*** Escape from the Lost World DONE***

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  • #159039

      as far as kickers are concerned.  is there something I can add in the script to make the force of them vary.

      Set bsTrough=New cvpmBallStack
      bsTrough.InitSw 0,8,0,0,0,0,0,0
      bsTrough.InitKick BallRelease,180,3
      bsTrough.KickForceVar = 20 *************** would this work?????*******
      bsTrough.InitExitSnd SoundFX(“ballrelease”,DOFContactors), SoundFX(“Solenoid”,DOFContactors)




        Property: .KickForceVar = forceVar

        Property: .KickAngleVar = angleVar

        alternative – use a variable.

        Function RndNum(min, max)
         RndNum = Int(Rnd() * (max-min + 1) ) + min ' Sets a random number between min and max
        End Function

        Remember to place those sounds that you are associating with the kicker in Sound manager. 20 seems very high though.

        1 user thanked author for this post.

          @sircheddar Do you happen to have a better top down pic of this plastic? It’s the only one missing from your plastic scans

          Thanks for taking these

          Thank you guys for making something out of them!

          And no, I’ve checked, I even found some of those scans with different names in the recycle folder on my NAS. I can’t believe I missed that one.

          No problem, though I’d ask, I have a low quality pic but you cant really see the plastic much anyway so not too concerned




                Been working on getting my shaders working to render this table and this subsurface material for the glowing plastics is what has been giving me the most trouble, but I think it’s almost dialed in. Here’s a render and a photo of what the illuminated plastic should look like.



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                  Looking great!

                  Messing with the VPinball app and push notifications.
                  So if you haven't downloaded app yet what are you waiting for!?
                  for IOS and Android


                  Messing with the VPinball app and push notifications.
                  So if you haven't downloaded app yet what are you waiting for!?
                  for IOS and Android


                  Sir Cheddar

                    Yup. I remember seeing an Eskape for the first time. It was at an collectors place who has about 300 machines in two large halls. It was in a dimly lit corner, and out of those 300 machines that one really stood out.
                    The translite is meh but the playfield looks awesome in the dark. Two month later I had my own.

                    This render. You’ve nailed it.


                      Great job Matt, your a rockstar


                        Thanks fellas, it’s coming along

                        1 user thanked author for this post.

                          I can’t wait to play this table. The work you guys have done on this table is amazing!


                            Just a little update, I am done with my training and back home.  Thanks to the situation I will probably have a month or two off.  Unfortunately the table is sick with the coronavirus and had been quarantined at Matt’s work for in undetermined amount of time.  It will be completed though.  Everyone pray for Escape from the Lost World and hope it and everyone else gets better so we can finish this.

                            seriously though the stuff to finish it is on Matt’s work computer in NYC… not a good place to go visit it


                              alright need some help from the smart guys.  I am trying to illuminate the inserts on the backwall of escape…  and I feel like I am doing it the hard way.  Normally I would make a flasher, script it to the light assignment and then take the image of the insert and flip, flip again, take the image and put it on the flasher, rotate it 90 for the back wall, move it resize it a ton of times and then change the illum of it to make it right.    The back wall is a prim with an image.  If I make another prim and take the lighter backwall image, cut out everything on the image but the insert, and then script it so when L63 (light assignment) is on, primitive 16 image is “image 1” image name.

                              OR, is there another easier way to do it



                                Should work, just bump the overlay mesh forward a bit and make sure your material is active. Benefit of using a flasher is you get fade up/down.

                                A while back I lobbied to get meshes with blend settings just like flashers but the devs weren’t interested. Too bad.


                                  A while back I lobbied to get meshes with blend settings just like flashers but the devs weren’t interested. Too bad.

                                  That’s a real bummer, I would get behind that 1000 percent… I asked g5k about how he achieved this (for tbis table specifically) and he gave a scripted solution, but it was a little above my scope and involved setting up multiple meterials with varying opacities.

                                  I would be thrilled if devs would consider revisiting your request

                                  1 user thanked author for this post.

                                    @bord, I am having a bit of an issue because this table looks really dark on my setup, non 4k and Matt sent me a pic of his which is 4k and it is not so dark, especially the back wall.  All of my other tables look ok, for example, Loserman’s tables are really bright to me so I turn them down to 25%.  Do you think all the rendering on this table will affect 4k users and non 4k users that much.  I have no issues with flintstones or any of your tables that are rendered


                                      All anonymous and silent by-passers would probably agree with me: keep up the good work, you are reason we are thrilled by virtual pinball !


                                        @bord, I am having a bit of an issue because this table looks really dark on my setup, non 4k and Matt sent me a pic of his which is 4k and it is not so dark, especially the back wall. All of my other tables look ok, for example, Loserman’s tables are really bright to me so I turn them down to 25%. Do you think all the rendering on this table will affect 4k users and non 4k users that much. I have no issues with flintstones or any of your tables that are rendered

                                        Interesting that it looks too dark. I’m on a 4k 27″ screen that has been calibrated recently and it looks good. The blacks are really deep and contrast is high but it doesn’t seem like the blacks crush out. My guess is your monitor might display things closer to 6 bit and throw away some of the nuances in dark areas.

                                        This is the eternal question of color correction: how do we cater to a very wide range of monitors? My recommendation would be to include a LUT that pushes the low values a little higher into a range that your monitor will display. It is a painless way to adjust for monitor discrepancy without having to redo all the textures.

                                        On the brighter side I am with you. Most Loserman tables get the environment lighting pushed down somewhat. I suspect on the brighter side that is less monitor setup and more author preference.

                                        1 user thanked author for this post.

                                          That worked great thanks @Bord.  I never knew what the LUT was.  Matt just explained it to me and all these years later I am still learning things that were right in front of my eyes.  Table looks great @Mlager8.  Just doing some fine tuning now, very fun table to play.

                                          Have a buddy in SC that just restored one, He bought it for $900, I was so pissed because I almost bought it.  He got it all done and is scared to play it because of the notoriously hard hitting flippers and the brittle plastic ramps.  I would have epoxy coated the backside but that still wouldn’t make the front plastic less brittle.  We will have a nice version that the ramps will never break….or will they…….

                                          1 user thanked author for this post.

                                            Finetuning ? Omg Tom! So excited to try it :)

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