Vp tables and files requied version

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  • #12075
    Patrick Delage

      Hello all,

      I’m not sure if it’s the good board to ask but i try.

      I’m probably not the only man who have some hundred tables in vp and pinballx front end.

      I just dream to some utilities to help me keep up to date and download automaticaly b2s, backglass, etc…

      Maybe not fully automatic but some tools to help.

      What are you using ?

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      Pinaball, arcade and retro gaming

      Pinaball, arcade and retro gaming


        Short of rouge pinball and itchies cab backup there is no easy way. Freezy was doing a project like your wanting but honestly just download what you want my top 100 won’t be your top 100. Manual is best for vp currently.
        See my vp table count in pinballx :) and that’s a old pic

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        Messing with the VPinball app and push notifications.
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          True. You can start with this list: http://www.ipdb.org/lists.cgi?anonymously=true&list=top300
          Anyways not all of the tables are Cabinet worth it, IMHO. In an Arcade Desktop view it’s fine.

          Have fun! :good:

          Patrick Delage

            But it’s not really the top i want. It’s some utilities to let organize and keep update.

            By example

            In pinballx online, you can download backglass, playfield, dmd, video directly from game manager. It’s a huge functionnality for me. Let go further in the thinking. Let said we can visualize image directly in game manager rather then download and try,

            Another example.

            For each vp tables, there arr different backglass , b2s, db2s, version 1, 2 , 3 etc. What about having all files related link to the vp tables. It’s not rocket science. Associated a vp to backglass and other things.

            Another example.

            The ability to delete vp table directly from pinballx when in the menu. Or enable disable it. Rather then that, we need to go to xml or game manager

            Some tools like this. Some are just featuring…

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            Pinaball, arcade and retro gaming

            Pinaball, arcade and retro gaming


              Freezy is working on just a solution currently in beta testing on pinballx host actually for freezy chosen testers. Pm him here and ask for helping test

              Messing with the VPinball app and push notifications.
              So if you haven't downloaded app yet what are you waiting for!?
              for IOS and Android


              Messing with the VPinball app and push notifications.
              So if you haven't downloaded app yet what are you waiting for!?
              for IOS and Android


              Patrick Delage

                Thanks, I just send him an private post.

                Pinaball, arcade and retro gaming

                Pinaball, arcade and retro gaming


                  1016 tables.. that’s just crazy! :)

                  There’s VPDB, which is basically an API and a web application, but there’s also VPDB Agent which runs on your cab and updates everything in real time. I haven’t talked much about the latter yet but when it’s done it’s gonna be pretty awesome.

                  Patrick Delage

                    Yes 1016 tables it’s a lot. Me, i have 300 and like to reduce it to 25 to 30 but maximize the config and everything. Best dmd, best sound level vs music, best backglass, best physics tweak, best nudge… And play ? not always search for files here and here…

                    For sure, there will always having new tables, sepecially now with new vp10.

                    Freezy, i will take a look at your utilities tools.

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                    Pinaball, arcade and retro gaming

                    Pinaball, arcade and retro gaming

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