DMD EXT help

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  • #74346

      Hey all. I have been away from visual pinball for a while and now Im trying to get all this new stuff setup eg. pup player, dmdext, etc.

      Im having an issue getting dmdext setup. I unzipped everything to the c drive. When I run dmdext test im getting stuck and I do not see a virtual dmd. it just sits there on checking com3 for pindmdv3.  I do not have a pindmd. I have also disabled pindmd in the ini. I understand its not using the ini during the test anways so I dont think that would matter. I attached a pic.

      Any thoughts.



        I had the same issue because of my pinball cabinet controller usb.  I had to change the port to com1.  Dmdext test -p com1

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