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  • MrMoose74

      Ok, finally found the info about the start up params for FutureDMD.exe. As suspected, the table is telling it which settings to use, but it only applies to colorization, it does not affect position or size (bummer).  So, for anyone using colorization, the .bat file will need to be altered to take a parameter for “Table name” and this needs to also be added in the Popper Startup script. If Custom Var #3 is used or default, anytime the batch files are called they’ll need a table argument but only if you wanna use colorization.


        Hm, now it may seem there is an alternative way to set up tables within the FutureDMD.ini file, I’m guessing that the “table” parameter is the one to use, this is used in the default FP Startup Script in Popper. And the second parameter “close=1” might be used to make certain only one instance of FutureDMD is running?

        I haven’t tried it yet, but it seems it maybe possible to skip .bat and .ini files in my solution altogether. Inside the FutureDMD.ini, the settings are stored under [default] and I’m guessing that if you enter a name that’s exactly matching the name of a table and copy all (or some) of the settings giving them alternative values, those settings will be used instead of [default] when the table is started by Popper.  This would effectively mean that it’s possible to set up the “Full”, “Mid” and “Low” positions within the .ini file and alter the Startup script to use one of them.

        If this is possible, I’ll add an alternative way to accomplish the same thing. But, it’s uncertain if FutureDMD saves a new entry automatically if it gets the startup parameter “table” and it retains the default and other entries or if it overwrites all of it if one resizes manually. The downside of always having to edit the .ini file is obvious so altering the Startup Script for FP still has its benefits.

        EDIT: Now I’ve tried sending all kinds of various arguments in multiple ways to FutureDMD. Although it doesn’t not overwrite any other settings than [default], I couldn’t get it to take a table parameter so this doesn’t work, at least I couldn’t get it to work. Guess my solution in the tutorial is the working way to do this.

        in reply to: Hello all members of the forum :-) #218336

          Thankz och tackar :-)

          in reply to: new FP install with 2 small issues. #218182

            Hi Terry,

            Checked again whether or not my fpt files were associated with Future Pinball or BAM and they’re all opening BAM if I double click ‘em or if I choose to “shift right click” and choose “Open with…” it says they’re associated with FPLoader.exe.

            So, the problem seem to persist if I open via a table but disappears if I open BAM first. No big problem, just thought I’d share a solution. (I normally start my tables via a front end anyways :yes: )

            in reply to: new FP install with 2 small issues. #218007

              Hi legin,

              I had the exact same issue with the Blade Runner Ultimate Pro table, it loaded up but then just before the table would show it would crash.

              This is the steps I took to circumvent the issue:

              1. Turned off Windows Defender. Did nothing, same problem. Table crashes. (Actually I already had it off, but you get the point) :unsure:

              2. Ran FPLoader as an admin. That worked, but, running processes as admin is at best a last resort which mostly introduce other issues. :negative:

              3. I decided to try something different. I already had all my folders (FP, PinUPSystem, DOF etc) as exceptions in Windows Defender but I also decided to add the FPLoader.exe process as an exception too. I’ve done this with some other dll:s and exe:s but I’m not sure if this helps, can’t hurt though. At least, Defender should not monitor these processes anymore (…dunno if this actually accomplishes that…maybe?). :wacko:

              4. Here is what actually made it work. It dawned on me that if you start the table by double clicking the table file, maybe it will not open FPLoader correctly? So I tried that, and that made the table crash. Then I opened the table from within FPLoader and started it with the ball icon. Woah, that worked!!! :yahoo:

              Now, I made sure Defender is completely on, even rebooted the computer and added the table to PinUP Popper, to make sure it would start from the Front End. It did. :good:

              I think it maybe a case of how you start a table (might be only certain tables) and maybe what I did in step 3 helps, can’t say for sure. Starting tables by opening the from within BAM/FPLoader seems to work better then starting by double clicking a .fpt file.

              I also still got UAC on default level. Recently did a full reinstall of Windows 10 and followed all of Terry’s and Nailbusters excellent tutorials, guides and videos. I really appreciate the work you guys put in to them, it elevated my level of understanding in no time. Keep em coming guys :yes:

              Hope this helps


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