VPX 10.6 crashing

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  • #170965


      I was following the installation video for PinUP Player at

      and got to the point where you rt click the backglass and check Activate

      Plugin and Uncheck Error Messages. I did that and exited VPX. When

      I went to reload to check for the ungreyed ‘Plugins’ function VPX just crashed

      to desktop. Now I cannot run any tables, it just crashes. It gets to ‘Starting Game Scripts’

      Where do I start looking?


        Okay so I tracked the culprit down to B2STableSettings.xml.

        Something got written that VPX could not sort out. This file gets written

        during the step in the video to activate plugins. If I delete the file VPX works

        normally again. If I follow the step in the video it gets recreated and then

        VPX goes back to crashing.


        I should mention this is a working installation. I am just trying to add Pinup Player.




          Okay so I found in the file




          If I set it to ‘0’ then VPX loads so something is wrong with my plugin install I suspect.



            So I got it sorted out only to discover my rig doesn’t have enough horsepower to smoothly play the PUP.

            Oh well.

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