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  • vkdawg

      You are best off asking in smoke’s post at pinball nirvanna. I think he may have added a day / night feature that adjusts the lighting. Not something I’m a fan of…and maybe it can be disabled… but I’ve been busy working on RetroFlair 2 and haven’t had time for much else lately.

      His post is here:



      Thanks Terry! I appreciate you referencing the post about the table.  I’ll see if I can get some help there…

      • This reply was modified 3 years, 4 months ago by vkdawg.

        Terry, thanks SO MUCH for an absolutely AMAZING guide!

        I have just recently gotten back into Future Pinball after reading your guide.  I’m so happy I did!!  I haven’t tried out Future Pinball in a few years, but some of these tables are truly incredible!  And thanks so so much for this guide! It’s incredible!

        I do have one question that has been driving me absolutely crazy the last few days, and I’ve spent way more time than I should before trying to figure it out. (Being OCD doesn’t help either!!)  It has to do with the lighting of some FP tables.  I’ve read your guide about how to customize and save the light settings to my personal liking (with warning, of course), and I’ve been able to figure it out on almost all tables that automatically adapt the lighting with the exception of one table that’s driving me crazy. I am hoping beyond hope that you’re able to help me figure out how to fix it.

        It’s the Ghostbusters table by smoke and JP Salas found here: http://www.pinsimdb.org/pinball/table-25638-ghostbusters_(stern)

        It auto adjusts the lighting at night, and uses the preset “Dark Night” or settings very similar, and I can’t see the table at all.  No matter what I do with the settings, they automatically will revert back to “Dark Night” type settings if I’m playing in the evening.  It will actually change right in front of my eyes if I have BAM open, and looking at the lighting settings.

        I can’t find anywhere in the script that is causing this change.  Is this something that can be controlled by FP itself?  Something in BAM?  Something in the settings I used by you in the mega guide? (I followed EVERY step of your mega guide, by the way.)

        It’s driving me mad that I can’t just pick the light settings I want for this table, and save it in BAM.

        Can someone PLEASE help!?


        in reply to: Batman 66 (Not PUP) VPX All sounds VERY Loud #218225

          There is no DMD for this table?  Has anyone figured out how to lower the overall volume for this table?  It’s very loud.

          in reply to: Nip-It (Bally 1973) #216498

            Just curious if there’s a way to set the number of balls to 3 instead of 5?

            Can’t quite figure it out.

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