CustomVariable field (in Games Manager) for the table. If it does have that, than it will copy and replace the “Rom” (using the Rom field entry for the game) from “Custom” folder into VPinMAME before launching (with a small delay buffer). Upon exiting the game it will do a similar check and copy the original rom back from a “OriginalRoms” folder.

                    I personally HATE doing things this way…but with Popper, you can do powerful things like this easily..and once setup….its easy for tables in the future. It’s a solution until a more official one comes along.



                      Very nice work terry , I am not a fan of that pin well until now! It feels like there is so much going on. Thank you for your work!


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