*** NOTE: Do NOT install or use new VLC versions (3.0+) with PuP or Popper! ***

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  • #80667

      All PinUP components will only work correctly with vlc 32bit v2.2.8

      Pinup Player and Popper installs the 32bit c2.2.8 VLC in a “vlc” folder in the same location as PinupPlayer.exe. This is what is used for Pinup Player media playback.


      DO NOT install or use the VLC from the VLC website as you will get their new v3.0 or higher files. Read below as to why this is not a good idea!


      PuP PSA: Please READ!

      We’ve been seeing people recommending to update the VLC in the PuP install to a newer version (or install a newer vlc on their system,etc).

      This is BAD BAD BAD.

      Simply put…there is a reason we say to NOT install any newer VLC and to only use the 2.2.8 version that is included with PuP which is using CPU mainly for video playback.

      Using newer versions may cause instability as there ARE issues by using newer versions with both pup and popper.

      These are mainly…but not limited to…. that newer versions of VLC forces the use of hardware acceleration (GPU) which can and will cause some known and unforseen problems. Using hardware acceleration DOES NOT work with transparency screens…at all.

      In the past, it has also caused playback of videos to sometimes not be smooth or cause blinks between videos,etc.

      We have recently tested using newer vlc and it’s forced hardware acceleration with much better success…. again though… no transparency videos and the occasional odd glitches…and it definitely has caused problems with FP because FP uses exclusive fullscreen with 2 screens, and new vlc with hardware acceleration did NOT like that and would give a BSOD! There’s a reason why it’s called “exclusive”.

      Using OpenGL or DirectX in PuP settings may or may not work better…but I’ve found that OpenGL won’t always resize videos correctly,etc.

      Also… while playing your tables…they use more GPU than CPU…so you benefit better by having more CPU usable for PuP-Packs and leaving more GPU to your demanding tables.

      If after using a newer vlc, you go back to the older 2.2.8…. any previous settings that were at hardware acceleration may “possibly” still be applied… causing more confusion.

      Please stick to the 2.2.8 version using CPU for now…or at the very least know what you may have to deal with when using a newer vlc… because when people ask for help with problems with pup or popper using that… we can’t help you.



      2 users thanked author for this post.

        I updated the first post with details as to why you don’t use a VLC newer than 2.2.8 with PUP or POPPER.

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