VPinball lost its lustre

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      Ive recently added a few real pins to my lineup alongside my virtual pin. The VPin just isn’t having the draw to me it once did. I hope that it passes. I just put a great Pin2DMD into it and solenoid feedback (which i originally thought was loud, but is now too quiet). I think I’m missing the lighting feedback from the real tables beside the virtual. Im sure we have all experienced this.

      Phil Docker

        I have probably owned most DMD pinballs over twenty years – or refurbished them – or had them on loan to fix etc…

        VP is pretty amazing – because I have not got the money to buy an AFM, MM, CV, STTNG, TZ and I do not have a large enough house.

        VP is a simulation, I  do enjoy playing it but you can not beat the real thing.

        I do actually have a real CV on the way and I can just about get my VP and CV in the same room.

        Pinball is a ‘rich mans’ hobby these days looking at the price the machines change hands for.  A decade ago you could probably pick up an old Bally/Williams or a few hundred pounds in the UK – something like a No Fear or Flintstones.  These days you are looking over £1000.

        I do not think I could ever warrant having so much money tied up in games – so this is where Visual Pinball really wins.

        You can make the game yourself, get bits cheap on the internet and for maybe for £1,000 have a load of great games.


          The variety is definitely the win with the vp setup. I will never have a cv or afm in my collection, too much money. Im sure after I put some more time into playing the vpin again it will renew my enthusiasm.

          Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk


            I like real and digital. I play digital more then real and I’ve owned my 20+ pinball collection for decades. The digital pinball is great fun and always changing which I like :good:

            Messing with the VPinball app and push notifications.
            So if you haven't downloaded app yet what are you waiting for!?
            for IOS and Android


            Messing with the VPinball app and push notifications.
            So if you haven't downloaded app yet what are you waiting for!?
            for IOS and Android


            Ben Logan2

              Good topic. I have a couple of real pins in the garage. They’re beautiful. But, I get bored of them after a bit and give them a rest until they look like fun again. I.e. Real pins lose their luster too after a while!

              I love both VP and the real thing. I make little regional trips to play at various arcades quarterly at least. Sometimes monthly.

              I prefer the VP Community to Pinside, personally. Super creative, helpful, friendly bunch here. The pursuit of teaming up with others toward getting pin simulation as close to the real thing as possible is a game I’ll never tire of!


                As someone who will probably never own a real pin this is pretty interesting.


                  I agree with you Ben. I’ll flip flop between the two I’m sure.

                  Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk


                    I love both and do not compare them too much in respect of who is better or more fun. They live happily next to each other and for me the digital experience is really attractive as it does not only provide me with a great variety of pin games (VP/FP/FX2/Pinball Arcade) but also satisfies my hobby of solving things ;).

                    The VP would is constantly evolving and I enjoy spending time on these developments and seeking out new challenges and great pin experiences.

                    My advice is to stop comparing and just enjoy what both world have to offer.


                      The fixing and solving thing is definitely something I enjoy. its why all my actual pinball machines are projects in one form or another. They all stemmed from building the virtual (which is now crying out for RGB lighting feedback).

                      played the virtual cab last night and really enjoyed it. Happy

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