Table difficulty settings

  • This topic has 3 replies, 3 voices, and was last updated 4 years ago by TNT2.
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  • #170729

      I have been playing around with this feature since someone mentioned a few weeks ago about adjusting it for difficulty for a specific pin to make it play more accurately like the real table.

      Generally do you guys mess with the setting very much? Does it just vary per table what you set it for? Just looking for suggestions.


        I don’t really adjust such settings much. The most I do is adjust the little pins in the Drain Lanes so it’s harder to drain via them. That, and adding a Blocking Pin between the Flippers, of course.

        Midway's Legacy lives on.


          Cheaters. I sometime delete those pins B-)

          The way I see it is that the table difficulty is a poor mans way of adding some randomness to the table. All elements needs some kind of randomization since this is digital or the ball will go in recognizable patterns if you don’t. The only thing we don’t need to add randomness to is the flippers. Our brains are perfectly capable of not pressing the flipper button on the exact same time each time. You will most probably do better if you spend some time on the table elements themselves. If I remember correctly, the default is 20. I’m not 100% sure what elements is effected by that though. If you see the kickers shooting out the exact same way over and over, well, then you can increase it a bit, but, you’ll do better by actually adding randomness to the kicker itself. This is my opinion on the matter.


            Interesting. Hadn’t thought of that.

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