Reply To: Should I release minor mods


    Thanks for a great and long response, wrd! I have a highest level of respect for you and the other “high level” table authors among this amazing community. It would never ever even cross my mind to mod your amazing pinbot for example. Why would I? (Or even could?) It’s so close to perfection already.

    The tables I have touched the most are older and more… technically primitive ones like Congo, Elvis, Ripleys Believe or not, Big Bang Bar, Fish Tales, Twilight Zone, Theatre of Magic, CV, TOTAN and the like..

    With those not absolutely photorealistically perfect tables, I can make a difference with my skills in texturing, lighting and shadows plus keen visual eye for details… So all you super skilled pros, fear not: I’m not going to just tinker your amazing pieces of art thinking I can make them better. I can’t and won’t. I’m not good enough for that.  :bye:


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