VR Room Twilight Zone (Skitso Mod 2.0)

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  • #162401


      The latest release from Team rothborski.

      Two VR room versions are included here, a compressed and uncompressed.  The compressed version has lower resolution textures to help boost performance on some setups.  You can also disable the back wall and floor with the right magna save or the cabinet details with the left magna save.

      This has been in works for months and we’re finally happy to introduce it to the community. Since my last version, a lot has happened to this table:

      Skitso made a complete visual overhaul with all the new stuff he’s learned since v. 1.5 about a year ago. There’s new inserts, new textures, new lights, new shadows, new flashers, a lot of added detail etc. all with a Skitso level of polish and attention to detail you all are accustomed of from Skitso.

      Then there’s a completely overhauled, best in class gameplay and physics, by no other than rothbauerw, the king of physics. He also rewrote a lot of the scripting, fixed issues with GI and clock lights, added sounds and offered a lot of support and help in all the ways possible.

      Bord also stepped in, providing the table a new mesh playfield, a new ramp model, a new lampshade model and a new scoop model, all top notch quality as usual.

      A huge special thanks to this team. It’s a privilege to be able to work with such talent. Thank you guys!

      Launch post with few more close up images: https://vpinball.com/forums/topic/twilight-zone-skitso-detail-mod/page/7/#post-162297

      The goal was to recreate this classic pinball as faithfully as possible. There are some visual mods available to enable in the top part of the script, but they are not part of Skitso’s artistic vision on this table, so it is suggested to leave them off. Also changing POV will mess few lighting effects, so that should not be done unless absolute necessity.

      This table mod is based on Ninuzzu’s table. (Thanks for letting us mod it!)

      Original authors for this table are: Ninuzzu, coindropper, nFozzy, JPSalas, Tom Tower, Hauntfreaks, Flupper and Zany.  We also borrowed some FSS work from Acronovum. Thanks and sorry if we missed some one.

      Current Project: Perpetual updates of VPX physics.

      Current Project: Perpetual updates of VPX physics.

      Total of 27 users thanked author for this post. Here are last 20 listed.
      The Loafer

        Thank you all. It’s a wonderous day with awesome releases and VR fans are getting pampered today too!


          So awesome!  Thank you!


            VR is the future of visual pinball! Awesome update ;)!


              VR is the future of visual pinball! Awesome update ;)!

              I agree.  I just wish I knew how to optimize these tables more for VR.  Performance is acceptable, but it could be better!

              Current Project: Perpetual updates of VPX physics.

              Current Project: Perpetual updates of VPX physics.


                Just played it a bit and compared it to my earlier VR version. That one plays much smoother. Not sure why.


                Love the topper BTW :).



                  Update: Added ability to turn off the VR room and cabinet using the left and right magna save buttons.  For some reason, the back wall and floor seem to have the biggest impact on performance.  Try turning them off with the uncompressed version and see how it works for you.

                  Yes, this definitely does not run as smoothly as the old VR version.  We did so much to the table, it could be any number of things in the update.

                  Current Project: Perpetual updates of VPX physics.

                  Current Project: Perpetual updates of VPX physics.

                  Ben Logan2

                    Can’t wait to try it. Thanks, team rothborski!

                    Ben Logan2

                      Team rothborski,

                      Just got done playing this one for about two hours. It was tough to walk away! What a great room, and wonderful table. Cheers to Tom and Ninuzzu and all their team members as well. This table is clearly the sum total of contributions from all the talented folks named above!

                      The physics are great. I had to play a bunch of games before getting a multiball going. A good sign! I like it when VP tables are challenging. The lock shot in upper back playfield has to be hit right or rejects the ball up there. Nice! Realistic.

                      I love all the options in script. Thanks for those.

                      The DMD and animated backglass worked wonderfully. The topper is beautiful! Never seen that one in real life.

                      I love any room in VP, but I especially like the darker ones, as they remind me of the dingy arcades of my youth! This one is cool and dark. Very comfortable and easy on the eyes.

                      VPVR is truly one of the most exciting things going in my life at the moment. I played real pinball out of town today, own six real machines, and seriously — VPVR is just as much fun an experience to me! Just an amazing development, guys.


                        missing a torus here :



                          missing a torus here :


                          It’s on the table, but looks like it is mistakenly not visible.

                          Current Project: Perpetual updates of VPX physics.

                          Current Project: Perpetual updates of VPX physics.


                            Somehow I’m having issues with SSF, I looked through the script and I can’t see anything wrong, hit F1 making sure I didn’t have a PinSound Installed, and it’s at (0) zero, and I can’t really see anything else wrong, all my other tables seem to work and play the sound effects. I get the sound from the game, just no mechanical sounds. Any suggestions?


                              What you are at that F1 – use Samples is ticked ?


                                Yeah, I did, it’s checked.

                                I have to check again, but I installed it right after I installed HP, and afterwards, no table has SFX, so something in HP Broke it, what’s odd was HP, still worked, and had sound effects for the flippers, after playing other tables, I went back to HP, and it didn’t have SFX so I need to re-boot and in the morning I have to do some isolated testing with other tables, and Twilight Zone, and then HP and then Twilight Zone, and see if I can reproduce it… And I know HP is still in its early days… so we’ll see.




                                  If you’re on Win10 – then maybe have a quick peek over these points – https://vpinball.com/wiki/visual-pinball-knowledge-base/win10-and-lost-music-rom-sounds/



                                    2.0.2 Bug fix to prevent stuck balls when the gumball machine reloads after “Lost in the Zone” mode.

                                    Current Project: Perpetual updates of VPX physics.

                                    Current Project: Perpetual updates of VPX physics.


                                      Thank You!  This table plays great on my PC and I’m currently downloading the latest update 2.02 uncompressed.  I have dual contact leaf switches on my cab and its really nice that you added a simple script option to enable them. Works Great!    Hopefully other developers start to implement the same on their table releases.

                                      Lastly if you have a cabinet, I highly suggest you install some dual contact leafs in it.  Since pinball only has flippers and nudging to manipulate the game play, I find it is extremely important to have flippers that work as designed on the real table.  :)   This particular table is a great example of a table that utilizes dual stage flippers on both sides of the table!

                                      1 user thanked author for this post.

                                        @gear323 : Yeah. I’ve thought about staged flippers for a while now. Honestly though. Not before recently, when I feel that nFozzy/Roth have kind of cracked the egg has it been any serious thought to it. Now, there exists a few tables already where I feel the flipper action is very close so dual leaf’s would be the next thing.


                                          Thank You! This table plays great on my PC and I’m currently downloading the latest update 2.02 uncompressed. I have dual contact leaf switches on my cab and its really nice that you added a simple script option to enable them. Works Great! Hopefully other developers start to implement the same on their table releases.

                                          Lastly if you have a cabinet, I highly suggest you install some dual contact leafs in it. Since pinball only has flippers and nudging to manipulate the game play, I find it is extremely important to have flippers that work as designed on the real table. :) This particular table is a great example of a table that utilizes dual stage flippers on both sides of the table!

                                          Yeah, we really need to get dual leaf support baked into the mainline vpx scripts (core.vbs, etc.).

                                          I bought some dual leaf switches.   I’ll eventually get around to putting them in the cab, tearing it apart is just such a pain. :)

                                          Ben Logan2

                                            Appreciate the update, guys!

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