import scripts not working

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  • #226215

      Hi all. I’ve been trying to use some of the newly shared PBY scripts for things like meta filters and “two tables one wheel” as shared here:

      I’m following all the instructions and nothing seems to be happening. My main.js file has a fair bit of script in it already following the examples for seamless launch and FlexDMD’s PinballY plugin. Those customizations have worked beautifully. But anything that uses an import statement to pull a script into main.js seems to do nothing at all. I’ve even tried emptying out my main.js so it has nothing but the import statement, and still I don’t see any changes in PinballY’s menus.

      Any ideas what might cause import statements to fail?

      I’m downloading the required .js files, like meta_filter_tableType.js and saving them to my PinballY scripts folder right alongside my main.js file. I add the line import “meta_filter_tableType.js”; to my main.js, reopen PinballY and there’s no visible change to my menus.

      I’m stumped.


        OK, I feel a little dumb, but maybe not too dumb because I at least figured out what I was doing wrong.

        The issue was with how I was downloading files from GitHub. Somehow I was ending up with the html for the entire page, not just the .js script.


          Easy to do such a mistake. Use raw button or download a zip and extract for a complete collection and pick what you need.

          • This reply was modified 3 years, 2 months ago by Thalamus.
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