DOF randomly not working when table starts

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  • #59332

      So I have this weird issue with DOF. It is randomly NOT working when the table is first started. So once the table is loaded and started for the first time, the DOF most likely, not work. If I exit the table and re-enter (NO-reload), the DOF will likely be working fine. Its just bad about no working that first time and at random times after that. Problem happens with VP editor and PinballX.

      I am using 2 Sainsmart 8-relay boards, VP10.3.1 and VPM 2.9. This issue has started recently but I cant trace it back to VP or VPM updates. But I do know that it is very freaking annoying.

      Any ideas on how to resolve this?

      My VP Pincab /MAME Arcade Specs: MSI Micro-ATX Z390m MOBO, Core I5-9600K CPU @ 3.70GHz, 16GB NVRAM, Nvidia 1660 Super,

      40" PF Sony gaming LED TV, Dual 23" monitors in the backbox , Pinscape w. expansion board, Full DOF - Full MAME arcade support

      My VP Pincab /MAME Arcade Specs: MSI Micro-ATX Z390m MOBO, Core I5-9600K CPU @ 3.70GHz, 16GB NVRAM, Nvidia 1660 Super,

      40" PF Sony gaming LED TV, Dual 23" monitors in the backbox , Pinscape w. expansion board, Full DOF - Full MAME arcade support


        I’m not a huge fan of sainsmart relay boards as they fire all ports on power up and I just don’t like relays for flippers it adds another click sound that seems off when playing. Can you disconnect one and does it always work first time through pbx with just one sainsmart? Also not sure if dof supports the 16 port sainsmart but that way you would ably be addressing one pcb. I assume you have both serial numbers setup in dof config? Try it with one and see then try it with the other and see maybe one of them has a issue? Or move them to separate USB pairs on motherboard that may help a lot. Also pbx add a delay before starting table that may give sainsmart time to init

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        Messing with the VPinball app and push notifications.
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          Thanks randr. I will try didconnecting one like what you said. Last time i asked, the 16 relay was not compatable, but i sure wish it was. I put a timer on the niarss so they dont do their annoying post at start up. Yup, thats very annoying.


          What would you use in place of the sainsmart boards. I need 16 outputs for the dof and toys on the cab. Whats the most reliable solution?

          My VP Pincab /MAME Arcade Specs: MSI Micro-ATX Z390m MOBO, Core I5-9600K CPU @ 3.70GHz, 16GB NVRAM, Nvidia 1660 Super,

          40" PF Sony gaming LED TV, Dual 23" monitors in the backbox , Pinscape w. expansion board, Full DOF - Full MAME arcade support

          My VP Pincab /MAME Arcade Specs: MSI Micro-ATX Z390m MOBO, Core I5-9600K CPU @ 3.70GHz, 16GB NVRAM, Nvidia 1660 Super,

          40" PF Sony gaming LED TV, Dual 23" monitors in the backbox , Pinscape w. expansion board, Full DOF - Full MAME arcade support


            Also try a delay script of 100ms or something that you set in PBX before table launch you may need to just slow down frontend launch a titch

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            Messing with the VPinball app and push notifications.
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              same than Randr, not a fan of Sainsmart which looked a nice alternative than ledwiz and pacled but this should be more used but heavy consuming toys only

              for the Sainsmart 16 ports, i only know the relay board, so it is not a controller, or there is one that i don’t know


                Thanks guys.



                I was referring to this Sainsmart 16 relay board:


                So would this be supported?

                My VP Pincab /MAME Arcade Specs: MSI Micro-ATX Z390m MOBO, Core I5-9600K CPU @ 3.70GHz, 16GB NVRAM, Nvidia 1660 Super,

                40" PF Sony gaming LED TV, Dual 23" monitors in the backbox , Pinscape w. expansion board, Full DOF - Full MAME arcade support

                My VP Pincab /MAME Arcade Specs: MSI Micro-ATX Z390m MOBO, Core I5-9600K CPU @ 3.70GHz, 16GB NVRAM, Nvidia 1660 Super,

                40" PF Sony gaming LED TV, Dual 23" monitors in the backbox , Pinscape w. expansion board, Full DOF - Full MAME arcade support


                  Okay now considering replacing the Sainsmart boards. Still a bit confused regarding the most popular boards for DOF. I am seeing Ledwiz, pacled and booster boards. I currently have 12 solenoids to support, and a few lights.

                  And what is a booster board?

                  Can you guys please link me to what you reccomend?




                  My VP Pincab /MAME Arcade Specs: MSI Micro-ATX Z390m MOBO, Core I5-9600K CPU @ 3.70GHz, 16GB NVRAM, Nvidia 1660 Super,

                  40" PF Sony gaming LED TV, Dual 23" monitors in the backbox , Pinscape w. expansion board, Full DOF - Full MAME arcade support

                  My VP Pincab /MAME Arcade Specs: MSI Micro-ATX Z390m MOBO, Core I5-9600K CPU @ 3.70GHz, 16GB NVRAM, Nvidia 1660 Super,

                  40" PF Sony gaming LED TV, Dual 23" monitors in the backbox , Pinscape w. expansion board, Full DOF - Full MAME arcade support


                    I use 2 ledwiz’ s no booster just plain relays for a knocker, strobes, becans, gear motor  and a blower. Everything else is direct to ledwiz.  Now I do use contractors not starter solenoids for 10 solenoids so they just hook right up to ledwiz. I just purchase the ledwiz from Groozygamer web site (the manufacturer

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                    Messing with the VPinball app and push notifications.
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                      Im using starter solenoids so if I am correct. I need to have relays or the booster board. If the booster board simply connects to the relays, that sounds like a lot less wiring than relays. Is that correct?

                      Do you know how many outputs there are on the booster board?


                      My VP Pincab /MAME Arcade Specs: MSI Micro-ATX Z390m MOBO, Core I5-9600K CPU @ 3.70GHz, 16GB NVRAM, Nvidia 1660 Super,

                      40" PF Sony gaming LED TV, Dual 23" monitors in the backbox , Pinscape w. expansion board, Full DOF - Full MAME arcade support

                      My VP Pincab /MAME Arcade Specs: MSI Micro-ATX Z390m MOBO, Core I5-9600K CPU @ 3.70GHz, 16GB NVRAM, Nvidia 1660 Super,

                      40" PF Sony gaming LED TV, Dual 23" monitors in the backbox , Pinscape w. expansion board, Full DOF - Full MAME arcade support


                        Im not sure about the booster boards never used them. I think each booster can run several solenoids but im not sure. ask @zebulon he’s a great guy

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                        Messing with the VPinball app and push notifications.
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                          Can I please get an understanding of the booster boards? I need to control 10 solenoids. I am looking to replace my two Sainsmart 8-relay boards and I am still confused as to what HW I need.



                          My VP Pincab /MAME Arcade Specs: MSI Micro-ATX Z390m MOBO, Core I5-9600K CPU @ 3.70GHz, 16GB NVRAM, Nvidia 1660 Super,

                          40" PF Sony gaming LED TV, Dual 23" monitors in the backbox , Pinscape w. expansion board, Full DOF - Full MAME arcade support

                          My VP Pincab /MAME Arcade Specs: MSI Micro-ATX Z390m MOBO, Core I5-9600K CPU @ 3.70GHz, 16GB NVRAM, Nvidia 1660 Super,

                          40" PF Sony gaming LED TV, Dual 23" monitors in the backbox , Pinscape w. expansion board, Full DOF - Full MAME arcade support


                            I think I may have found the reason for this issue. I did a complete reinstall of the DOF files and the problem appears to be fixed. I know that just recently, when I had my SSD issues, I was copying large chunks of data including the Directoutput folder, from an old drive to a new drive. It appears that the copy was not accurate and/or there was some possible registry items that may have been missing or corrupted. Should have just done a clean DOF re-install.

                            Gonna do some more testing,. But it does appear to be fixed.
                            Thanks all.

                            My VP Pincab /MAME Arcade Specs: MSI Micro-ATX Z390m MOBO, Core I5-9600K CPU @ 3.70GHz, 16GB NVRAM, Nvidia 1660 Super,

                            40" PF Sony gaming LED TV, Dual 23" monitors in the backbox , Pinscape w. expansion board, Full DOF - Full MAME arcade support

                            My VP Pincab /MAME Arcade Specs: MSI Micro-ATX Z390m MOBO, Core I5-9600K CPU @ 3.70GHz, 16GB NVRAM, Nvidia 1660 Super,

                            40" PF Sony gaming LED TV, Dual 23" monitors in the backbox , Pinscape w. expansion board, Full DOF - Full MAME arcade support


                              … remember the DjRobX update



                                After recently doing a clean install of Window 7, I have VP tables and DOF working well together…except when launched from PinballX.  All DOF toys work when VP is launched through the VP editor. When PinballX is running, my coin and start buttons are lit and I get effects from my RGB lights when scrolling through tables.  However, when I launch tables from PBX, DOF is not working.

                                I have checked that I have the PBX DOF plugin installed and checked.

                                Before my recent Windows 7 install, I was running DOF R2 and everything worked, including DOF when launched through PinballX. Now it doesn’t work.

                                I’m considering reinstalling DOF and stopping at version R2 to see if this fixes it for me.

                                Is there something I can check that worked for you (before I reinstall DOF to R2)?




                                  I thought if you ran R2 the dof configs would no longer work properly if you update them? No reason not to be running R3 thats for sure. Make sure your not running any virus program on your cab that can cause problems too

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                                  Messing with the VPinball app and push notifications.
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                                    @zebulon Can I please get an understanding of the booster boards? I need to control 10 solenoids. I am looking to replace my two Sainsmart 8-relay boards and I am still confused as to what HW I need. Thanks

                                    The booster board is like a very fast relay board that can support high voltage/current but also fast switching needed for controlling RGB.  It has to be hooked up to a LEDwiz or PACLED64.

                                    Not sure, but you might be able to re-use your Sainsmart relay board with an LEDwiz/PacLED64.  You would not connect the USB port on the relay board.  Instead the LEDwiz would drive the relay board as long it has regular inputs



                                      After recently doing a clean install of Window 7, I have VP tables and DOF working well together…except when launched from PinballX. All DOF toys work when VP is launched through the VP editor. When PinballX is running, my coin and start buttons are lit and I get effects from my RGB lights when scrolling through tables. However, when I launch tables from PBX, DOF is not working.

                                      I have checked that I have the PBX DOF plugin installed and checked.

                                      Before my recent Windows 7 install, I was running DOF R2 and everything worked, including DOF when launched through PinballX. Now it doesn’t work.

                                      I’m considering reinstalling DOF and stopping at version R2 to see if this fixes it for me.

                                      Is there something I can check that worked for you (before I reinstall DOF to R2)?


                                      I have not run R3 on my cab at all. So cant really speak to that. I have had so many PBX issues I have kind of lost track of what fixed what. The last solution to my PBX issues was to disable ALL Anti-virus and Malware blockers. Add added PBX to a white list and there has been bliss ever since. Are you referring to the DOF NOT working when using PBX…for the browsing of tables or for the table itself?

                                      My VP Pincab /MAME Arcade Specs: MSI Micro-ATX Z390m MOBO, Core I5-9600K CPU @ 3.70GHz, 16GB NVRAM, Nvidia 1660 Super,

                                      40" PF Sony gaming LED TV, Dual 23" monitors in the backbox , Pinscape w. expansion board, Full DOF - Full MAME arcade support

                                      My VP Pincab /MAME Arcade Specs: MSI Micro-ATX Z390m MOBO, Core I5-9600K CPU @ 3.70GHz, 16GB NVRAM, Nvidia 1660 Super,

                                      40" PF Sony gaming LED TV, Dual 23" monitors in the backbox , Pinscape w. expansion board, Full DOF - Full MAME arcade support


                                        You really should consider stopping your anti-virus all together and see how your cabinet suddenly comes to life again B-)


                                          It is running flawlessly at the moment. Cant see it running any better. :)

                                          I do use the cab to DL stuff VP related and I dont think I want to leave it unprotected. And I keep regular backups just in case.

                                          My VP Pincab /MAME Arcade Specs: MSI Micro-ATX Z390m MOBO, Core I5-9600K CPU @ 3.70GHz, 16GB NVRAM, Nvidia 1660 Super,

                                          40" PF Sony gaming LED TV, Dual 23" monitors in the backbox , Pinscape w. expansion board, Full DOF - Full MAME arcade support

                                          My VP Pincab /MAME Arcade Specs: MSI Micro-ATX Z390m MOBO, Core I5-9600K CPU @ 3.70GHz, 16GB NVRAM, Nvidia 1660 Super,

                                          40" PF Sony gaming LED TV, Dual 23" monitors in the backbox , Pinscape w. expansion board, Full DOF - Full MAME arcade support



                                            Can I please get an understanding of the booster boards? I need to control 10 solenoids. I am looking to replace my two Sainsmart 8-relay boards and I am still confused as to what HW I need.



                                            Sorry, I don’t get into the forums as often as I’d like to.

                                            Booster Boards are a replacement for the relay type boards that you have.  As Joe stated, they require a controller of some type to create the signal, then they amplify the power capacity beyond what the originating controller can typically handle.

                                            I’m not sure that your USB sainsmart can be controlled externally.  I believe the connectors on the board are for Normally Closed, Normally Open and Common (relay output side).

                                            I actually have a solid state version of the Sainsmart board coming out soon, hoping to have the time to tweak the final revision in the coming weeks.

                                            I know so little about everything that I could tell you all there is to know about nothing

                                            I know so little about everything that I could tell you all there is to know about nothing

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