Game of the week rules

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  • #64130

      Post your suggestions here for game of the week rules that will encourage participation and make it more enjoyable for the community as a whole.

      I’ll get us started:

      • Limit the number of games that the score can be achieved in, say 50.  I don’t usually have time to get enough games in to be competitive.  This would help level the playing field.
      • Winner of the challenge is not allowed to post score for the following three weeks, giving us mere mortals a chance.


      Current Project: Perpetual updates of VPX physics.

      Current Project: Perpetual updates of VPX physics.


        I really like the 50 game rule idea. I was just thinking I have a considerable advantage this week with all my free time lol. It’s a big number to track mentally, but I’m sure everyone can at least make a tally on their phone or a notepad.

        I don’t mind either way regarding the winners not choosing the next table for a month, but I think they should be able to post scores every week like everyone else just for fun. I think I’d actually prefer a sign-up every week for choosing next week’s table, and either the person who picked last or anyone who never picked before would choose the next table, but maybe removing the reward would kill the fun of the competition for some people. I don’t think it would be a problem if @Scotty VH bought t-shirts for every winner forever. :P

        I don’t have any ideas of my own at the moment, but I’ll think on it.


          I’m good with whatever, would be nice if there is a way to level the playing field like with a golf handicap type scoring.  Or if the winner of 1 week beats the second place score by 30% then next week or future weeks his score gets reduced by 30%??  I’m just throwing ideas out here

          I assume we are saying honor system on no modding the game with walls in the out lanes etc

          Then there is a great point made on nudging, do desktop guys get an advantage over cabinet guys?  And VP9 nudging is an advantage over VP10 nudging?

          Lastly maybe there needs to be 2 tiers, the people who play in tournaments and do really well like some of the VPF game of week guys, then a fun league which i consider myself to be in.  I just like play some games and compare how I score to other here.  I enjoy game of the week challenges as i play more tables, also it’s a great troubleshooting method for tables.


            I agree its the greatest way to bug test a table. I wish i had time to play more though! maybe this winter i will

            Messing with the VPinball app and push notifications.
            So if you haven't downloaded app yet what are you waiting for!?
            for IOS and Android


            Messing with the VPinball app and push notifications.
            So if you haven't downloaded app yet what are you waiting for!?
            for IOS and Android



              Hmm, a pro league and an amateur league?

              Current Project: Perpetual updates of VPX physics.

              Current Project: Perpetual updates of VPX physics.


                I believe the idea that you had about max games would really help out. And who do you think should decide on who is amateur and pro ? No need to over complicate things either. I find these challenges fun because it kind of forces you to play a table you maybe at first didn’t know the rule set for. It of course also good that bugs can get squashed. There is a tendency to choose tables that have just been released and then changes are made to it after the competition has started. It could maybe be an idea to announce the table on sunday and then first after a couple of days let the competition start. That way one will pretty much know if the table is playable ( not having major bugs ) and maybe have time to agree upon a version for the rest of the week unchanged with a flaw or two.


                  I believe the idea that you had about max games would really help out. And who do you think should decide on who is amateur and pro ? No need to over complicate things either. I find these challenges fun because it kind of forces you to play a table you maybe at first didn’t know the rule set for. It of course also good that bugs can get squashed. There is a tendency to choose tables that have just been released and then changes are made to it after the competition has started. It could maybe be an idea to announce the table on sunday and then first after a couple of days let the competition start. That way one will pretty much know if the table is playable ( not having major bugs ) and maybe have time to agree upon a version for the rest of the week unchanged with a flaw or two.

                  Yeah that’s the whole issue i can’t get past, how to keep this beyond simple???  For me now it’s a matter of playing a table no matter my score good or bad because 1) maybe we can help with a bug or playing issue and 2) I really have to actually play more often instead of always tweaking something on my cabinet.


                    I can understand where this comes from but establishing rules that bans good players from the game is never a good sign.

                    Also it is impossible to enforce rules that nobody can check on.

                    Keep it simple:

                    Use the challenge to get rid off some bugs and maybe share good table tweaks with the community.

                    Use it to play more :yahoo:   :yahoo:

                    Have fun.


                      Too complicated and it stops being fun. How about everyone plays the same build/rom as selected by the previous winner, minor personal physics tweaks allowed but table must still play like real pinball. Tilt must be active and resemble real pinball. Anyone placing first place plays with a 25% point handicap for the following two weeks.
                      More rules than that and my eyes glaze over.

                      Scotty VH

                        This is a sticky post (it will stay on top of the forum) that lists the rules voted by the community in the posts that follow. If you have suggestions or questions about how these came to be, or want to propose changes, please see and participate in the converation below.

                        This weekly challenge is played on the honor system. So, you won’t be asked to provide proof of your scores (sending nvram files, showing settings, etc.). You own your reputation, manage it wisely!

                        Number of Games per Week:
                        You may play a table up to 50 times in the week.


                        • The challenge ends each week at 24:00 Saturday evening, in US Central time (GST -6:00).
                        • The weekly challenge begins each week after the table is selected by the person honored with making the selection (more below).

                        Mods and Edits:

                        • No modding the game from the default ROM settings (more balls, easier rewards, etc.)
                        • No editing the table with walls, tolerances, etc.


                        • Nudging is allowed.
                        • Tilt must also be enabled.

                        Table Selection:

                        • The Table of the week is selected by the winner of the previous week’s challenge.
                        • You may not select the Table of the week more than once in a three-week period. You may still “win the title” of the challenge of the week, but the honor to select the next week’s table will transfer to the second- (or third-place) winner for the week.
                        • Try to select tables that are not already in other GOTW challenges, and try to select tables that are unique to the less-dominant Visual Pinball websites (numbers 2-5!).
                        Scotty VH

                          I think we need to have a queue of eligible tables in the case where a table is not selected by the winner.  What do you think… should we establish a list and pick from the top if the winner does not make a selection on Sunday?  What should the time limit be?


                            I think we need to have a queue of eligible tables in the case where a table is not selected by the winner. What do you think… should we establish a list and pick from the top if the winner does not make a selection on Sunday? What should the time limit be?

                            I think a 24 hour selection window makes sense. After that I would just defer to the moderator. Keep a list but it can be private. I’m sure you’ll make good decisions.

                            Scotty VH

                              Sounds good to me, too, Bord.  I may not be able to get back online this evening, so in case a decision is not made by this week’s winner, then I will recommend Guns and Roses from MBPC.  There are so many awesome tables from this week alone to choose from!



                                Well, that G&R needs a bit of tweaking before it can be in the competition. Shoot the right ramp – hold up right flipper, shoot the ball back to the ramp again as it lands on left flipper. It is all to easy to repeat and gives at least 5M a shot. These guys will wear out their flippers before giving up B-)

                                Scotty VH

                                  Thanks Thalamus.  You are right about that!  We need a table…would Cyclone 1.3 work?

                                  If no one objects and provides an alternate or Joey2001 doesn’t chime in the next couple of hours, let’s go with Cyclone 1.3.

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